Mr Honey's Small Business Dictionary (German-English) by Winfried Honig
Ideensammlungsmethode brainstorming
illegal illegal
illiquide illiquid
im allgemeinen generally
im Ausland abroad
im Ausland hergestellte Ware goods of foreign make
im ganzen en bloc
im Gesch?ft erfolgreich sein succeed in business
im Handelsregister gel?schte Firma defunct company
im überfluss abundant
im überfluss schwimmend affluent
im überfluss vorhanden sein abound
im übrigen gleich ceteris paribus
im Umlauf befindliche Zahlungsmittel money in circulation
im Verh?ltnis proportional
im voraus bestellen order in advance
im Wettstreit liegen compete
imagin?r imaginary
imagin?rer Firmenwert goodwill
immaterielle Werte intangible assets
Immobilien immovable property
Immobilienbüro estate agency
Immobilienmakler estate agent
Immobilienmakler real estate broker
Immobilienmakler (US) realtor
Implikation implication
implizieren imply
Import import
Importbeschr?nkung limitation of imports
Importeur importer
Importhafen port of importation
Importhafen (US) port of entry
importieren import
Importland country of importation
in ausl?ndischem Besitz foreign-controlled
in Betracht ziehen take in account
in der Anlage attached
in der Annahme dass assuming that
in der die B?ren dominieren bear market
in eine Firma eintreten join a company
in Ermangelung von failing which
in erster Linie primarily
in fünffacher Ausfertigung quintuplicate
in Gefahr bringen endanger
in Gefahr bringen jeopardize
in Geld umsetzen turn into cach
in Geldverlegenheit hardup
in getrenntem Umschlag under separate cover
in gleicher Weise similarly
in gro?em Umfang large-scale
in gro?en Gebinden bulk
in gutem Glauben bona fide
in Kommission on consignment
in Kommission on sale or return
in Kommission sale or return
in Kraft treten come into force
in ?ffentlichem Besitz public domain
in Pension gehen retire
in Privatbesitz überführen denationalize
in Rechnung gestellte Ware goods billed to customer
in Umlauf sein circulate
in Verlegenheit embarrassed
in vierfacher Ausfertigung quadruplicate
in Worten say
Inbesitznahme appropriation
Index index
Indifferenzkurve indifference curve
Indifferenzpunkt point of indifference
indirekt indirect
indirekten Steuern indirect taxes
Individualismus individualism
Individuum individual
Indossament endorsement
Indossament mit Vorbehalt conditional endorsement
Indossant endorser
Indossatar endorsee
indossieren endorse
induktive Methode inductive method
industrialisieren industrialize
Industrialisierung industrialization
Industrie industry
Industriekapit?n captain of industry
industriell industrial
industrielle Erschlie?ung industrial development
industrielle Revolution industrial revolution
Industriepotential industrial potential
Industrieverlagerung relocation of industry
Industriezweig line of industry
Inflation inflation
inflation?r inflationary
inflationistische Tendenz inflationary trend
Inflationsausgleich inflationary adjustment
inflatorische Lücke inflationary gap
Information information
Informationsaustausch exchange of information
Informationsblatt handout
informierend informatory
Infrastruktur infrastructure
Inhaber holder
Inhaber einer Obligation bondholder
Inhaber einer Versicherungspolice policyholder
Inhaber eines Wertpapieres bearer
Inhalt contents
Inhaltsverzeichnis table of contents
Initiative initiative
Inkasso collection
Inkasso vornehmen collect
Inkassoanzeige advice of collection
Inkassobüro collection agency
Inkassokosten collection expenses
Inkorporationsurkunde certificate of incorporation
Inkrafttreten coming into force
inl?ndisch domestic
inl?ndisch internal
Inlandserzeugnisse home produced goods
Inlandsmarkt domestic market
Inlandsnachfrage home demand
Inlandspostanweisung inland money order
Inlandspreis domestic price
Inlandsschulden domestic debts
Inlandsums?tze domestic sales
Inlandsverbrauch domestic consumption
Inlandsverbrauch home consumption
Inlandswechsel domestic bill
Inlandswechsel inland bill
Inlansmarkt home market
Innenandresse inside address
Innenminister (Br.) Home Secretary
Innenministerium (Br.) Home Office
Innenstadt city
Innenstadt (US) downtown
innerbetrieblich internal
innerbetrieblich interoffice
innewohnende unsichtbare M?ngel latent defects
innewohnender Mangel inherent vice
Innovation innovation
ins Ausland abroad
Inserat advertisement
Inserent advertiser
Inspektion inspection
Inspektionskomittee committee of inspection
Inspektor inspector
inspizieren inspect
Installation installation
installieren install
Instandhaltungskosten costs of maintenance
Institur institution
institutionell institutional
Instrukteur instructor
Instrument instrument
intelligent intelligent
Intelligenz intelligence
Intelligenztest intelligence test
Intensit?t intensity
intensiv intensive
intensive Bearbeitung intensive cultivation
Interesse interest
Interessen der Minorit?t minority interests
Interessengemeinschaft community of interests
Interessenkonflikt conflict of interest
Interessensbereich sphere of interest
Interessenverband pool
international international
internationale Handelsbedingungen der ICC Incoterms
Internationale Handelskammer International Chamber of Commerce
Interpolation interpolation
Interview interview
Inventar inventory
Inventuraufnahme taking of an inventory
investieren invest
Investition investment
Investitionsbetrag amount of investment
Investitionsgüter capital goods
Investitionszuschüsse investment grants
Investmentgesellschaft investment trust
irreführendes Markenzeichen deceptive mark
Irrtum error
Irrtümer und Auslassungen vorbehalten errors and omissions accepted
Irrtümer und Auslassungen zugelassen E.& O.E.
Kredit mit kurzer Laufzeit short list
Jagd nach qualifizierten Arbeitskr?ften headhunting
jagen hunt
Jahr year
Jahrbuch yearbook
Jahresbericht annual report
Jahresbericht director's report
Jahresmeldung annual return
Jahresversammlung annual meeting
Jahreszeit season
j?hrlich annual
Jahrshauptversammlung annual general meeting
je Kopf per capita
je Tag per diem
jedermann zug?nglich public domain
jemandem einen Auftrag erteilen place an order with sb.
jemanden ausnehmen fleece
jemanden unterstützen back up sb.
jemanden wegen etwas verklagen sue sb. for sth.
jemanden zur Verantwortung heranziehen hold sb. liable
jetzig present
Journal journal
Jugendlicher zwischen 14 und 17 Jahren (Br.) young person
Junior junior partner
junior junior
Junior-Partner junior partner
Jurist lawyer
juristische Person corporate body
juristische Person legal person
Kabel cable
Kai quay
Kaigebühren quay dues
Kalender calendar
Kalendermonat calendar month
Kalkulation calculation
kalkulieren calculate
Kampagne campaign
Kanal canal
Kanal channel
Kandidat candidate
Kapazit?t capacity
Kapital capital
Kapital aufbringen raise capital
Kapital aufnehmen raise capital
Kapitalabgabe capital levy
Kapitalabwanderung flow of capital
Kapitalanlage capital investment
Kapitalanlagegesellschaft investment company
Kapitalanleger investor
Kapitalaufwand capital expenditure
Kapitalbeschaffung finding of capital
Kapitaldividende dividend on capital
Kapitaleinfuhr import of foreign capital
Kapitaleinsatz employment of capital
Kapitalertrag capital yield
kapitalintensiv capital-intensive
Kapitalismus capitalism
Kapitalist capitalist
kapitalistisch capitalistic
Kapitalkonto capital account
Kapitalmangel lack of capital
Kapitalmangel scarcity of capital
Kapitalmarkt capital market
Kapitalreserve reserve capital
Kapitalrückflu? reflux of capital
kapitalschwach financially weak
Kapitalspritze injection of capital
kapitalstark financially sound
Kapitalsteuer capital levy
Kapitalverkehrssteuer corporation property transfer tax
Kapitalverm?gen capital assets
Kapitalversinsung rate of return
Kapitalzuwachssteuer capital gains tax
Karat carat
Karte card
Karte chart
Kartei card index
Kartell cartel
Kartellbildung cartelization
Karton cardboard
Kassa bei Auftragserteilung cash with order
Kassabuch cash book
Kassagesch?ft cash transaction
Kassakonto cash account
Kasse cash box
Kasse cash
Kasse till
Kassenbestand cash on hand
Kassette cash box
Kassier cashier
Kassier teller
kassieren cash
Katalog catalogue
Kategorie category
Kauf (auf Rechnung) purchase
Kauf auf Probe purchase on approval
Kauf auf Probe sale on approval
Kaufangebot offer to buy
Kaufanreiz inducement to buy
kaufen buy
K?ufer buyer
K?ufer der zu dem Preis gerade noch kauft marginal buyer
K?uferland purchasing country
Kaufhaus department store
Kaufinteressent prospective customer
Kaufinteressentenliste list of prospective buyers
Kaufkraft purchasing power
Kaufkraft spending power
Kaufkraftlenkung control of purchasing power
Kaufkraftüberhang excess of purchasing power
k?uflich buyable
Kaufmann merchant
Kaufmotiv motive for buying sth.
keine Deckung not sufficient funds
Kennzeichen earmark
Kennziffer code number
Kennziffer index number
Kennziffer parameter
Kernenergie nuclear energy
Kette chain
Kettenladen chain store
KFZ-Halter owner of a car
KFZ-Steuer motor vehicle tax
Kilogramm kilogram
Kilometer kilometre
Kilowatt kilowatt
Kind infant
Kindererm??igung child allowance
Kirchensteuer church tax
Kiste case
Klage action
Klage claim
Klage suit
Klage einbringen lodge a claim
Kl?ger plaintiff
Klagerecht right of action
Klagerücknahme abandonment of action
KLammer bracket
klar clear
klar evident
Klasse class
Klassenbezeichnung grading
klassifizieren classify
Klassifizierung classification
Klausel clause
Klausel betreffend die Vertragsstrafe penalty clause
klein petty
Kleinanzeige small ad
Kleinanzeige small advertisement
Kleindiebstahl pilferage
kleinere ?nderungen minor changes
kleinere Schwierigkeit minor difficulty
kleineres Problem minor problem
Kleinlastwagen pickup car
Klient client
Knappheit scarcity
Kode code
Kodierung coding
Koeffizient coefficient
Kohlepapier carbon paper
kollektiv collective
Kollektivbesitz collective ownership
Kolonnenführer gang leader
Kombination combination
Kommanditgesellschaft limited partnership
Kommentar comment
kommerziell commercial
Kommission commission
Kommission committee
Kommission consignment
Kommission?r commission agent
Kommissionsgesch?ft commission business
Kommissionsware goods on consignment
Kommissionsware goods on sale or return
Kommunalanleihe municipal loan
Kommunalobligationen municipal debentures
Kommunikationsmittel means of communication
kompakt compact
kompensieren compensate
Kompensierung compensation
komplement?r complementary
Komplement?rprodukte complementary goods
komplizieren complicate
kompliziert complicated
kompliziert machen complicate
Komponente component
komprehensiv comprehensive
Konfektionsware ready-made
Konferenz meeting
konfiszieren confiscate
Konflikt conflict
k?niglicher Kaufmann merchant prince
K?nigreich kingdom
Konjunkturaufschwung economic boom
Konjunkturbeobachter economic forecaster
Konjunkturprognose forecasting
Konjunkturrückgang recession
Konjunkturzyklus trade cycle
Konkurrent competitor
konkurrieren compete
Konkursgericht court of bankruptcy
Konkursvergehen act of bankruptcy
Konkursverwalter official receiver
Konnossement bill of lading
Konnossement master's receipt
Konsignationsware consigned goods
konsolidieren consolidate
konsolidierte Bilanz consolidated balance sheet
Konsumgenossenschaft retail cooperative
Konsortium consortium
konstant constant
konstante Kosten constant costs
Konstruktion design
Konsul consul
konsularisch consular
Konsulatsfaktura consular invoice
Konsulatsgebühr consular fee
konsultieren consult
Konsumbesteuerung tax on consumption
konsumieren consume
Konsumlenkung control of consumption
Konsumsteigerung growth in consumption
Kontakt contact
Kontakt aufnehmen contact
kontaktieren contact
Konten f?lschen manipulate accounts
Kontenabstimmung reconciliation of accounts
Kontenart type of account
Kontenausgleich settlement
Kontenauszug statement of account
Kontenauszug der Bank bank statement
Kontenbezeichnung name of account
Kontenplan chart of accounts
Kontenüberziehung overdraft
Kontingentierung allocation
Kontinuit?t continuity
Konto account
Konto in ausl?ndischer W?hrung foreign currency account
Kontrabande contraband
Kontroll-Liste check list
Kontrolle control
Kontrolleur controller
kontrollieren control
Kontrollma?nahmen means of control
konventionell conventional
konvertieren convert
Konzentration concentration
Konzentration qualifizierter Arbeitskr?fte localization of labour
konzentrieren concentrate
Konzern combine
Konzernbuchführung entity accounting
kooperieren cooperate
koordinieren align
koordinieren coordinate
Koordinierung coordination
Kopie copy
K?rperschaft body
K?rperschaft corporate enterprise
K?rperschaft (Br) corporation
K?rperschaft des ?ffentlichen Rechts public corporation
K?rperschaftssteuer corporation tax
Korrelation correlation
Kosten charge
Kosten cost
Kosten costs
Kosten der Anlieferung cost of delivery
Kosten sparen save costs
Kosten und Fracht (INCOTERM) cost and freight
Kosten/Nutzen-Analyse cost benefit analysis
Kostenabweichung cost variance
Kostenart type of costs
Kostenaufgliederung breakdown of costs
Kostenaufstellung cost report
Kostenaufstellung specification of costs
Kostenberechnung calculation of costs
kostenbewu?t cost-conscious
Kostendenken thinking in terms of cost
Kosteneinsparung saving
Kostenentwicklung development of costs
Kostenermittlung costing
Kostenersparnis durch Massenproduktion economies of scale
Kostenrechnung cost accounting
Kostenrechnung eines Produkts product costing
Kostenrechnung für einen Auftrag job costing
Kostenreduzierung reduction of expenses
Kostenstelle cost centre
Kostenüberwachung control of costs
Kostenvergleich comparison of costs
Kostenwirksamkeit cost effectiveness
Kostenzuordnung cost allocating
kostspielig costly
Krach crash
Kraft force
Kraft power
Krangebühr cranage
Krankengeld sick pay
Krankenversicherung health insurance
Kredit credit
Kreditabteilung credit department
Kreditauskunftei mercantile agency
Kreditausweitung credit expansion
Kreditbrief letter of credit
Kreditbüro credit agency
Krediterleichterung credit accommodation
Kreditgenossenschaft cooperative credit association
Kreditgrenze credit limit
Kreditgrenze credit line
Kreditkarte credit card
Kreditorenkonto accounts payable
Kreditüberwachung credit control
Kreditumfang volume of credit
Kreditverm?gen borrowing power
Kreis cycle
Kreis sphere
Krise crisis
Karteireiter tab
Kuchengraphik pie-chart
Kummunalobligationen municipal bonds
Kummunalobligationen municipals
kumulativ accumulative
kumulativ cumulative
kündbar terminable
kündbare Obligationen redeemable bonds
Kunde client
Kunde customer
Kunden verlieren lose customers
Kundendienst service
Kundenkontobetreuer (in Werbeagentur) account executive
Kundenwechsel note receivable
Kundenwerbung canvass
Kündigung notice of termination
Kündigung notice
Kündigung eines Kredits withdrawal of a credit
Kundschaft clientele
Kunst des Verkaufens salesmanship
Kunsthandwerk handicraft
künstlich artificial
Kupplungsverkauf tie-on sale
Kursbuch railway guide
Kurstabelle exchange table
Kursverlust disagio
kurz brief
kurz short
kurz short-time
kurz einweisen brief
kurz fassen condense
kurz gefasst abstract
kurz unterrichten brief
kurzarbeiten work short-time
kürzen curtail
kürzen cut
Kurzfassung abstract
Kurzfassung precis
kurzgefa?t compact
Kurzmitteilung memo
Kurzmitteilung memorandum
Kurzwarenh?ndler haberdasher
kurzzeitig short-time
Küstendampfer coastal steamer
Küstenhandel coasting trade
Küstenschifffahrt coasting trade
Küstenwache coast guards
Mr Honey's Small Business Dictionary (English-German) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's First Banking Dictionary (English-German) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's Large Business Dictionary (English-German) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's Correspondence Dictionary (English-German) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's Large Business Dictionary (German-English) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's Work Study Dictionary (English-German) by Winfried Honig
Celine Herrera has always had to fight her stepsister, Delia, for everything she'd ever wanted from a young age. So, she isn't surprised when Delia demands to be given the family company that Celine had worked to build all her life. Since she's not the favorite of her grandfather, Delia is once again going to get what she wants. But this time, it's on a condition: whoever gets married first and gives birth to a child gets the company. Celine Herrera is ready to do whatever it takes to have the one thing that brought her true happiness. So she seizes the opportunity and, when she crosses paths with one of the most feared and ruthless men to ever exist, she does not hesitate to propose a contract marriage. She gets what she wants, but what she doesn't know is that Belshar Nessar Abed only agreed to her terms for one reason: revenge.
In order to fulfill her grandfather's last wish, Stella entered into a hasty marriage with an ordinary man she had never met before. However, even after becoming husband and wife on paper, they each led separate lives, barely crossing paths. A year later, Stella returned to Seamarsh City, hoping to finally meet her mysterious husband. To her astonishment, he sent her a text message, unexpectedly pleading for a divorce without ever having met her in person. Gritting her teeth, Stella replied, "So be it. Let’s get a divorce!" Following that, Stella made a bold move and joined the Prosperity Group, where she became a public relations officer that worked directly for the company’s CEO, Matthew. The handsome and enigmatic CEO was already bound in matrimony, and was known to be unwaveringly devoted to his wife in private. Unbeknownst to Stella, her mysterious husband was actually her boss, in his alternate identity! Determined to focus on her career, Stella deliberately kept her distance from the CEO, although she couldn't help but notice his deliberate attempts to get close to her. As time went on, her elusive husband had a change of heart. He suddenly refused to proceed with the divorce. When would his alternate identity be uncovered? Amidst a tumultuous blend of deception and profound love, what destiny awaited them?
Everyone thought Lorenzo truly loved Gracie, until the day of their daughter’s heart surgery. To Gracie’s utter shock, Lorenzo gave the precious organ needed by their child to another woman. Devastated, Gracie opted for a divorce. Fueled by her need for revenge, Gracie joined hands with Lorenzo’s uncle, Waylon, and orchestrated Lorenzo’s downfall. In the end, Lorenzo was left with nothing and consumed by remorse. He pleaded for a reconciliation. Gracie thought she was free to move on with her life, but Waylon held her back in a death grip. “Did you think you can just walk out on me?”
When they met again, Jason cast aside his paranoia and pride, warmly embracing Chelsey. "Please, come back to me?" For three years, she had been his secretary by day and his companion by night. Chelsey had always complied with his requests, like an obedient pet. However, when Jason declared his plans to marry another, she chose to stop loving him and to let go. But life took unexpected turns. His unyielding pursuit, her pregnancy, and her mother's greed gradually pushed her to the brink. Eventually, she endured tremendous suffering. Five years later, when she returned, she was no longer the woman she once was. Yet he had spiraled into five years of chaos.
After hiding her true identity throughout her three-year marriage to Colton, Allison had committed wholeheartedly, only to find herself neglected and pushed toward divorce. Disheartened, she set out to rediscover her true self-a talented perfumer, the mastermind of a famous intelligence agency, and the heir to a secret hacker network. Realizing his mistakes, Colton expressed his regret. "I know I messed up. Please, give me another chance." Yet, Kellan, a once-disabled tycoon, stood up from his wheelchair, took Allison's hand, and scoffed dismissively, "You think she'll take you back? Dream on."
She was a world-renowned divine doctor, the CEO of a publicly traded company, the most formidable female mercenary, and a top-tier tech genius. Marissa, a titan with a plethora of secret identities, had hidden her true stature to marry a seemingly impoverished young man. However, on the eve of their wedding, her fiance, who was actually the lost heir to a wealthy dynasty, called off the engagement and subjected her to degradation and mockery. Upon the revelation of her concealed identities, her ex-fiance was left stunned and desperately pleaded for her forgiveness. Standing protectively before Marissa, an incredibly influential and fearsome magnate declared, "This is my wife. Who would dare try to claim her?"