img The Air Mystery of Isle La Motte  /  Chapter 6 A CAPTURE | 50.00%
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Chapter 6 A CAPTURE

Word Count: 3575    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

so that he could observe anything approaching by either of two other points of

explain this,

s and names of classmates. You needn't

haw demanded, but his eyes were narrowed as he focused them on the surrounding br

of that yo

n instant he dragged forth one of the pair who had come to head him off, but galloping hoofs and wild oaths proclaimed the departure of the other th

him move." Pat promptly stepped over the man, who howled in terro

Bob whispered

here just as those lads were getting funny?" He spoke so sharply that the younger boy w

there and I couldn't get it going until w

in that car?" He gave a little nod and stro

esn't belong to us," Jim sh

ke a thorough inspection. "What's in t

harply, then added. "A

that comes along like a letter S, deep and steep on both sides almos

hed with relief as he realized that t

on, but we'll take another look into it. D

as the t

there now. I wish you'd fly o

it to him,"

and make a report. I'm no end obliged to you. If you hadn't been on the look-out I might have had a nasty fight all by my lonesome. Wish you'd get away as soon as you can and drop this to my chief. You di

u watch us. If we see any more surprise parties com

ething in my territory during this beat. I'll be moving." He raised his voice and handed the note to Jim, then began in a louder tone. "Sure, I suppos


lish as the throttle was opened

ity. He saw Pat still penning the captive to the earth, but not a glimpse did he get of another human being in the neighborhood. The plane zoomed a thousand feet, leveled o

front?" he asked

ly, until she was only five hundred feet in the air, then they noticed the man-on-post come out, and level his glasses upon them. Jim raised his arm, and at the right moment he dropped the message

inspecting the present they had received so unexpectedly. The first man waved his hand and duck

s in the State of New York. They selected a plateau with little timber and some kind of stream. They glided to the landing place, and presently Her Highness was standing like a gre

ome of these marshmallows?" Bob p

crackling cheerily, and then they prepared to enjoy themselves thoroughly. Mrs. Fenton had put in almost a loaf of home made bread and butt

e able to take us up," Bob grinned broadly as

t sparingly?"

. "When I come to think of it, I don't know where

full, you'll be lucky." With that threat, they fell to and ate with keen appetites, and when Bob fi

I feel

d the tiny coil of smoke that rose in a wavering line from the fire, which was burning low. Aust

en doing while we tanked up," Bob remarked

that ravine waiting for the fireworks, the chaps who were parked there

r little play. Reckon, they beat it to their headquarters to tell the other fell

old the Chief, whoever he is, to surround the ravine and

un. Gosh, they would have got Bradshaw if

ome scrap, you bet. B

him, he's better off than if he were twins, or two policemen," Bob laughed as

e the silence again. "Gosh, Buddy, remember that story o

t set their brains to working and they wondered why the smoke went up. Queer isn't it when you think that a little thing like that

paper bags they made their fir

Gosh, I'm glad we don't live at a time when people were so ignorant t

e the people are mighty savage. Dad says in some of the South American provinces they've never been able to conquer all the tribes, or civilize them. Th

aces some time. Lindbergh must have seen some mighty inter

his wits about him?" Keen admiration for the Lone Eagle silenced them f


appearing, but I find I have a little vacant space which needs fueling." At that th

be soaring along

we can see any of the smoke from

. You want

asket, stored it into the cock-pit, poured water over the embers of their fire and c

s well. "She did a good job this morning." He took his place a

st left. Caldwell watched his controls as they raced at three thousand foot height. Jim thoroughly enjoyed the inspection and occasionally made a note of something especially interesting, and often called his buddy's attention to the rolling globe. In less than an hour they

south," Jim suggested t

glance it was as deserted as before, then Jim saw a coil of smoke rolling up into the wind. Concentrating with all his attention, he saw that some sort of shack was on fire, and just below the

irly clearly, and they watched with tense interest. At one end they made out the Canadian policemen closing in on the desperadoes, who seemed to b

Bob exclaimed excitedly. "Suppo

ee the finish of the fight. He knew that his brother would be in accord with the plan, so he proceeded to carry it out. He zoomed higher, kicked the rudder, raced the engine and was soon pounding at three thousand feet, where he leveled off for the ring, and started to fly so they had a grand view of the drama below. Jim kept his glasses fixed on the gully, and as the p

hangout, a means of slipping into the United States or Canada whenever they wanted to, and they would need quite a force of men in order to keep themselves well posted on the habits of the men who patrolled t

e arms of other officers if they did manage to reach the top. He studied the group of men firing furiously from behind the brush pile and rocks, then he wondered why the men on top did not fire down at them. That was soon answered, for he saw that the edge was steep and soft, and even as he watched, he saw a man slip. His companion grabbed him by the arm and sa

e that to put them out of business," Jim lamented. He couldn't help feeling that although it look

t looked as if it was used very little. It was about a mile from the ravine in an especially isolated section and Jim's eyes swept the vicinity as he thought that the huckster must be nearing his own home, but there wasn't a house for miles, and as near as

nstead he dismounted with agility, with some sort of huge bundle in his arms, and in a moment he was standing on the rim of the wag

a few minutes, Her Highness had passed over the end of the ravine, so Bob zoomed again, banked, and came about. He didn't propose to miss anything. In that brief interval, the red and blue truck had been

stretched in rows, only two men in the one nearest the blazing shack, while the Mounties were making their way forward cautiously. As Jim watched, he saw the rear row of outlaws slide swift

ar and he didn't want to take his eyes off the event even for an instant. Quickly he swept the country-side for a cave entrance, and the


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