img Storm-Bound; or, A Vacation Among the Snow Drifts  /  Chapter 5 WANDERING THROUGH THE DRIFTS | 31.25%
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Word Count: 2127    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

f scouts who turned and looked at each other af

of antlers he had!"

Toby, shaking his head dismally, as he put a hand on the pit of his stomac

to imagine they saw things. Ain't it always the thirsty traveler who sees the mirage on the desert, and thinks he can hear the gurgle of the runni

chose to question even his own eyes, the others made

e had happened to have a gun in our hands how easy it would have been to bowl that fine buck over. And then th

tolen," said Elmer, "but even in our misfortune you

rown off his face. He don't believe what he sees, and yet he's grieving wors

y have noticed that he went off in about the same direction we expect to head in when we st

im a start, until on looking a second time he made it out to be only George, who was prowling

ater there was a satisfied expression on his face; and noticing

right; I saw his

thing like five minutes when the sun suddenly looked down at them, d

he meal was finished in record time; but then perhaps that was not to be wondered at, for the supply had run far short of

etty fine; now bri

shelter was taken down, though they had some trouble with the rubber ponchos, as they seemed to be frozen stiff und

threat good, and had his wonderful snowshoes on. He struck out bravely enough, and at first seemed to be able to easily outstrip his companions. This caused him to feel an

ly this tir

il Artha remarked, turning a grinning

, though it's never a laughing matte

pection proved to be Toby's feet. He had lost his balance while negotiating a big drift, and in spite of the assistance af

usiasm as he once more started off. He was learning that even innocent looking snow-shoes may have tra

larly about once every fifteen minutes, until finally even T

things off his feet, and sling them over his back. "Uncle Caleb'll teach me how to use 'em; and besides, Elmer, didn't you

t of talk showed the determined spirit that always gets there in the

ilot of the expedition made it a point to pick out the easiest course, avoiding m

shape of game, little they cared whether it might be a covey of partridges, a rabbit that w

he while, on account of weariness, and the difficulty of pushing through the sn

them, now and then disturbed when some rotten limb broke under the weight of snow, and crashed to the ground; for in the beginning, before it b

g echo of a woodman's ax, or hear the hello of a hunter returning to camp with game on his back, what a thrill must ha

this. Could they have glimpsed smoke curling upward a mile ahead, to tell them of succor, doubtless even George, who was more w

lves entangled in a network of difficulties, and there were still other experie

sort of stuff in him, just as Elmer had known all along. He did not complain even as much as Toby did; though perhaps that worthy was soured by

ger, for the sun would soon be ready to set in the west, and they mus

ere gradually getting harder all the while. When a parcel of well grown boys, with the healthy appetites of their kind,

cribed, and his was the eye that had to pick the course, avoiding all the difficult drifts as much

t times, being short of breath; and occasionally flounderi

ver ready to call to Elmer did he but discover a moving, dun-co

particularly adapted for carrying their owner through floods of snow or water. Lil Artha kept his gun ready at all times. If game that had been made

vy fall of snow it wisely remained in den or hollow tree, waiting for a change in the weather before venturing forth. Hunger would eventually compel most of the animals

boys watched the queer actions of crows when holding what Toby called a "cawcus," as though trying one of their number that had been caught doi

crow mightn't go so very

ch. What d'ye take us for, Lil Artha; think we're a bunch of defeated politicians, do you, that have to pay an election wager? No crow for me until

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