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Reading History

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 2111    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ans Di

s preparing to retire. There was no mark of injury upon him, and at first, as he kne

s. Baggert, as he held up his father's head, and

I heard him fall, and ran upstairs, only to find him lying there,

The telephone, of course! Why didn't I think of that at first? Please telephone for Dr. Gladby, Mrs. Baggert. Ask hi

on with the physician, who promised to call at once. The engineer was s

er in readiness for possible use by the doctor. Mr. Jackson aided Tom

Tom, as he noticed that his father was still unconscious. He hastened to prepare the st

at. He would be left all alone, and how much he would miss the c

going to die!" exclaimed the y

om and Mr. Jackson had succeeded in forc

ppened?" asked the a

"You are ill, father. I've sent for the do

ed man. "Something hurts me-here,"

d on his parent consulting a physician some time before, when Mr. Sw

doctor come?" murm

y going in and out of the room

per reported. "His wife said he

later, and cast a quick look at Mr. Swift,

self-reliant young inventor. He could meet danger bravely when it threatened

s not dead yet, at all events, and while there's lif

eyes, but he seemed to gain strength from the remedies which Dr. G

overdo yourself. I'll be in again in the morning, and now

med stronger. "I can't imagine what happened. I came upstairs, after

nt. "The minister wasn't here this evening! That was Mr

calling here to-night," Mr. Swift said bla

last night, Mr. Swift

And I came upstairs after talking to h

k," advised the doctor. "You'l

ion man," protested Mr. Swift. "I never used to

"It will all come back to you in the morning. I'll stop in a

ggert and Mr. Jackson rem

" asked Tom earnestly, as the doctor prepared t

it is. That is, it is comparatively serious, but it is curable, and I think we can bring him

would never have happened had he not been run down from overwork. That is the principal trou

nge lapse of m

his brain too much. The brain protests, and refuses to work until r

new wirel

needs, and then his mind and body will be in

ent an anxious night, getting up every two hours to administer the medicine. Tow

declared Dr. Gladby when h

better," admi

ber about Mr. Gunmor

shook his head,

said. "The minister is the last

as a common feature of the disease from which M

me building a speedy aeroplane and trying fo

ot going to try, at least not right away. But, Tom, if you're going to build a new aeroplane, I want

hysician. "You must have a good rest first, Mr. Swift, and get

the big prize, but the doctor would not hear of it. Tom, however, began to make rough sketches of what he had in mind changing

he worked several days drawing the plans for it. It was a new idea in c

e said. "As soon as he's well e

library where his father was seated in an easy-chair. Dr. Gladby had said it would not now harm the aged invent

t is a very small monoplane, to be sure, but I think with the new principle you have int

e did not often disagree with his father. "I'll show you

rom the library to get the model of which he had spoken. He left the

e library a few minutes later, "when you warp the wing tips in mak

in his chair, with his eyes closed. The lad started in al

call Mrs. Baggert, when Mr. Swift opened his eyes. He looked at Tom, and the

"I must have dozed off, Tom, while you we

you were ill again. Now, in this model, as

the table where he had left th

laimed. "The plans I left on

table, where you put them, when I closed my eyes for a little

gazed wildly about the room.

said Mr. Swift, "I ought not

ped to pursue Andy Foger. The casement was open, and Tom noted that the screen was a

ed, as he picked up from the

is it,

g. It is no good, but it was in with

n here and taken the plans of your ne

the window with them. On the way this paper fell out. It's the only clue we have. Stay here, dad. I'm go

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