img Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airship  /  Chapter 4 TOM GETS THE MAP | 16.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1891    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

the bully that he could neither move nor speak. Then, crying

as! To deceive Abe Abercrombie in that

ho, being a slow thinker had not understood a

explain. He's trying to get ahead of us, I guess, but we'll stop him!" Thereupon Tom flung himself against the do

m, pounding on the door. "Come out, or I'

was no

I say!" r

ggested the miner, who had hastened to T

away over the lots and fields in the rear of his father's premises. Andy had climbed out of the back window of the shed, into which Tom and Ne

realized that it would be useless to give chase, for Andy had too much of a start. There was nothing to do but to turn back, and Tom

affairs," remarked the lad, a


location of the valley of gold, doe

what i

ndy happen

an', of course, when I see this house, an' the shed, an' had a glimpse of th' airship, I, of course, thought it was your place. An', though you'd never told me about it, I thought maybe this

, "But I'll get it back, if I have to cau

runned a

nly one copy of the map of the va


ou make

mostly made by my old partner, who was with me when we discovered th' valley of gold, an' was druv back by th' savage

ad! Then you can't m

amazin' stupid of me, old Abe Abercrombie, t' be

y, as he swung on toward the Foger house. "I'

he rich man, father of the bully, was rather surprised at the

tain coldness toward our hero, since the latter had defeated him in an effort

son has just stolen a map belonging t

d Mr. Foger. "How dare you make

map is returned to me at my house to-night I

ver dare

on, or you, exactly five hours to return that map-if i

ense!" blustered Mr. Foger. "

plenty of evidence," went on Tom,

g of the kind could have happened. But Tom was firm, and Abe Abercro

r, and if I find that my son has anything of yours, you shall hav

nd that he has carried the joke too far," and

Abe, as he and our hero trudge

eceived by such tactics as Andy used-that is any stranger. And

didn't. That's what t

n't know what his object is, and I don't care. Just

we do

ff on my own hook, to find Andy. B

housekeeper and Garret Jackson. They expressed their surpri

, "and when I do-" He didn't finish his s

nts, though Tom visited them all. Nor was

ear out the warrant," decided Tom. "I'll give hi

given up, as it was getting toward late afternoon, when, as he came out of a billiardroom, where

r!" cried the young inven

t ab

ell. Where's tha

en't g

k step was beside the bully, and

one, Tom Swift

?" and Tom gave A

where it is! I just took i

? And you t

d. Now you

re telling me the truth or not,


want to see if t

better let me go! My father told me to ta

ero that warned Andy not to trifle with him. So, concluding that discretion was the better part of valor, A

is captive, Tom rang the bell. His father ca

asked the young i

here a few minutes ago

ght one, Abe?

at as soon as I laid my eyes

and if I ever catch you in another trick like this,

ly, as he fled down the front walk, as though afraid

ked the lad, as he followed his

it is," and he spread a crinkled sheet of tough parchment in front of Tom.

eh?" murmured Tom,

nger on a certain spot. "Right there-hello!" he cried, as he peered more closely a

ot?" asked T

ted a small one near the edge of

ly made," added Mr. Swift, wh

murmured Tom, "Dad-Abe, I

emanded t

is possession, and now he knows where the valley of g

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