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Reading History

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1730    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

nd came over to where Ned stood, his chum

ntor, "there's something q

k so myself, Tom. But

tions, or part of them, when there are so many better places. We're quite a distance from the Canadian bo

e saw Tom Snedecker mail Andy a letter address

on the wall of his shop. With a long sti

om the Canadian border;

t's right on the border between New Y

s nearly right. And, look here. There's the town o


ly I'm going to

you mea

he smugglers sending their goods to Shopton to be re-shipped here, to avoid suspicion, probably.

ver. I suppose the smugglers take the goods from the river steamers, land them, pack them in airships, and fly across with them. But if you're trying

hey are all off on airships, anyhow. I don't take

es in a town near the Canadian border, it is almost certain that smuggled goods ha

irships aren't in it after all, and Andy is only making a bluff at h


the carpenter is not telling the tru

may have had him doing something in the house, telling him it was repair work on an airship, when, as a matter of f

is something queer going on in Shopton. The Fogers may, or

t the Fogers are concerned in the matter. If they're not, then some one else in Shopton must be guilty. But

going to see

ll him what I think. Come


ve just got a little more work on the carburetor. That

e in Shopton, and all sorts of rumors were flying about regarding them. Mr. Whitford, the hotel clerk said, had gone out of tow

Shopton, before they go away," said the clerk to th

ss not! A man's house is his castle, sir! That's what it is. No one shall enter mine, no matter if he is a governme

oods concealed, have you, Colone

"No, sir! Of course not, sir! I pay my taxes, sir; and all my debts. But no government spy is g

as quite a discussion underway concerning the rights of

ight be the guilty ones, but no nam

, and as he and Tom came in front of it, they heard a poundin

g mighty close,

, and in the evening, when Ned came over, Tom propose

r the hotel. Once more they passed the Foger house. It was in darkness, but, as the two lads sto

in there,"

he wants to lead that sort of a life. Well, everyone to th

, in times past, had been occupied by the gardener of the Foger estate. Now, that too, was closed. But, in front of it stood a wagon with a big canvass cover

ee that?"

you hear tha

ouse," went on Ned. "Maybe it's there that the smuggl

e know, and what we think may be the case, but don't make any rash statements. We migh

ht. I'm

hurried on to see Mr. Whitford. To say that the custom officer was astonishe

he exclaimed. "You may have done a

the boys

als red-handed. You can have the honor of representing Uncle Sam. I'll make you assistant deputies f

m what he had learned. They were eager for the raid, and it was decided to go to the Fo

ons about, and no attention was attracted. The other agents left the hotel o

and I will go up the steps first, and knock. If they don

chums accompanied the chief custom agent. He rapped loud

then a voice which Tom and Ned reco

do you

me in," replie

ho are

ficers, from th

l, and then a bolt was drawn. The door was thrown back, and there, con

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