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Reading History

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 2149    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

said he would accompany the young inventor, there was a silence in the workshop. Then Mr. Swift laid aside t

g--I know enough to predict that. I rather wish you

ly. "Pack up and come along with us." Lovingly he pl

o old. Home is t

Damon, "you're not so much older than I am,

my new gyroscope. I'll work on that while you and Tom are searching for the city of gold. But, Tom, if you're going you

him if he can't get me a better map, and also learn more about the location of the city. Mexico isn't such a very large place, but it would be if you h

we can get," declared the odd man. "Bless my

"I'm going to write to Mr. Illingway at once

mon. "Come on in the house, Tom. Bless my ink bott

Mr. Swift with a smile, as his son and their visitor left the shop. Then he once more bent over hi

or a little while--my old readers, I mean--while I tell my new

ures and invent flying machines. Of the latter the lad had a goodly number, som

le, when it started to climb a tree. Mr. Damon was thrown off in front of Tom's house, somewhat hurt, and the young inventor took him in. Tom and his father lived in the village

he was named "Eradicate" because he "eradicated" the dirt. He used to do odd jobs of whi

xed it up, and had many adventures on it, not the least of which was savin

ft. Following that he made his first airship with the help of a veteran balloonist and then, not satisfied with adventures

er water, and naturally he turned his attention to that. But he made an electric car inste

ed the castaways of Earthquake Island, and among them was Mr. Nestor, the father of Mary, a girl whom Tom thou

. Barcoe Jenks, who eventually took Tom off on a search for the diamond makers

he caves of ice in search of treasure, and how his airship was wrecked is told in the eighth volume of the series, and in the next is related the details of

h a Mr. Durban, a great hunter, to get elephants' tusks, that he rescued Mr

e dark continent a new airship, the Black Hawk, and but for this he and h

first chapter of this book, sent Tom the letter about the city of gold. Mr. Illingway and his wife wanted to stay in Africa in an endeavor to c

rips. He even had an airship made, and followed Tom to Africa. There Andy Foger and his companion, a German were captured by the savages. But though Tom saved his life, Andy did n

d had gone with our hero on many trips, including the one to Africa after elephants. Mr. Damon also accompanied Tom many times, and occasionally

for Mary Nestor, and thought his father the best in the world, and liked Mr. Damon and Ned Newton above all his other acquaintances

had now returned to the village, and had lately been seen by Tom, riding around in

amon when, after about an hour's work, they had j

e lad. "If he answers all of them we'll know more abo

answer. It will take several weeks, for they don't have good mail servi

ith the one we have I'd take a chanc

over the prospective adventure as was Tom. "I'm going back h

ake you home to-night in the sky racer. I want to talk more about t

I'll stay, but I suppose I shoul

ng been posted, that Tom, his father and M

Illingway can't send a bet

one of the golden images if I have to

Tom looked up quickly, to see Ned Newton, his chum, entering

nately. "Sir, there's great news. It's

at are you t

to Ned all about the great quantity of gold

nventor. "We can't get along without you. Mr. Damon is go

ed Ned, slowly, "I'd like it, above all thin

central part of Mexic

d Ned, holding up a hand

ed the young inve

long the hall," repli

at some one was approaching along the corridor leadin

ked Tom a moment later, relief show

keeper pushed it open, for it had been lef

that Andy Foger is waiting for you in

!" gasped T

le ago, before we came in the library, and he's probably been sitting in the parlor ever since. I thought he

red Tom. "He's been there some time. I wond

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