img Boy Scouts in an Airship; Or, The Warning from the Sky  /  Chapter 2 A FOX JOINS THE WOLVES | 11.11%
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Word Count: 2675    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

occupied seats on the light aluminum form under the sixty-foot wings glimpsed the Gulf of Mex

ngton, and because of a slight injury to the aeroplane while out on what Leroy called an "exercise run." Lieutenant Gates had remained

hip far out on the Pacific ocean, directly in the steamship route, would be likely to attract attention sailing over the southwestern states and Central America. Daring aviators now venture in

na until the great city of the South lay spread out before them. The distance covered by the airship in this flight was not far from thirty-five hundr

good care of themselves, and so they had rested in quiet places both Monday and Tuesday night, landing about midnight and sleeping unti

been invented by young Leroy, that it could navigate in a clear sky a mile up without being observed from below, and could also run to within a short distance of the earth without ma

they set out across the Gulf of Mexico. They soon sighted Yucatan, which is really a province of Mexico, darted over British H

with a firing squad in front. This manner of preventing revolutions is believed to be conducive to peace and also to the sanctity of human lives. Jimmi

ntance with that now model city. Those who have read the former books of this series will rem

in exploring "the roof of the world," which extends from Colombia to Argentina, north and south, through Equator, Peru, and Bolivia, more than 2,000 mi

desert, between the Pacific and the mountains. Now and then a little stream, fed by the melting snows in the Andes, comes trailing out toward the sea, but it is usual

traveled, it would have been difficult for any one to have meddled with their plans. They were t

metropolis. Lima is a modern city in every way, with, handsome streets,

h questions, laid plans to look over the wonderful city. It was necessary to station a strong guard about the machine

Amazon, and would soon pass over the Andes and drift down into Brazil. This was not far from the actual tr

d against this plan, as explained by Jimmie, who linge

atives seemed to doubt the veracity of the boys. The Peruvians knew little of airships, and when Jimmie exhibited to them daily n

urious ones stood about the roped-in enclosure where the Nelson lay, "I guess you don't know much abou

ay it

limpse of the speaker. Presently, above the heads which surrounded him, the boy saw a hand and arm extended. The palm was out,

ried out, greatly ple

"Where did

or it!" wa

does i


" was the ne

trol, C

xy," Jimmie laughed, "

w made his way through the crow

it paid to be a Fox,

eature, with bright blue eyes, long, fair hair, and a complexion which would have been perfect only for the grime upon

a moment. "I didn't mean anyth

dirty. He certainly looked hungry. The boy hesitated before replying, his hands deep in his trousers pocket

' down here at the Blue Sky Hotel. It's a dandy p

hine and burst into a roar of laughter. The crowd looked on stupidly, glancing from boy to boy, and th

hat name before. I had a room in one, in Central Park, New York, until a sparrow cop drove me

ther slim," obs

"You get your sleepins, an' no one cares whethe

herty, Clark street,

st be French,"

our name, and what are you boys d

ied. "Do you know any of the gazabos about here? I want some one to wat

e and pointed out a lanky looking individual who was studyin

ere he's given me. He's a Peruvian Indian, and in need of money. Give him a dollar

talk Unit

ust a

. First they visited a clothing store, where Jimmie looked at the best suits in stock, and measured Dougherty cautiously with his eyes. A full

id, "an' hop into these new clothes. They ain

what he heard. It had been a long time since he had been clean and properly clo

ith a tremble in his c

ay you back some

old me to pass it along. That's what I'm doin' now, and there's nothin' more to be said. When you get washed and dressed, co

iting about half the time when they were in a strange city. The little fellow had a way of wandering off alone and forgett

fore?" Ned asked, poin


trol, Chicago, an' brought him along with me. He's washin' some of

guard around the Nelson, and of numerous other adventures in the city, whic

, at the conclusion of the story. "We need some one

at?" aske

re Ned could answer the question. "The

d the little fellow. "How

t out," was the reply. "

! All I know about it, Jimmie," he continued, "is that I've been receiving telegrams which simp

ls you to get out of


sent them is out of his mind. The three received a

s to do with our being

see any c

son who delivered them to him sure wired back that they had been delivered to Ne

said, slowly. "I

people who are trying to get the cattle concession away from Mr. Lyman have secret ag

to whom?"

opez, who is on the job with both hands ou

n, "that we'd better b

w us after we ge

d all took a great liking to him. While they discussed their plans another interruption took place, and then Jimmie saw Pedro at the door, b

rship here," Mike said. "Pr

e air, eh?" cried Leroy. "I

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