left. She was completely lost and could not decide on which path to follow. She does not e
ing her soft and delicate skin. Even now, she still felt some pain in
ut the gigantic two-storey building that she had just come out of seemed to be the
hbourhood but today is not a good one, or at least not for her. All that occupied her mind a
act location and how to find her way home before proceeding. However, to
six calls from her boyfriend, Tyler. He dialed her number late at night. Seeing the logs of calls, she wante
r ugly predicaments in life would be over. Now more than ever
thing to help me out here
he merciless rays of the sun and started to look around for a
the gates of the mansions to get the address from one of the securiti
y on her left-hand side. "Surely that billboard will be a
ably see if it had an address on it. Arriving at the billboard, she saw that it was a poster of a
dress was written, and soon she found the address. It stat
n Twin Sparks Is
it is a part of the island for the bourgeoisie, but she had never had any cause
ecked her purse to check how much she had left. When she saw an empty purse staring back at her, she could not hi
was sure of returning with her, she had not bothered to take some extra cash in case of any eventuality. But t
knew about William's Fox Court, getting home would be in the next hour, and if she were fas
own the offer of the maid in Don Nick's villa to bring her breakfast, and now she regrets such a