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Reading History

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1617    |    Released on: 01/12/2017

. Lokali men concealed in the bush were waiting to announce the coming of the rescue party, when N'gori sent his cry for help crashing across the world. Six hundred s

er permitting," and the signal intended to bring Bosambo to hi

d N'gori, showing his teeth,

d seen a man, who had caught a glimpse of the Zaire butting her way upstream in the dead of night. Was

rest are for the sick, the old, and the mad, and here they are left to starve and die; "for," N'gori went on, "all men know that Sandi

e chiefs of other lands, who had grown jealous of the Ochori and their offensive rectitude. Be that as it may, all things were made ready, even

night the tireless lo

our long rolls and a q

long roll, a short rol

rolls punctuated b

ng crescendo roll

s, curiously like t

rd; the N'gombi village, sent it westward, and presently first the Isisi, then the N'gombi,

es," said N'gori, and sacri

n lokali player, on the far side of the river bend. At the first

noes, riding in fanshape formation, having as their centre a white and speckless

ori dismally, "thi

ing squad of Houssas, a dumb man, taken in

eproachfully, "and if jolly old Sande

ngue, worried by its mystery. "Lo

l aglow in the early morning sunlight, at the Zaire, with her sinister guns a-glitter, and then back a

ly serious-muckin' about with spears and all that sort of thing.

oked about for a likely tree where an unruly ch

," said Bones, shaking

h!" said

e's fined t

ere are moments too full for



hief. He stood as straight as a ramrod, his hands to his sides, his eyeglas

e an ass!" he

ir," sa

f in the act of ambushing an enemy and instead of chucking hi

ir," sa

s a pain

d Hamilton, who could thin

e repeating yourself, sir. I seem to h

e of the Ochori as sick as monkey

sibility, sir," s

pocket and slowly charging it. "Naturally, Bones, I can never let you loose ag

y erect, "this is intended to be a sort of offic

" said

nour an' reputation an' all that sort of thing is being weighed in the

erously. "And if you must chuck things at me, sir," he added, as he examined the title on the back of the missile, "will you avoi

amilton, and his second-in

od Lord, we've been gassin' a

rious subject, Bones. Everybody is awfully disgusted wi

rd! He looked such an ass, an' moreover reminded me so po

mpressionable folk. This much Hamilton was to learn: for Tibbetts had been sent with a party of Houssas to squash effectively an incipient rebellion in the Akasava, and having c

been seen save by Bosambo, who was reported to have more than h

sing stages of which I have described, and sentenced his wholly inefficient subor

ed Bones in dismay when the finding of

iling in my job of work if I didn't make

t. You aren't going to make me go about in that beastly forest diggin' rifle pits an

f all who endeavour to profit by your misguided leniency. I shall be back in time for t

ly old heart!"

paying his annual visi

hrough the gloom of

hat silly idea of field training? What about sticking up a board and gettin' the chaps

hered him wi

the Zaire as her stern wheel went threshing

mal y pense!"

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