img Tom Swift in the Caves of Ice, or, the Wreck of the Airship  /  Chapter 7 READY FOR THE TRIP | 28.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1513    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

ere covered with mud from the ditch, some of the muck had spl

atter?" pante

t?" asked Sa

ad hurried to the

came down, that's what's the matter! Why didn't you fellows fix the motor better

," declared the taller machinist. "Any

d," came from Andy. "Now look a

man, after critically looking it over.

ly, as he wiped some of the mud from his face. "Come on, n

e off the ground, and then, amid the jeers of the crowd, the discomfi

flight," he declared. "I'll show

eh?" asked one of the machi

nish everybody in Shopton," and then Andy, with many nods and winks, went into the shed, where he began giving orders about the airship.

that in Andy Foger they would not have a very da

y of the map, and, as far as he could see, there was no way of getting it from him, for he

matters over with his father, Ned, and Abe Abercrombie. "If Andy and some of his cro

I reckon," remarked Abe. "They'll get all they want of the cav

ipment to Seattle. We will send it on ahead, and then follow, for it wi

mon?" asked Ned. "

y minute, and, again, he may only show up just as we are s

ivate office in the aeroplane shed, where

here?" a

e recognizable as that of

it, Rad?"

ell you dat de blessin' m

repeated Tom. "Oh,

o I done mean. An' dere's

spoke Tom. "Well, tell t

comin' up de pat

m and the others h

shed, and had not seen the airship, for Tom had it packed up. "I wonder if Tom

e caves of ice. I think perhaps they may be working south, and, in time

oor of the shed he called out: "Here we are, Mr. Damon. Glad to see you,

f the airship?" asked Mr. Damon, as he looked about

e valley of gold and the caves of ice," replied the y

the eccentric man. "Mr. Parker and I

details," and, after Mr. Parker and Mr. Damon had been made acquainted with the old

helping our hero, Ned and Abe Abercrombie in getting ready for the trip to Alaska, the gloomy scientist went

mass of ice in Alaska was working down toward the south. But no one paid much attention to him, though Tom recalled, not without a li

matter of Andy Foger having a duplicate map of the valley of gold was discussed, but it was agreed that nothing could

e was needed to help his employer. So Tom, Ned, Mr. Damon, Mr. Parker and Abe Abercrombie made up the party. Tom arranged to send

as he was coming past the Foger premises he saw a number of large v

y're taking a queer time for it." He paused a moment to look at the

hing!" the bully called out arrogantly. "If

!" exclaimed one of the dri

ou have to be so careful?" asked

hipping an airship, all taken to pieces, and he has nervous prostration fo

ending away his airship?

itka or Sitka, or some such place like that. It's a

ured Tom in dismay. "Then he surely is goi

ly rang out on the night, urging the drivers to be

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