img Storm-Bound; or, A Vacation Among the Snow Drifts  /  Chapter 3 THE LONG NIGHT | 18.75%
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Word Count: 2713    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

st old camp any of us ever found ourselves stuc

he rubbed his ears, and then held both ha

d that's get out those warm skating tuques; they'll keep the

You see, I'm so much taller than the rest of you it takes harder work for my poor heart to pump warm blood al

"take my advice, and rub it hard with a lot of snow. That'll take the frost out, and st

thankful for, with this fine fire, and a protection against the storm. Pe

rub is pretty skimpy, say what you wi

hat Toby's uncle mightn't have enough in stock to go around. They felt pretty heavy when we carried them, s

a hastened to comment, "and if we'd only glimpsed this sort of box

'll show how scouts can take things as they come, without making m

bble over the fire," suggested Toby; "though it se

orge, in sheer disgust, "and I hope that after my ey

he Wolf Patrol, and who had been known to walk in his sleep; George, once he snuggled down, with his blanket tucked all around him, was like a regular Indian mummy. The

ound something wrong with every corner of the depression that he tried; here it was a root that jabbed him in the ribs

s allowing him his choice, he was finally compe

a pad, while mine stick out like the joints of a scarecrow. And say, don't you think I'm going to have a tough time of it stowing these long legs of mine away? Chances are they'll push out in the night, and when I wake

as close together as possible. In this way perhaps they might not secure a great abundance of decent sle

s mates. But having known what it was to be exposed to the rigors of a cold storm, since he had braved a Canadian winter

dragged sl

red how terribly long that night did seem. And yet none of them rea

ll the others in turn. Then their strange surroundings had more or less influence upon them. Not that there was any furious noise, such as would have accompanied a summer gale; but the we

he outside place when lying down was

r of George would have complained bitterly had he been compelled to crawl out of his snug nest

s chums might benefit. In other words Elmer was what you might call an ideal scout. He seldom had any trouble about practicing those twelve cardinal principles that govern

e been well on toward the hour of three in the morning, as he judged from cer

r, and there was much more than a foot of snow on the ground,

leep, for he did not wake up again until a

ys!" the voice went on to bellow, and he recognized the tones as belonging to George, wh

as it congealed in the frosty air. Elmer knew that t

, as Toby sat up, and began to stretch his arms upon which

shaking quite a lot of the feathery stuff out of the

there until the fire got good and warm. He urged every plea he could think of, saying they would only get in each others' way by crowding; and that too many cooks always spoiled

e, long-headed Elmer had provided against such a contingency on the evening before, fo

f the greatest inducements to raising one's spirits ever discovered. When shivering with the cold, and hungry as well, the world looks pretty b

led the noses of the boys; nothing could beat that for good cheer-"if only they had

found that he had already caused more than half that was on his

p to think what a small amount of stuff we've got along with us, and the bad

ocean for days and days. Well, they always have to go on half rations, both with food and fresh drinking water. Anyhow

the old white stuff; I hate it!" Ge

w you look at things. For my part I don't hanker after snow one bit right now. Seen all I want to of it to last me all winter; but then what's the use bothering your head about things that can't be changed. It

ow Elmer here found a way to pull his chums out of a hole, like he always does," and Toby, while saying this, gave the

uldn't say the storm is nearly over, because it's coming down as hard as ever, and goodness knows when it means

mber," Lil Artha declared, "and always di

. We've proved that on many a hard-fought field, baseball, football and hockey as well.

ried onions and fried potatoes; now if I've got a third of a chance to get what I'm wishing for, even that much would fill a long-felt want. But say, none of you see any grub com

ut the rest of us have feelings as well as you, and i

d to roll you out of this hole into the snow drifts!" threatened Lil Artha, pretending t

another word to say; but if there's got to be any ejecting done

having his mouth full did not make any reply. Lil Artha deftly snatche

gry feeling swinging around, it's going to be no one-sided game. Others can feel empty as well as the Robbins family pet. But let's

shelter. The fire itself was cheery; but beyond this lay the piles of snow, the grim trees with their white arms extended like monuments in the burying ground at Hickory

y homes, so far removed; or it might be trying to picture the cheery scene Lil Artha had spoken of when

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