img The Book of All-Power  /  Chapter 8 THE GRAND DUKE IS AFFABLE | 40.00%
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Word Count: 2696    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

rd and went to her side. "Will you walk with me to my father's pa

e unfaithful Boolba (such was the servant's name, he learnt)

ake your horse," she said.

ooked the man straight in the

ess, it is ordere

come, turning into the big square fo

or some time, and it was

nk of Russia, Mr

head round at

o many foreigners in the Kieff region that you should be unknown to the Grand Duke,

," said Malcolm. "I came especiall

le," she replied dryly. "I have been to Ca

r English is so

ught not to have said 'ukhoditzay' to people-you only say tha

what happened to your servant? I thought I saw him on the outsk

re in Russia one ought not to puzzle one's head over such things. Whe

, and when she spoke

lava, boiling and spluttering and rolling slowly between

banks will ever break," said M


rn up Russia,

l. "Father believes that t

e w

e fought to establish the hegemony of the Slav over Eastern Europe tha

think there

ard so ofte

id, a little impatiently

azing superstitions, and suddenly Malcolm remembered the book in his pocket, and was about to speak of it, but stopped himself,

story of the b

ok of Al

ile as he had

powers which of course he does not possess. They believe he is a wizard, that he can bend people to

shionable quarter of Kieff with its great stone pal

ring new silks-he is the greatest merchant in Little Russia. He even tel

ood," said Malcolm humorous

tly her Grand Ducal Highness had no gre

om the road, a confusion of roofs, windows and bastions, as though the designer had left the working out of his

meet them. He was a mild-looking man of medium height and wore pince-nez. Malcolm remembered that o

e you to be mixed up in this matter? The commandant has just telephoned to me. I have called for his resignation. By

yes, but both glance and intonation lack

erstand they would not have harmed the Grand Duche

houghts and who now emerged from his shell under the greatest protest. To Malcolm it seem

rvice to your Grand Ducal High

ke nervously, "but you will stay and brea

ather," sai

English, which was not remarkable, remembering

very good, very noble, I am sure. Irene, you must persuade this gen

aughter, the Grand Duke turned and hurried back into the palac

aw his emb

iled, and once more he saw that little gleam of mischie

n mock dismay and looked

he said, "but how can I come to

hese invitations but never accepts them himself! He breakfasts

tood stiffly behind him, a spectator, yet, as Malcolm felt, a participant in this small affair of the breakfast invit

," she said in Russian, "and s

turned and walked into the house, followed at a more lei

ading off and through a door which, from its dimensions, suggested the entrance to a throne-room, into a suite gorgeously furnished and resplendent with silve

ry!" murmu

ospodar an

oolba who spoke. Ma

m was the correct line to follow when dealing with Russian servants, "how came it that your mistress was a

tion at the bluntness of the

blood of new-born Christian babies and sprinkles his money so that it may be in

rugged his

is Highness all over the world." (This was a shot at a venture, but apparently was not w

ve that book, for it teaches men how they may command the souls of others, so th

ed at him in


the crooked nose. It was not a pleasant smile to see, for th

a devil, and has he not his angels on earth? It is best to be sure of these things, an

t sentence which gave his assertion a spec

give me any book,

t your lo

rongly," said

owed and

on a book which men were willing to commit murder to obtain, and he was not at

e walked to the door and turned the key, then took from his pocket the thing which Israel Kensky had slipped in. It was a thick, stoutly bound


and symbols which unlock the sealed hearts

He turned the book over in his hand, and, curiosity overcoming him, he tried to force his thumb-nail into the marbled edge of the leaves that he might secure a glimpse

d was her official chaperon, and a sour-visaged Russian priest who ceremoniously blessed the food and was apparently the Gr

he had eyes and ears only for the girl. She had changed to a dark blue c

, and he found himself rejoicing at the absence o

dream-Irene on his way to Kieff was unlikely, to rescue her from an infuriated mob (for though they insisted that she was in no danger he was no less insistent that he rescued her, since this illusion was the keystone

Grand Duchess Irene Yaroslav will be a remote personage whom I shall only see in the p

o merriment. The meal came to an end too soon for him, but not too soon for the nodding dowager nor the silent, c

looked at

clock and I have promised to go to tennis

with a return to someth

st gracious," he said, but she arreste

ucal Highness for quite a long time, so do not spoil


will cal

for both, though why a Grand Ducal Highness should be e

imself, and if his appearance was amazing, as it was to

ll and gripped th

u go so soon! I have much that I want to talk to you about. You are the engineer in charge of the Ukraine Oil

ving him no chance to complete or decently postpone his farewell to the girl, who wa

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