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Chapter 9 -A CALL TO THE FORT.

Word Count: 1412    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

wish I had my 20-kilowatt radio tube

ess of his return to his classes, however, inasmuch as he did not arrive at college until after Christmas, due to the delay occasioned by his adventures in South America in search of "The Enchanted City of the Incas," compelled him to devote most his t

d in England, it is true, but it had not been found practicable. Jack's tube was to be steel-jacketed and equipped with a water-cooling device, due to the heat produced when in operation. H

e mourned, "we would be able to talk not only with

h our 50-watt oscillator tube set we will be able to communicate by telegraph up

d on the latter method, in making their preparations for departure in faraway Seattle. For one thing, and the biggest, transportation was the most important item.

, put together the aerial series condenser, the blocking condenser, the grid condenser, the telegraph key, the chopper, the choke coil

struction work progressed. Several times, too, Dick arose and went to the water's edge to keep watch against surprise.

indings of the generator and drives it as a motor thus generating higher voltage in the other winding both puzzled and interested them. By the time, the set w

ssed. "Anyhow, just so yo

k assured him. "Well, now, to try to call

meson gave us a little lecture on it. He said our call would be JSN, abbreviation for his name. We were to

Bob. "Well, come on, fell

, yet each wanted to force it on the others. A friendly ar

w the Morse and Continental codes, so there is no question of ability involved. Here-" breaki

clapped him on the back, and without more ado he

t wireless station, do you thin

Jameson has found wireless so useful in policing his vast

Frank, "listen.

stood the code, th

ering. Wh

d off Frank, grinn

r sounded a

your k

ed Frank. "This is Mac


," chuckled Bob, in an a

k, confidently. "Do you k

d JSN, impuden

lf," tapped Frank. "No

w the code. But you must be speaking for him, for that's rig

ht," tap

t to interrupt. Like all men unfamiliar with telegraphy, whether wireless or by wire, he stood in awe of an operator, and believed it would be terrible, indeed, to i

he Post?" asked MacDona

k no

ling up here, and now you come along and talk across that distanc

"I want you to stand close and I'll translate what

e interrup

right. Well"-as the receptor began to click-"I guess this is Captain Jameson now

the fight, and that we're going to round up Lupo's gang and ask him how soon he can s

I understand. Just wait a b

tuation was fully explained to Captain Jameson, and that the latter agreed to start a half dozen deputies under

the season open, he can camp until they arrive, and thus keep watch over his prisoners, providing he m

closed the conversation, as the

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