packet concealed in the Cossack uniform. Forgotten were the multiplicity of duties incident to his service as a member of the "kitc
f making any certain motion a given number of times for the purpose of developing different muscles. Instead he merely placed h
their attention. When he received an answering wave of the arm from Ned he delightedly began sending a message by means of the well-known semaphore code. Although the lad possessed no flags or other me
ins. I wonder how they got free of the searching party. Things have been coming prett
aeroplane. The next moment Ned had stepped clear of the machine and began waving h
s 'Can.' Now here comes 'U;' 'Can You.' Here is 'G,' 'E,' 'T.' 'Can You Get-.' Now he says 'A,' 'W,' 'A,' 'Y.' That's 'Aw
ment was to go west, probably to Verdun, where Jimmie had heard that heavy fighting was taking place.
their co-operation in an attempt at escape by Jimmie, when sudden
was near. For some strange reason the lad failed to comprehend the information give
observe the footsteps of the approaching soldier. Suddenly he felt an arm thrown about his neck. He
he lad tried to kick and strike at his unseen
struggles were useless, and spent his entire energy in an effort to stiffen the cords of his neck, hoping to assist his breathi
the fact that you are but a spy and that information you ar
en had he been so minded, the condition of his wrenched neck and strained muscles prevented sprightly con
s is why we have not had better success in our campaign. We must fight not only the
demanded Jimmie in
and the active nose, with its habit of turning up toward the sky
w," was the lad's impertinent response. "An
e other Russian spies down there in the city. You will not need a name after to-morrow, or possibly after this evening, if Herr C
nd you're not shot, but in the language of the little old Unite
uzzled manner. "How can a man be half-s
half laughing. "From all appearances you'd like to stand me u
he soldier. "You spe
ace where I dumped its contents into the ditch and we will go back to camp. I hold no resentment agains
wer in a low tone, cold as ice. "Just now you will appear
uzzled Jimmie. "W
his hands in a gesture of despair. "What
y we'd be stranger still. Yes," he added, "I think we'd be s
a trace of impatience tinging his phlegma
well get the trouble off our minds. If I'm to be shot for keeps
ptor, his heart was heavy, for he well understood the danger of his position. He could hope for little nursing from the peculiar German
resolutely forced a smile to his freckled face and bore himsel
w limits of his beat, carrying his rifle in the prescribed position. In accordance with regulations, he was equipped with his full outfit, including a vicious looking sword
t Jimmie's conductor had an urgent message for the Captain, the sentry ordered them to remain where they were while he hailed the
he guard returned and, after exchanging a few words in a low tone
m to the Germans a predatory animal, and while he would have been willing and was even anxious to dispel this notion from their minds, he well understood that nothing he could do or say would be of effect in this direction.
y been directing certain movements of troops, using the maps to further explain his instructions. Jimmie's entrance had interrupted t
might be, Jimmie let his glance fall to the map, where he
transportation of troops by rail, and that Cracow would be the next stopping point,
lance Jimmie comprehended the fact that he could expect little mercy from a man whose whole ambition in life seemed to be unquestion
t Jimmie to the tent, "this Cossack has bee
e implied sneer in the term "Cossack," bu
? Must we always be troubled at criti
let his glance wander about from one to another of his aides. His eyes rested for a
answered the questioning glance. For som
for yourself, young ma
ugh before I enlist
e secret information,
ted the lad in wi
en what is it you have in that little packet you took from the
mie's hand clutch