img The Motor Boys in the Clouds; or, A Trip for Fame and Fortune  /  Chapter 7 IN GREAT PERIL | 23.33%
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Word Count: 2325    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

d. There was plenty to attract attention beside the airships, for there were several amusement

we saw all we wanted to of Noddy," said

y, "to judge by the tents wher

gested Ned. "We want to

dy Rush. "Are you

e day," re

with a smile. "Well, it's not a bad idea. I want to

at a program he had purchased. "We've got an hour y

some more of the fre

constructed buildings, where from ten cents to a quarter w

, which revolved a two-bladed propeller in front. Another was a sort of aeroplane affair, with two propell

ships through the air, instead of acting on a boat principle, and pushing them. But, even with all the power that large moto

eakish brain, that was rather warped on the side of air navigation. Some of the affairs had one or m

airs were weird in the extreme. There were machines built on the models of birds, fishes and insects, w

get a little money back by charging for a sight of them. And, very likely, the management of the carnival knew that the machines would not wo

nished considerable amusement

n devoted to the aeroplanes. Not all of these machines had arrived yet, but several were on hand, and it was announced that at

places to see,

rry. "We can get up there for a quarter each, and we'll

order to become effective. They must get some distance up in

pward on a plane of air, which catches under the big wings, while others are launched from a high pla

anes could shoot off, and once they were started the motor operating the

te a crowd, and thither the boys went, getting

iew from up here," decla

ds skim about-swoop this way and that-over our h

e Jerry. "Save your wind

he would have to postpone his trial until the afternoon. There was some disappointment and murmuring by the crowd, but when the ca

some sort of a test,

vas being stretched over a bamboo frame. In front of the main part was a smaller box-kite arrangement, that could be tilted, so as to cause the plane to shoot upward or downward. In the rear was a trian

n of the arrangement committee, "is t

fessor," murmured Ned. "We'll have to tack

t he says," co

t another. He asks your indulgence, as in a test last week he strained some of the guy

ip men," murmured Ned. "I guess each wants to have something

inventor and his men wheel the aeroplane to the foot of the platform, and then, by means of ropes an

in the air but also support heavy flags, banners and even dummy figures, as is often done, a m

ssor Dundlass was adjusting his motor. "It's

to be different

s," commente

made very slippery with soap and grease, as are the ways when a ship is launched. S

ooking at wires here, braces there, testing his propellers with his

boat!" cried a

ing with a German accent. "But first I must be sure I am

rong in a chorus, and thereaf

as many on that elevated place as could get upon it and still leav

ous feeling among those in the throng, for though some had seen balloon ascensions, th

called the inventor to those directly in front of the

plane off, and then the inventor, taking his seat in the little box-like car, told one of his assistants to start the motor. The long-bladed propellers began to whir

s he yanked on a lever, and the ten men

ed from the platform. There was a yell from the crowd, and those who, in their enthusiasm, had gathered beneath

air caught under the forward box-kite arrangement, a

" cried Jerry in his enthusias

about seventy feet above the earth. The speed of the motor increased, to judge by the more rapidly rec

those upon it had an excellent view. There was a

he turned and sailed off, directly away from the platform. When s

uietly, but so great was the silence maintained by those watc

ming right for the platform. I wonder if he can come dow

rs. The device for changing the elevation of the plane was lo

unexpected, as there had not been so much of a breeze before

o turn over!"

forty-five degrees. The inventor appeared to be in trouble, and

operly adjusted. Then, with a swoop like some gigantic eagle, hurling itself upon its prey, the aeroplane dashed right toward t

she comes!" was

as no place to go. The narrow flight of steps, more like a ladder than anything else, l

here where we are!" cried

ou jump you'll be killed. Stand sti

y to change the course of his plane, which was now almost upon the platf

f the high place and dashed to the ground, sixty feet below, or would be hi

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