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Reading History

Chapter 2 No.2

Word Count: 1393    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

planned his schemes. In the dark aisles of the forests, under starless skies when his fellow-huntsmen lay deep in the sleep which the innocent and

agics, they were also implanting in him the ability to picture possibilities, and shape from his knowledge of huma

d Bosambo unburdened

ween them, for however lax Bosambo might be, his wife was an earnest follower of the

ld her ma

provider of pence. Now it seems to me, that though he is a just man and great, having neither fear of his e

y, "is it no honour that he sho

eamed app

dagascar, which is on the other side of the world, and I know the way of white folk. Even in Benguella there is a governor who is not so great as Sandi, and about his breast are all manner of shining stars that glitter most beautifu

o, which is Allamandi,[1] I have seen men with this same style of or

e and his brown-eyed wif

i loves you, this is certain, that none will listen to you and do honour to Sandi at

ed from ear to ear, and his two row

wise, being a holy man and acquainted with blessed apostles such as Paul and the blessed Peter, who had his ear cut off because a certain dancing woman d

business, but spent the days preparing for the journey, she and the nut-b

hori village ten brothers in blood of his, young hunting men who had faced all forms of death for the very love of it

one day, and ill fortune led him to the border of the Ochori country. Ill fortune was it for one Fimili, a straight maid of fourteen, beautiful

i city when she discovered that her life would be spared, and possibly was no worse off in the harem of Tukili than she would have been in

gradation and preserved a sense of thankfulness that the robber had limited his raiding to one girl, and that a maid. But with the coming of Bosambo there had arrived a new spirit in the Ochori. Th

that we should build him a road, and there is none in this land whom I may call chief or who may speak with au

and felled trees, and with these spears he marched into the Isisi forest, burning and slaying whenever he came upon a little village wh

of the territory is a waterway. It is only when operations are begun against the internal tribes who inhabit the bush,

rce skilled in warfare and practised in the hunt. The combat lasted exactly ten minutes and all that was left of Notiki's spears made the best of their

eated his adversary, and Tukili was no exception to the general rule, and from being a fairly well-disposed king, amiable-too amiable as we have

heartily cursed his absent chief and might have cursed him with greater fervo

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