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Reading History


Word Count: 1146    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

wed under the tan of his chum's cheeks the young financial secretary felt pretty certain

ee her about 'someth

e members of his

ting here for hi

t be something pretty important, don't you think, to cause Be

And yet even if he waits for the next steamer h


boat is a

that? I hate dawdling al

ur goods are on board. And besides, the captain of the _Relstab_,

party aren't going with us," resumed Ned

trouble HE might make!"

h for the lost city and the idol of gold. This kind of trouble Tom and his friends ha

ried. Much as he disliked to admit it to himself, he feared the visit

ver quite forgiven me for that mistake about the dynamite box, and that wasn't my fault. Then, too, the Beecher and Nestor families have been friends for years. Yes, h

t I'll help find it first. I'm glad to have a little start of him, anyhow, even if it isn't more than two days. Though if o

is questions and making comments. Then the young inventor, shak

e sights. It will be long bef

sightseeing excursion, they found

r Bumper?" asked

ooks, papers and maps to m

Mr. D

question. Into the apartment came bur

ve been looking everywhere for you!

now?" asked Ned. "I

idea forming in his head that perhaps some one of the Beecher pa

on. "But it's nearly time for the show to start

sked Tom and

' It's great!" and Mr. Damon named a certain comic moving picture star in whose horse-play Mr. Damon took a curious interest. Tom and Ned were gla

hours later, all three chuckling at the remembrance of what they ha

ll, some da

that he was still thinking deeply of the visit of Profess

morning, for they were to leave that day, and there was still considerable to be done in seeing that the

into the wilds of Honduras. But our friends did not seek the acquaintance of their rivals. The latter, likewise, remained by themselves, though they knew d

York to Puerto Cortes, one of the principal seaports of Honduras. This is a town of about three thousand inhabitants, wit

steamer, which was a large freight vessel, carrying a limited num

assed the Statue of Liberty. "I wonder what wi

shion. And there came before him the vision of a certain "l

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