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Reading History

Chapter 8 No.8

Word Count: 1594    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


d the dim shed where the somewhat frail-appearing aeroplane loomed up in t

ng inventor. "I'm glad

ane, for there had been much work done on it since he had last seen it.

he lad. "But, Mr. Damon, I've got someth

it, of Andy's entry in the big race, and of

ou wish me to do?

clues agains

e-what disguise shall I assume? I think I'll take the part of a tramp. Bless my ham sandwich! That will be the very thing. I'll get some ragged clothes, let my beard grow ag

"only I don't believe you're cut ou


ry pleasant to go arou

he idea. He and Tom talked it over at some length, and then adjourned to the house,

as you are?" asked the aged inventor. "I d

but it's very necessary. Why, if I went around the Foger place as I am now

id Tom, with a laugh, "they'll know you, no

break myself of that habit. I will. Bless my topknot!

'll never do it

n ruefully, as he realized what he

er, and then burst into a laugh. The habit was

of proceeding, and it was finally agreed that Mr. Damon should first try t

the decision of the odd character. "I'll wear the ragge

as he had often done before, and for the next week he we

nor even get a glimpse inside of it. I haven't been able to learn anything, either. There are two garden

town?" asked Tom. "I should think

r. Damon, "but it seems to me as if there was something queer going on. If Andy F

in time. He was conquerin

ou propose to do

he firm answer. "There are plenty of odd jobs on a big place such as

He had on a most ragged suit, there was a scrubby beard on his face, and he walked with a curious shuffle, caused by a

one day, when his disguise was compl

t no one would see him, and started down

ain't got no wuk fo' yo', an' there ain't no cold victuals. I does all de wuk, me an

oesn't know you," sai

success, for seeing the supposed tramp lingering near the house, Eradicate caught up a s

Mr. Damo

to him, and the necessity for silence impressed upon him, he turned away, too

ng is certain: That night there came a cautious knock on the doo

sked eagerly

aid Mr. Damon. "We'll look like two tramps, and the

out anything?" a

rs of the shed, and we can get in as soon as it's l

you get it?" inq

disguise; and I haven't blessed anything to-day. I'm going to, soon, t

the shed?" asked the young invent

t we so

n set off toward the Foger home. They waited some time after getting in sight of it, because they saw a light

. Damon in a whisper. "The

inside," objected Tom. "I shou

ts," said Mr. Damon. "Bless my candlestick! bu

he turned it. The portal swung back, and Tom and his friend found themselves inside the shed which, o

e called to Mr. Damo

ch, and in an instant a brilliant shaft of radiance shot out, cutting

d stretches of canvas of an aeroplane. It only shone on the bare walls of the shed, and on so

's nothing her

ht!" agreed Mr. Damon

is aeroplane?" asked Tom in a whispe

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