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Reading History

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1825    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

irth and could not even laugh aloud, and as for Andy the whitewash running down his fa

ndy succeeded in wiping some of the liquid from his face so that i

cried. "You've nearly killed me: You'll suffer for this! My

asped Eradicate, hardly able to speak from laughter. "Yo' su

on't you dare laugh at me, af

it over yo'se'f, dat's what yo' done did. An' I jest cain't help laughin', honey

hing. He was wild at Eradicate and would willingly have attacked him, but the whitewash was beginning

e of the whitewash brush, no unformidable weapon. So Andy contented himself with ve

her. I'll have you, and your old rack of bones, your

oved possession. "Lemme tell yo' one thing, Massa Andy. I'se an old colored man, an' I ain't much 'count mebby. But ef yo' dare lay one fin

faced Andy. The bully shrank back. He knew b

ing to forget it. Tom Swift put you up to this, and I'll t

h'in an I ain't. He ain't eben 'round yeh. An' annudder thing. Yo'se t' blame to' this yo' own se'f. Ef yo' hadn't gone fo' is kick de buc

angrily at Eradicate, and then swung off down the road

' make mo'. But I doan't mind," he added cheerfully, and then, as he saw the woe-begone figure of Andy shuffling along, he

ight," commented t

rick on you now," commented Ned. "He'll

If he tries any of his gam

e to start for the city

while to get ready, and then we've got to wait to hear from Mr. Illingway. I wo

day." Ned was employed in one of the Shopton banks, an institution in which Tom and his father owned

suit me," spoke Tom, "and I

to have any business deal

my sky racer? I want to go over to Waterford and see Mr. Damon. We can talk about our

noon. I've got to

eanwhile I'll be tuning up the motor. I

shed where he kept his speedy little air craft. Meanwhile Eradicate went on whitewa

to complete. It was nearly noon when he finished, and leaving the sky racer in the open space in fron

ousekeeper when she objected to his appearance, "an

ng your lives in those aeropl

with a laugh. "Just think how often street cars coll

what happens

they fall you don't have time to thi

on't wait for your father. He said he'd be late as he wants to find something about his gyroscope. I nev

in before his s

here to see me a

u ask?" inquir

out by the aerop

d, and hurried to where his sky r

ot in sight, and a hurried inspection of the aeropl

" asked Mr. Swift, as

to some of his tricks. He had a little trouble with Eradicate this morning, and h

on the aged inventor. "He hurried off--when he noticed me, bu

ye open for him, though. No telling what Andy'll do. Well, I

speed, the propellers whizing so fast that they looked like blurs of light. The sky racer was held back by a rope, as To

ied the young inventor as h

er nine hun

op in, and I'll cast

old the aeroplane for him while he mounted. He could pull a

d then Tom, grasping the steering wheel, turne

peed until, with a deft motion, the young inventor tilt

ugh he had often taken trips with Tom, ever

se of the craft turned in the proper direction they sai

ear when they were near their destination. "Then I can make

til it was well over the town of

e noise of the motor. Tom nodded in reply. He, too, had picked out Mr. Damon's large es

sky. Tom grasped the rudder lever more firmly. He looked

it?" ye

an't throw her head up! We're going to smash into the gr

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