img Great Hike; or, The Pride of the Khaki Troop  /  Chapter 10 FOUND AT LAST. | 62.50%
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Chapter 10 FOUND AT LAST.

Word Count: 2290    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ut the scheme to waylay the leader in the great hike, in case he proved to be a representative of Hickor

oung fellows in the car may have gone on ahead, to pick out a favorable place for the a

ght had come to him that perhaps he might discover the car in hiding; th

onger bothered looking either to the right or the left. In

ng sun had sunk in the west, and left a legacy of red and gold

me a little more favorable. Perhaps it was because the trees were farther back, allowing more of that glow from the west to reach them; or else the shading

in the same direction in which they were even then headed. This he did by noting that the mud had been splashed forward, so that it struck trees ahe

leader. Little things that others would have neglected to notice, or which, if seen, might be looked upon as mere nothings, assume

im. They were quite satisfied to leave the arrangement of things in his hands. All Toby and Nat wanted was a

It stood at just thirty-five miles then. And if, as they suspected, Lil Artha, the gallant Hickory Ridge representative, was

eckless blades in the Fairfield car had declined to wait for darkness to come in

his speed down until they were not moving along

to the left, boys, as

o do whatever the leader wished, a

might stand for a str

y've jumped Lil Artha already?" demande

hold over till it got dark enough s

When I ask you to help me look for any signs of a free-for-all scrap, I don't bel

r in which he uttered the words it could be plainly s

immage would escape. A lot of boys engaged in a wrestling match would be apt to leave many traces on the road; for knowing Li

covery; and instantly Elmer gave the signal for a stop. With his hea

ady to attempt the reading of such signs

yes ope

" he asked, as

d seen something that ought to

of," replied Nat, se

ent on the other, hardly knowing wh

el that's been scraped clean. When do we get a snack, I'd like to know?" Nat re

rowled Toby; "to stop us just when my machine had got

didn't stop you-never dreamed of such a

gain. "Not much time lost, and I've made sure that Lil

sked Toby, hardl

e half-hard mud. That tells as plain as print the car must have passed him back here a little; for if he

ighty clever idea. Takes you to think up all those things. That's what you

e case of some fellows it would be necessary for them to have about fifty years' experie

try to find traces of a scrap?" asked Nat, as

ll keep it up,"

ve gone ahead, what's

ge, "what's going to hinder them lying in wait, and jumping out o

um mighty soon now. That track was fresh, and I've an idea i

ch a positive thing. They could not imagine how it was done; and as their glances met

ff in a line, with Nat, as usual brin

although the shadows played around the spot so densely that even the sharp eyes

unes they were so vitally interested. So away they tore, letting the engines out for all they were wor

ow as it dropped a little in the distance. Was it possible that Lil Artha could have passed beyond the extreme limit of observation? I

nd just before the road took its slight downward pitch? Surely he had see

made it a point to carry a couple of big red bandana handkerchiefs along with him when about to

ng that some of the Hickory Ridge boys were following on his trail, had stepped aside to let them pass. And that waving of

en note how he carried his khaki jacket over his

had finally come to the point where they were about to join forces with the gallant fellow who was on

ike a good scout, believed in paying him the respect due his office. Under ordinary circumstances they were chums and

rised to see that the other was bringing his motorcycle to a slow down,

with the idea of giving him fresh courage to plod along over the ten

ums as he walked along, the tall scout stepped out

y nice in you, hunting me up just to say howdy and

but one other besides you, Li

t's the use of telephones if you don't use 'em? I called up and found out, you see. But don't you worry one minute. Why, I ai

er, all right!" excl

rcycles trundling them along; "we've followed you all the way from Hickory Ridge, wh

. "Say that again, won't you, Elmer? Me kidnaped! Say

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