gh he was the son of a Hebrew prince, Joseph did his work faithfully and wisely as a servant, and was soon made steward of the house, and was trusted with all that his master
im over the other prisoners, and trusted him as Potiphar had done. It was the
ervants to prison because
ef butler, who always handed the wine cup t
because they could not understand them. Joseph asked t
branches budded and blossomed, and the blossoms changed into ripe grapes, and he t
thin three days the king will take you out of prison, an
ace, and speak to the king to bring him out of prison, because he had been stolen
aid that he dreamed that he carried thre
cooked meats for Pharaoh, and the bi
butler, but he told the cook that in three days he would be put to
ler to serve at a birthday feast, but he hanged the chief cook. Yet the chief but
e thought he stood by the river of Egypt, and saw seven
thin and poorly fed, and the thin and poorl
ne stalk-and they were all full of grain. After them came seven thin heads of wheat
dreams, and called for his wise men who worked
the young Hebrew who had told the meaning of his dream, and that of the chief cook,
u canst understand a d
d the king hum
id, "God shall give Phar
ad told his dre
ows, and the seven empty heads of wheat, meant seven years of famine, when the east winds should spoil the wheat, so there would be nothing to reap in time of harvest and the people would want bread. H
ad taught him to interpret dreams, and had showed him things to c
ver the whole land, and nex
ce, and gave him an Egyptian name and an Egyptian wife, so that there w
tored the grain, until it was like the sa
d Ephraim, and then the seven years of dearth began to come. Whe
; what he say
ses, and sell wheat to the Egyptians, and to the peop