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Reading History

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1661    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

e man behind it had apparently not seen Tom coming, being so interested in looking at the airship, whi

nd what are yo

ra glasses, which he had held focused on the aero

hip--on these premises?" The man hesitated a moment, and then coolly returned the gla

e where Koku, the giant, was, and beheld the big man walking

?" asked the man, and there was in his tone

at is my airship, at which you have b

the man calmly. "And th

u are interested in such things, and can assure me tha

rships?" interrupt

what your object is, I will have my assistant remove you. You are on private property, as this street is not a public one, being cut through by my father. I'll have Ko

tly. "As for this being private property, that doesn't concern

hat right h

a badge. "I'm Special Agent William Whitford, of the United States Customs force, and

asped Tom. "You want to

on the man, in a b

t ab

by airship

mean to say you suspect m

ng, except that I wanted to question you. If you'd like me

but stay within call," he added significantly. "Come on, Ned," and he motioned to his chum w

ties in town. But you may be able to explain everything," he added, as he took a seat in the library between Ned and Tom. "I only know I was

ant to know?" asked Tom, a bit impati

g!" inter

in the papers about our department thinking airships

m eagerly. "But how d

een roundly laughed at in some papers for proposing such a theory. And yet it isn't

muggling?" asked

muggled goods the other day, and among them was a sc

ere, or to someone here?" asked

urally we agents thought we could get a clew here. We imagined, or at least I did, for I was sent to work up this end, that perhaps the airships fo

ore, and he has no facilities for constructing the craft as you have. So I came to look at your place, and I must say that it l

s. If you like you may talk with my father, the housekeeper, and others who can testify that since my return fr

. This is a very baffling case. The government is losing thousands of dollars every month, and we can

on of Mr. Whitford that none of our hero's airships had t

on chief of police, who, with others, at Tom's request, had testified in his favor. "This looked like a good clew, and now it's

guess it's partly wrecked, and Andy has k

der where my colleagues are trying to catch the rascals. I'm sorry I bothered you, Tom Swift. You certainly have a fine lot of airships," he added, for

claimed Ned. "Tom

had gone. "Let's put her back in the shed, and then I'll take you down st

ad eaten their ice cream in the form of sundaes, Ned uttere

um. "This is the first chance I've had to talk to him. I'm going to ask him what sort

work for Ned's father. "Mighty queer repairs, too. Something I never did before

e yet?" asked

get their own meals. I bring the stuff in, as Andy says he's getting up a surprise and doesn't want any of the boys to s

doing?" aske

if I ever do, he wants me to make a platform for it on the roof of the house, where he can start it swoopi

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