img The Book of All-Power  /  Chapter 3 THE GRAND DUCHESS IRENE | 15.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 3604    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

nd presently he heard the steps of his daughter passing along the corridor. He opened the door suddenly and stepped out, and she jum

eep, Israel Kens

n so mild a tone that she took courage. "

at three o'clock in the morning, she was dressed for the s

hy I am dress

se in the street, an

Save your breath, little daughter. Why shoul

to augment the red glow

d, "I have been waiting fo

interviews which had taken place in Kieff and in other towns-the details of which she could never recall. And she was filled wit

ch is on my dressing-table

hesitation she got up, went to the dressing-table, and brought back a small box. I

ensky," said the old ma

lid and looked within. On a bed of black velvet was a tiny convex mirror, about the size of a sixpence. She looked at this, and was still looking

ice, and she obeyed. "You cannot open them," said

ot open

, Sophia Kensky, where

n she gave, as near as she knew, a full account of all that had taken place. Only when she came to describe Bim and to tell of what he said, did she flounder. Bim had spoken in a foreign la

ke?" he asked, not once but many


e old man. "Think, Sophia Kensky! Who will

ow," she ans

ent in her voice, and Israel Kensky r

u wake, you shall not remember anything that happened after you came into this house to-night. You sh

eplied slowly, and walked w

hen the grey dawn showed in his windows at six o'clock. He blotted the last letter and addressed an envelope to "The Most Excellent and Illus


e morning that saw Israel Kensky engaged in frantic le

ig-wig and may be very useful to you. Our wells, as you know, are about thirty miles outside Kieff, which is the nearest big town, so you may be seeing him

t on, "but I know very little about her. Yet another n

?" repeated Malcolm with a

u'll have very much to do with him, but he's

ypewritten sheet covered

to Kensky. He knows just as much E

as anxious to meet this important personage, he did not leave his letter, but went into the City to lunch with an old college chum. In the afternoon he decided to make h

ter midday when the Yaroslavs were due; and he was to discover, on inquiry of a policem

said the obliging bobby. "The bo

a man a little over middle age, wearing a Russian uniform; but Malcolm had no eyes for him-it was for the girl who sat by his side, erect, haughty, almo

r mounts before turning into the crowded Strand, the girl turn

ion, but the stiff figure of the elderly man at her side who raised his hand with an automatic

e at his side. "Well, I'

lt hat at a rakish angle. The butt of a fat cigar was clenched between his teeth, a

, wasn't it?" asked the

Grand Duke, I

o was t

e d

young peacherino-gee

but was not prepared to expr

aking with evident sincerity, "is wa

hable man, but there was something about t

said Mr. Cherry Bim again emphat

off, and the little m

at has he done?" ask

other airily, "but I jus

d Malcolm; "I nearly missed them.

ucky man,"

ve see

herry with an inward groan. "My! I'd

man with a new inter

sked, and the

d be no trouble. But what's the matter

he hesitation in Mal

worrying about hu

the startl

like to slip me two dollars and you're afraid of me throwing i

d handed half a so

omething to e

er as Malcolm was turning

" asked the young

the other seriously. "I like

no use giving you my address, beca

ry Bim scratched his unshaven chi

hen, with a little jerk of his head and a "So l

given up his search for this will-o'-the-wisp but for the fact that his new employers seemed to attach considerable imp

ing at a theatre. This time the elderly landlady of the house in which Mr. Kensky lodged informed him t

sky, though he lived in one of the backwaters of civilization; though his attitude to the privileged classes of the world-in which category he placed Malcolm

which Malcolm had brought

English. "I have been expecting you

which he cast curious eyes. The paraphernalia

h Russia do nothing but make bombs? If I had not an aptitude for business," he said (he pronounced the w

" said Malcolm, who kn

said Kensky, "and also it help

might assist a millionaire merchant, for in those

auses. Kensky looked a dozen times at the clock, and on the second occasion Malcolm

going t


w it. And the Russians are strange people.

nce lay, and dismissed this as an oblique

ke your acquaintance and shake hands with you," he said, rising, af

ertain you. I am turning over in my mind so many possibilities, so many plans, and I think I have come t


can help me. I am a stranger in London. Tell me,

staggered by

he admitted. "I am a comparat

are so much Greek to me; you could discover it by inquiring of t

driving at, but the old man

he is coming to me. Again I ask for y

ndow, pulled aside th

d in a whisper. "You

The door opened suddenly and a girl came in, closing it behind her. She looked first at Kensky with a smile, and then at the stranger, and the smile faded

ss to her, bent down

gentleman is a friend of mine. T

d in Russian, and with the sweetest smil

speech were for the Jew. He brought a chair forward for her, dusted it carefully, an

e," she said. "It was s

ess receive


pleaded, "you do not believe

aid the old man. "Here in London the c


lter you, Highness, as

y, "and"-she hesitated, and a shadow passed over h

shook h

which could not be put on paper, and that I will tell you now. And if

gain her laugh tw

Yaroslav," he said, "has one


nd Dukedom is--" He

wly. "Why, it is Prince

rriage facing the girl; and instinctively he knew that this was Prince Serganoff, th

nd his Highness is an ambitious man. Many things can happen

her feet. "He would never

out his expr

Men and women are the s

d at him

he said slowly. "No, no,

man made

arn this, Israel

ghness," he replied eva

some foundation," she said. "And your friend?" She

nsky shoo

sible, because he will be in Kieff, and who knows w

rtly because, in spite of his protest, he had a f

ar to discover the meet

ganoff is behind this conspiracy, that he is the

man spread o

a very wicked

ust know that, Israel Kensky. My cousin is Chief of the Political Police

as eyeing her

irl, how you used to point out to me the bad men from the good. Tell me, lady, is P

not answer; for all that Kensky had sai

" she said. "My car is waiting

but Malcolm Hay, with amazi

ccept my escort to your car," he

d at him

would rathe

Highness," said Kensky earnestly

turned out of the garden into the street and did n

Russian people ar


, isn't it? Tell me, do yo

stammered Malcolm. "H

in sight of the tail lights o

stand here and watch me go. Do you know any more tha

he replie

r hand, and he

. Do not forget, I m

and walked quickly back to old Kensky's rooms.

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