They're going to get away." Bob looked over the side to s
nging Her Highness around in a half circle. Then Jim had an idea. He pulled his note book from his p
s a truck, Pedro's, but it's got a green cover, a
ying B
ng up through the brush, but they were not firing, and the boys guessed that they expected to close in on the bandits, feeling sure the men could not escape. Jim glanced about for a we
adians to allow the thing to fall close by them and not fo
ghness about, and sent her over so they could get a good look at the scene in the woods. While they watched, two men slipped across the road and jumped into the back of the huge fruit truck, which was moving slowly. Caldwell clenched his fists as he realized that the fellows would surely slip through the officers' fingers and he looked at
and climbing at top speed. The wind shrieked through the wires and threatened to rip the wings from the fuselage, but the pilot did not stop until he was thirty-five hundred feet and some distance behind the truck. Then he leveled off and the drama beneath them looked as if it
was sitting calmly, but flushed as Her Highness' tail dropped; nose tipped foremost, then began to spin slowly, held up by the force
ung body was on the alert, hands and mind ready to carry out his scheme. Once they struck an air-pocket that bounced Her Highness in a most undignified manner, rolling he
up to, Buddy, but I'm ri
It's more likely to be that, than it is to do any good," ans
r own umbrella
ered Bob, then add
t help
it's wide enough so we can get i
, but it will take some fancy landing to get the wheels on the road and miss those trees at the side. They grow like a wall
can't get by, or turn back, and all I hope to do is delay them, but that may help, if I do it. Keep a sharp lookout and
the gate. If you need any help, I'll tell St. Peter you
lying to get him even to look at
noted one thing in particular for which he was thankful. No one seemed to have noticed the falling plane, and that might be in their favor. Also, he thought ruefully, it might not. If the Mounties heard them dropping out of the sky,
in those spear-like pines, or wrecked on the treacherous road, the men behind them would instantly open fire and riddle them with bullets before they could move in the co
f the truck as it slipped over, then, in another breathless second they were over the road, the w
ce of the driver and did not sound at all like the musical tones of Pedro. J
r about," Bob direc
of the way,"
edly. "Our engine stalled. Guess we got som
out of the way, fa
-pit as if something was out of order, and after a minute, during
Bob tried out the motor. It thundered smooth as silk, the pl
il he was ready to fly, for there wasn't a foot to spare on the road ahead, which curved sharply. Frantically the step-brothers tried out this a
e to sit still a moment longer, so he climbed from
this way before," Jim answered inno
here anyway?"
sh up in front of you, that would have been something to cuss about. It takes hours to clear up a busted plane and she digs a hole in the ground te
be out of here by the time I get my engine started, or I send y
r is greatly appreciated," Bob answered, an
ternoon, maybe we won't be lonesome
ro snappe
own wave length. You don't own this end of Canada. What are you doing here? If you c
gue out at him,
and I'll tap him for sap, he's full of it. Run along, old boy-don't
out of
s nervous so we can't tell whether t
r, Jim caught a glimpse of a man's face, and heard a soft signaling whistle as some one called the driver to his seat. Quickly the big
for those Mounties, but they're afoot, or hor
In a moment more the engine was racing again, then it really did stop, but this time it was by accident and looked
ace turn green with terror. "Lively now, no funny business." Pedro literally tumbl
ouching 'em,"
zens and you ought to know better. Stand on your feet." Then the
hand on 'em,"
ef of the outfit. Jim guessed that he was playing for a few minutes to give his men time to close in, then he snapped again, "Cuff him. You boys let fly." Immediately the truck wagon was literally alive with men swarming over it. The doors at both ends were jerked open, and in another se
was bundled back, this time each was securely hand
out of the hole, Chief. W
group came stumbling forward, the man went on, but his
radshaw repl
em to headquarters for
eed. "What'll we do with Her H
Her Hi
s introduced a
was a tiny smile on the chief's lips and a twinkle i
, unless they are
" Jim declar
ds," Bradshaw informed them. The chief dismounted a
s," he smiled and they both thought he was a
uch of anything
r he was less fussed and shook
"But we'd have been wash-outs if it hadn't been for Her Highnes
right, or has somethin
Bob declared emphatically. "Noth
ow, can you get her
a close shave, b
next time you are in Canada, look me up, there's somet
ighty glad
se parties with all the world looking on
glad to have you dine with us some evening, only just
be fun,"
t when we're not having corne
the curve gracefully, zoomed and climbed. Both boys waved at the men, and a moment later Jim saw the truck load of outlaws
thing left in that basket?"
are eating it back there in that ravine. You nut, y
t's basket. Say, hop down in some town a
rry. We can get her one when we d
et another to take back with us, and something bec
r rush?" Bob dem
omorrow? Well, we can't lose all your aunt's baskets and ex
arest," he announced, so gravely he turned Her Highness' nose in the direction of the town, because, whe