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Reading History

Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 1342    |    Released on: 01/12/2017


ink it's all ab

I don't

ring to start for the Swift place, it being nearly nine

t all like himself of late. He's working on some invention, I kn

ing-doesn't want even to speak of it. How he got exempted I don't know, but I d

mon. "Well, we'll soon know, I

has come to it was when Harry figured out that Tom had a band of giant elephants which he was fitting wi

-um-elephants-and wild giant ones, too! Bless my circus

ungainly careening about the enclosed yard of Shop Thirteen. Hello, there go Mary Nestor and her father!" and Ned p

said Mr. Damon. "There's plenty of room

e rear seat while Mr. Damon and Mr. Nestor were in the front, M

ing will go all ri

ou mean?"

little bit anxiou

you what it

ent he seemed worried. I guess it's a big thing, for he ne

osed, I fancy. But how is it you aren't going to the dance with

with him. It's a dance for the benefit of the Red Cross to get money for comfort kits f

n Ned, with a little

deeper, but the ki

elling of Liberty Bonds, the Red Cross work and the Surgical Dr

the war," said Mary, and as there was just then a lull in the

get busy. There are some young fellows in this town that ought to be wearin

only to-day, that one of his inventions-a gas helmet that he planned-is in use on the Western front in Europe. Tom gave his p

cried Mr

did. Talk about

wly. "Do you suppose it's a test of another gas

open. He probably waited until after sunset so the neighbors wouldn't come out in flocks. There's been a lot of talk about what is going on

helping with gas helmets. Those Germans are barbarians, if ever there were any, and we've got to fight them the same way

etzels!" ex

's that,

d pret

stor's voice los

We agreed that whenever he got excited I was to say 'pretzels' to him, and that would make him remember. We mad

e most obstinate, pig-headed Dutchman that ever tackled a plate of pig's k

ls!" cr

y dear. I was f

er the talk had run for a while in other and s

. We'll be at Tom's place

pted by a low,

at?" asked

as if some big body were approaching down the road-the tr

ug!" suddenly crie

an immense, dark body approaching them from across a level field. The rumble an

ponderous moving body, and above

ay! We've lost co

. Damon, "that was Tom Swift's voice

new invention!

t?" asked

ed. "It's a giant mac

cloud of dust, and with a rumble and a roar as of a dozen express trains fused into one, the runaway giant-of what nature they could

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