boys saw Jimmie at the hilltop being captur
work. Up to now we have been only playing
real work'?" was Ja
iment, and you can plainly see how closely they are watching him.
ient ammunition, fill the tanks of the Eagle with some of this gasoline, get aboard a lot of canned goods and s
t it?" remarked Davi
to know Jimmie very well or you would mean
the alert when we approached? Wouldn't they jolly well shoot us f
Havens, the aviator, in British Columbia by dropping from our aeroplane to that of
never met him. It is not so much his ability I question as it is the possibility of o
tful manner. "We'll have to introduce you to Mr. Ned Nestor, the champion aviator of the Wolf Patrol of New
you were at it?" asked Jack quizzicall
arry with a glance of pride in Ned's direction. "As the Irishman wo
tunts that seem marvelous, but I agree with Dave here that unless our chum has some way
extreme. So great was his faith in Ned's ability that he woul
Russian cache back there in the cellar, and make ourselves scarce
he matter of getting out of Peremysl is concer
nd starting back toward the base of supplies the boys had disc
paring to follow his chum. "What do you ne
soline wouldn't go so bad," stated Ned, picking up one of the
Watch me give an imitation of a Boy Scout carrying water for the e
d could not repress a laugh of merriment and appreciation of the light-hearted manner
the underground cavern they had recently quitted, "there's plenty for us in that storeroom, and all we need to do
ome cartridges," stated Jack, "and it will go pretty hard with a
to be postponed, I'm afraid, until such time as we are more nearly ou
ith a covert wink at Harry, "somebody is always taking the joy out o
usly. "Besides," he added, "it wouldn't be strictly in accor
e things that have happened during the last few days and weeks,
ave the Germans been
ture and treatment of Jimmie sufficien
a right,' and, according to my recollection, number ten of the Boy Scout laws states that a sco
h we all know so well, states that a scout
onsider shooting a German a good turn?"
ing closely upon Jack's heels. "Would sh
Jack. "I can easily understand how some
cavern which they termed their base of supplies, "these poor fellows here are not abl
a Russian soldier lying in a huddled heap u
gazed upon the spec
ns," he said. "And I guess that might in
l war business will get on my nerves directly
Eagle was accomplished without untoward incident. In a very short time the boys had succeeded in placing aboard the air craft sufficient fuel and provisions from the abandoned
ck, wiping the sweat from his forehead.
replied, glancing quickly but carefully
e engine I'll slip back and pick up one of those rifles I saw, f
arted away. Turning t
bloodthirsty as Jimmie himself. But," he
n emergency. This delicate piece of mechanism was located at the carburetor, and was called by Harry the "starting stove." Its office was to warm the gasoline to such an extent t
ciently before Jack returned, carrying a rifle, together with
l 'get out of town,' as that Montana fr
levers, which were in Ned's grasp. Harry fou
tion on the ground. "We're just in time.
licing the town, had discovered the activity of the boys in the vic
instantly. Ned's foot was pressed upon the cut-out lever, and the resultant roar from the engines precluded absolutely the possib
sted. Ned lifted his foot from the cut-out lever, throwing the exhaust from the eng
oment before and the comparative quiet
the fabric which was bearing the boys aloft. Fully able to appreciate superior mecha
riendly nod to Jack. Greatly to his surprise, Jack was not to be seen anywhere in the
e cried. "I don't
response to David's query. For a moment only the boy lost control of the great machi
ourse of their craft toward the open air high above the ruined city. But the lost distance was sufficient to
ing, tearing sound assailed the ears of t
ry with a slight tremble in his voice.
d Ned, shaking hi
lowed instantly by the clang of a bullet