Ned looked at one another. There seemed to be something back
amer with us, is
learn this?
hone to you about it, as he was too busy to call up on the long distanc
Bumper want us to do anything special, now that it
be careful what you did and sai
fear somethi
nderground city, but that he may be the first to discover the idol of gold. It would be a great thing for a y
r decided to go on the same ste
honorable man, as well as a brilliant student. I do not believe Beecher or his party would stoop to anything dishonorabl
n mind the prospective race between himself and Fenimore Beecher for the regard of Mary Nestor. "We'll do our best to win, and
ith two expeditions after the
rved Tom grimly. But even he did not realize all
for leaving were nearly completed, went back to Waterfield, from there to p
hum a day or so after the visit of Mr. Damon. "Everything is packed, and as I
of two. "I've got a raft of stuff myself t
I can do," began Tom
alone. It's some of the company's business,
ut along," Tom said, an
p into his trim little roadster, which under his orders, Koku had polishe
nt of the Nestor home, and Tom bounded up on the fron
in," said Mrs. Nestor, answerin
ousin's at Fayetteville. She said someth
mehow he did not feel at all cheerful. "But I t
advance the date, and this Mary did. There was something about a former sch
g inventor. "And so Mary is gone
quite certain. It depends on the
Well, if you write before I do you
here to take a ride with you; it's such a nice day," an
to come for a spin?" ask
ld to be jounced around i
des as easily as
s meeting, anyhow, so I can't com
hinking, and he believed he could do it best by himself. So it was late af
called T
and Tom called Koku to put
g wrong,"
and Ned, and finally the last of their baggage had been packed, certain of Tom's inventions and implements sent
d luck! If you don't get the idol of gold I'm sure y
the idol of gold!" s
e bad bugs," sug
," promi
h Ned and Mr. Damon, who blessed everything in sight from the gasolin
t. The trio put up at the hotel wher
ncing over the names on the hotel register a
ry! he sent me a telegram at one o'clock this morning saying he'd be sure t
observed Ned, as he glanced at the book, noting the na
ey are from New England. Maybe there's a convention going on. We
sed him no little worry. It was when Ned came back to his room, whi
o you think those professors are, w
t the lea
re of Beech
on't m
o you
go. They didn't make any secret of it. They spoke freely of going with
But where i
eaving on the same steamer we are to take in the morning they are to co
't he he
s say that he had gone to a place called
lle!" ejac
isn't far f
. "I wonder-I wonder w
ll you th
u're a regul
r in Fayetteville, so his friends here said he told them, and his call has