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Reading History

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1817    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


"I don't know what this cheerful camouflager of mine is talking about, but we'll have

Tom, dat's whut I

say he's

ne eat sauerkraut 'mostest ebery meal. Dat's whut

ou know t

p on annuder man's ticket into de sec

men from another shop entered Number Thirteen on the pass issued

t he done,

o you

it. Yo'-all done made me a


'lar men. Den he went in de unlucky place an' stayed fo' a long time. When he come out

r the old colored man was feeble, and most of the

art some new sauerkraut, an' he could sample it if he liked. So he went wi

ght, after all, and one of my workmen may be a G

he had no right to go into Number Thirteen. That's a violation of

he can't do!" insis

t?" ask

an' yo'-all knows how dat mu

is fellow will find a way of keepin

white trash ob a giant is all right fo' guardin', but he ain't wuff shucks at detectin'!" said Eradica

egin to believe you can," re

e mule Boomerang was kept. That is, the stable was insecure from the standpoint of a jail. But the sig

Koku?" asked th

ut he approach his head very close my

d," laughed Ned, as he

k at your prisoner. Open the

," advised Ned.

fired at Koku. There isn't much to fear with the giant ready for emergencie

a bloody rag on his head, and he seemed to have made more of an effort to esc

laimed Tom. "So it

ering. Then a change came over him. He straightened up, saluted as a soldier might have done,

for the Fatherland! I have failed. Now you will ha

ly. He looked keenly at t

k that could not, by any possibility, be considered as used against your country. You are

failed. If it had not been for Eradicate-Well, he

hardly a trace of German accent, but t

do with him,

chwen," went on the young inventor, "I'm sorry about this, but I shall have to give you

rman to the effect that he was n

"and will have to be interned. I had hoped to avoid this, but it seems it cannot be. I am s

r, and then a search was made of his room, for, in common with some of

rs, enough was revealed to show

d it over. "There's no telling how long this spy work may have been going on. If he has

be saying things you don't want to, Tom and no

"But if things go right I'll not have to keep silen

s chum. "She feels your silence more

if Schwen hasn't spoiled everything. Look here, Ned, these pap


slate it offhand. But I'll make another attempt at it. And here's one from

ied Ned. "That's my

bly trying to communicate with Schwen. But the latter didn't get the information he wanted, or, if he

im. This enabled the German spy to gain admittance to the secret place, which Tom thought was so well guarded. The man who let Schwen take the pass was in th

and it was surmised (for Schwen would not talk) that he h

st the "Spy Tree," as To

ared Tom. "Well, if all goes well, there won't be so much need for s

st?" asked Ned

eby invite you and Mr. Damon to come over to Shop Thirteen day

nt, and he waited anxiously f

mused, as he left his chum. "And I guess Mary will be, t

a fact which Ned learned on the m

" Tom said to his chum. "I gue

given into the charge of the United States authorities. A closer guard than ever was kept over

n a telephone message from Mr. Damon informed the young bank clerk that the

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