d hills, they also grew very wicked. They forgot God, and all the thoughts of
oyed themselves, and
is come; make thee a
It was to be a great floating house, more than four hundred feet long and full of rooms, a
earth," said the Lord, "and everyt
th his wife, and his three sons and
make room for a little family of every kind of bird and beast tha
him to do, and seven days before the
ouse, and through the window in the top came flying the little families of birds and insects, from the tiny bees and humming birds, to the great eagles, and through th
higher, covering the hills, and creeping up the mountains, so that eve
ent out a raven and a dove. The raven flew to and fro, but the dove
he returned with an olive leaf in her bill, and
ns with an
he did not come back. So Noah was sure that the earth was gett
p and cows were to find fresh grass, a
e made an altar of stone, and offered beasts and birds as a sacrifice. When he looked up to the sky there was a beautiful rainbow. It was God's promis
wer, or temple, on the plain of Shinar; or perhaps they had grown proud and wicked, and wanted a temple for the worship of idols; but the Lord changed their