Mr Honey's Work Study Dictionary (German-English) by Winfried Honig
Idee idea
identifizieren, erkennen, kennzeichnen identify
Identifizierung, Kennzeichnung identification
im Betrieb ausgebildet factory-trained
im Gang sein to be in progress
im schnellsten Gang in top gear
im voraus bezahlen pay in advance
im Zeitablauf over time
immun, geschützt immune
Importsubstitution import substitution
in Arbeit bleiben, im Beruf verbleiben stay in employment
in Arbeit bleiben, im Beruf verbleiben stay in the job
in Arbeit verbleiben, im Beruf bleiben remain in employment
in den Ruhestand treten retire
in der Fabrikhalle on the factory floor
in einen Rang einreihen ranking
in Erinnerung bringen, erinnern, mahnen remind
in Gang, in Betrieb at work
in gro?em Umfang large-scale
in Stapeln batchwise
Indexbindung der L?hne wage indexation
Indexbindung, Indexierung index-linking
Indexbindung, Indexierung indexation
Indexvereinbarung, Gleitklausel escalator clause
Indexvereinbarung, Gleitklausel indexation clause
Indifferenzkurve indifference curve
Indikator, Kennzeichen, Kennziffer indicator
indirekte Arbeit, unproduktive Arbeit indirect labor
indirekte Arbeit, unproduktive Arbeit indirect work
indirekte Steuer indirect tax
industrialisieren industrialize
Industrialisierung industrialization
Industrialisierungsgrad degree of industrialization
Industrialisierungsgrad level of industrialization
Industrialist, Industrieller industrialist
Industrie, Industriezweig industry
Industrieansiedlung establishment of industry
Industrieansiedlung industrial settlement
Industriegegend economic district
Industriegegend industrial area
Industriegewerkschaft industrial union
Industriegüter industrial commodities
Industriegüter industrial goods
Industriegüter manufactured goods
industrielle Entwicklung industrial development
industrielle Revolution industrial revolution
Industriezweig branch of industry
induzierte Nachfrage induced demand
inferiore Güter, billige Ersatzgüter inferior goods
Inflation inflation
Inflationssockel hard-core inflation
Inflationsspirale inflationary spiral
inflatorische Lücke, Inflationslücke inflationary gap
Information, Angaben, Daten, Zahlen information
Informationsverz?gerung information delay
Infrastruktur infrastructure
Infrastruktureinrichtung infrastructure facility
Infrastruktureinrichtung infrastructure installation
Ingenieur, Techniker engineer
Ingenieurwissenschaften, Maschinenbau engineering
Inhaber proprietor
Inhaber der Produktionsmittel owner of the means of production
Inhaber einer Firma, Firmeninhaber owner of a firm
Inhaber eines Patents, Patentinhaber owner of a patent
Inlandsmarkt, Binnenmarkt, heimischer Markt domestic market
Inlandsmarkt, Binnenmarkt, heimischer Markt home market
inl?ndischer Arbeitsmarkt domestic labor market
inl?ndischer Arbeitsmarkt national labor market
innerbetriebliche Ausbildung employee training
innerbetriebliche Ausbildung in-firm training
innerbetriebliche T?tigkeit inside work
innerbetriebliche T?tigkeit internal work
innerbetrieblicher Arbeitsplatzwechsel job rotation
innere Einstellung attitude
innerer Antrieb, Motivation motivation
Innung, Zunft, Gilde guild
inoffiziell unofficial
Input-Output Tabelle input-output table
Input-Output-Tabelle input-output table
ins Erwerbsleben eintreten enter employment
ins Erwerbsleben eintreten enter the labor force
Installation, Anlage installation
installieren, aufstellen, einrichten install
Installierung, Montagearbeit installation work
Instandhaltung, Maschinenwartung machine maintenance
Intelligenz, Intellekt brainpower
Intelligenztest intelligence test
Interessenbereich field of interests
Interessengemeinschaft, Ring pool
Interessenkonflikt conflict of interests
international cross-country
internationale Arbeitsteilung international division of labor
internes Arbeitselement internal element of an activity
Invalide, Erwerbsunf?higer, Behinderter disabled person
Invalidit?t inability to work
Invalidit?t invalidity
Invalidit?t unemployability
Invalidit?tsgrad degree of disablement
Inventarverzeichnis inventory sheet
Inventur, Inventurliste inventory
Inventuranh?nger inventory tag
Investitionsanreiz, Investitionsf?rderung investment incentive
Investitionsaufwand capital expenditure
Investitionsausgabe investment spending
Investitionsgüter, Anlagegüter, Kapitalgüter capital goods
Investitionsgüter, Anlagegüter, Kapitalgüter producer goods
Investitionsgüter, Kapitalgüter, Anlagegüter investment goods
Investitionsklima investment climate
Investitionskostenzuschuss investment grant
Investitionskostenzuschüsse investment subsidies
Investitionslenkung investment control
Investitionsnachfrage investment demand
Investitionsneigung propensity to invest
Investitionszuschuss, Investitionsbeihilfe investment grant
Istzeit clock time
Jahrbuch year-book
Jahreproduktion annual output
Jahresabschlu? annual statement of accounts
Jahresarbeitszeit annual working time
Jahresbericht annual report
Jahresbilanz annual balance sheet
Jahresdurchschnitt annual average
Jahresdurchschnitt yearly average
Jahresproduktion annual production
Jahresurlaub annual leave
Jahresverdienst annual earnings
Jahresvoranschlag annual estimate
jemanden einstellen, engagieren engage sb.
J?ger, Terminj?ger chaser
Jugendarbeitslosigkeit unemployment amongst young people
Jugendarbeitslosigkeit unemployment of teenagers
Jugendarbeitslosigkeit unemployment of the young
Jugendarbeitslosigkeit unemployment of young people
Jugendarbeitslosigkeit youth unemployment
Jugendliche young
Jugendliche, junge Leute young people
Jugendlicher adolescent person
Jugendlicher teenager
Jugendlicher youth
junior, jünger junior
jüngerer Büroangestellter junior clerk
jüngerer Teilhaber junior partner
Kalender calendar
Kapazit?t capacity
Kapazit?tsauslastung capacity utilization
Kapazit?tsberechnung capacity calculation
Kapazit?tsengpa? capacity bottleneck
Kapitalausstattung capital endowment
Kapitalausstattung, Kapitalausrüstung endowment with capital
Kapitalbewegungen, Kapitalverkehr capital movements
Kapitalbildung capital accumulation
Kapitalbildung capital formation
Kapitalbildung formation of capital
Kapitaleinsatz employment of capital
Kapitalerweiterung capital widening
Kapitalflucht flight of capital
Kapitalgewinnsteuer capital gains tax
Kapitalintensit?t capital intensity
kapitalintensiv capital-intensive
Karriereleiter, Berufsleiter job ladder
Karte card
Karteikarte file card
Karteikarte index card
Karteikarte record card
Kartekasten card box
Kartell cartel
kaufen purchase
Kaufkraft purchasing power
Kaufkraftzuwachs increase in purchasing power
kein Einwand no objections
keine Beobachtung no observation
keine Verpflichtung no obligations
Kenntnis, Kenntnisnahme, Mitteilung notice
Kernzeit core hours
Kinderbetreuung child care
Kindergarten, Vorschule nursery school
Kindergeld, Kinderzulage child allowance
Kinderkrippe nursery
kinderlos childless
Kinderlosigkeit childlessness
Kindersterblichkeit infant mortality
Kindertagesst?tte daycare facility for children
Klasse class
Klassengr??e class size
Klassenkampf class struggle
Klausel clause
Kleinbetrieb, Kleinunternehmen small business
Kleinbetrieb, Kleinunternehmen small firm
kleine Zeiteinheit (0.0005 Minute) wink
Kleinindustrie small-scale industry
Kleinstbewegung micromotion
Kleinstbewegungsstudie micromotion study
kleinste Bewegung micromotion
kleinste Einheit der Bewegung basic motion
kleinste Einheit der Bewegung elementar movement
kleinste Einheit einer Bewegung basic motion
kleinste Einheit einer Bewegung micromotion
Klimaanlage air conditioning
knapp scarce
knappe Mehrheit narrow majority
knapper Akkordsatz tight piece rate
knapper Akkordsatz tight rate
Knappheit an Arbeitspl?tzen job shortage
Knappheit an Arbeitspl?tzen lack of jobs
Knappheit an Arbeitspl?tzen scarcity of jobs
Knappheit an Arbeitspl?tzen shortage of jobs
Knappheit, Mangel scarcity
Koalitionsfreiheit freedom of association
Kollege, Arbeitskollege, Berufskollege colleague
Kollektivpr?mie collective bonus
Kombination, Verbindung, Zusammenschluss combination
Kommunalbeh?rde (Br.) local authority
Kommunalverwaltung (Br.) local government
Kompetent, zust?ndig, f?hig competent
Komplement?rgüter complementary goods
Konflikt conflict
Konjunktur, Konjunkturzyklus economic cycle
Konjunktur, Konjunkturzyklus trade cycle
Konjunkturaussichten business outlook
Konjunkturaussichten business prospects
Konjunkturaussichten economic outlook
konjunkturelle Arbeitslosigkeit cyclical unemployment
konjunkturelle Entwicklung cyclical development
konjunkturelle Entwicklung cyclical trend
konjunktureller Abschwung cyclical downturn
konjunktureller Aufschwung cyclical upturn
konjunkturempfindlich cyclically sensitive
konjunkturempfindlich sensitive to cyclical fluctuations
Konjunkturempfindlichkeit cyclical sensitivity
Konjunkturindikator, Wirtschaftsindikator business indicator
Konjunkturindikator, Wirtschaftsindikator cyclical indicator
Konjunkturindikator, Wirtschaftsindikator economic indicator
Konjunkturlage, konjunkturelle Entwicklung economic trend
Konjunkturlage, wirtschaftliche Lage business situation
Konjunkturlage, Wirtschaftslage economic situation
Konjunkturpolitik business cycle policy
Konjunkturpolitik trade cycle policy
Konjunkturpuffer cyclical shock absorber
Konjunkturschwankung business fluctuation
Konjunkturschwankung cyclical fluctuation
Konjunkturschwankung cyclical variation
Konjunkturschwankung fluctuation in business activity
Konjunkturschwankung fluctuation in economic activity
Konjunkturtheorie business cycle theory
Konjunkturtheorie trade cycle theory
Konjunkturumfrage business survey
Konjunkturverlauf economic cycle
Konjunkturverlauf trade cycle
Konjunkturzyklus, Konjunkturverlauf business cycle
Konsumausgaben consumer spending
Konsumentenkredit, Verbraucherkredit consumer credit
Konsumfunktion consumption function
Konsumnachfrage consumer demand
Konsumneigung propensity to consume
Konsumverhalten, Verbraucherverhalten consumer behavior
Kontaktpflege, Meinungspflege, Werbung public relations
Kontingenztabelle contingency table
kontinuierliche Fertigung continuous production
kontinuierliche Produktion line production
kontinuierliche Produktion, Flie?fertigung continuous production
Kontraktor contractor
Kontrolle inspection
kontrollieren, überprüfen, prüfen control
Kontrolluntersuchung check study
Kontrollzeit check time
Kontrollzeitstudie check study
Kontrollzeitstudie proof study
Konvergenzthese convergence thesis
Konvertierbarkeit convertibility
Konzentration concentration
Konzentrationskoeffizient coefficient of concentration
koordiniert coordinated
Kopfarbeit, Denkarbeit mental work
Korrelation correlation
Kosten der Finanzierung cost of financing
Kosten von Fehlentscheidungen cost of wrong decisions
Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse cost-benefit analysis
Kosten-Nutzen-Rechnung cost-benefit calculation
Kostenaufgliederung break of costs
Kostenberechnung calculation of costs
Kostenbestandteil element of costs
Kosteneffizienz cost efficiency
Kostenerstattung compensation for outlay
Kostenfaktor expense factor
kostengünstig cost-effective
kostengünstig cost-efficient
kostengünstigste Losgr??e minimum-cost batch size
Kostenminimierung cost minimization
Kostenrechnung bill of charges
Kostenstelle burden center
Kostentabelle cost schedule
Kostenvoranschlag calculation
Kostenvorkalkulation estimating
Kostenübernahme absorption of costs
K?ufermarkt buyers market
Kovarianz covariance
Krankengeld sick benefit
Krankengeld sick pay
Krankengeld sickness benefit
Krankenkassen health insurance funds
Krankenkassen sickness insurance funds
Krankenversicherung health insurance
Krankenversicherung sickness insurance
Krankenversicherungsbeitrag health insurance contribution
Krankenversicherungsbeitrag sickness insurance contribution
Kreativit?t creativity
Kreis circle
Kriterium, Merkmal criterion
kritische Grundgr??e critical parameter
Kundendienstanlagen service facilities
Kundenwartezeit customer waiting time
kunsthandwerklicher Beruf, Kunsthandwerk handicraft
Kurssystem nach Neigung und Begabung (US) tracking
Kurzarbeit leisten work short-time
Kurzarbeit, Teilzeitbesch?ftigung short-time work
Kurzarbeiter partially unemployed worker
Kurzarbeiter worker on short time
Kurzarbeiter, Teilarbeitsloser partially unemployed
Kurzarbeiter, Teilzeitbesch?ftigter short-time worker
Kurzarbeitergeld short-time allowance
Kurzarbeitergeld short-time compensation
Kurzarbeitergeld short-time working benefit
Kurzdarstellung, übersicht abstract
kurze Verz?gerung short delay
kurzfristig, befristet, auf kurze Sicht short-run
kurzfristig, befristet, auf kurze Sicht short-term
kurzfristiges Umlaufverm?gen floating assets
kurzlebiges Konsumgut non-durable good
kurzlebiges Konsumgut soft good
Kurzuntersuchung check study
Kurzzeitverhalten short-run behavior
k?rperbehindert physically disabled
k?rperbehindert physically handicapped
K?rperbehinderter physically disabled person
K?rperbehinderter physically handicapped person
K?rperbewegung body movement
k?rperliche Beanspruchung physical strain
k?rperliche Ermüdung physical fatigue
k?rperliche F?higkeit physical ability
k?rperliche Leistung muscular effort
K?rperschaft (Br.) corporation
K?rperschaft des ?ffentlichen Rechts public corporation
K?rperschaftssteuer corporation tax
kündigen give notice
kündigen, Kündigung quit
Kündigen, Kündigung quitting
Kündigung durch den Arbeitnehmer, Rücktritt resignation
Kündigung, Entlassung notice
Kündigungsanreiz bei Freisetzung severance payment
Kündigungsfrist notice period
Kündigungsfrist period of notice
Kündigungsschutz dismissal protection
Kündigungsschutz protection against unfair dismissal
Kündigungsschutzbestimmung protection against dismissal
Kündigungsschutzbestimmungen dismissal provisions
Kündigungsschutzbestimmungen provisions for dismissal protection
kürzen curtail
Kürzung curtailment
Kürzung des Personals staff cuts
Kürzung des Personals staff reduction
Kürzung, Herabsetzung cut
Mr Honey's Small Business Dictionary (English-German) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's First Banking Dictionary (English-German) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's Large Business Dictionary (English-German) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's Correspondence Dictionary (English-German) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's Small Business Dictionary (German-English) by Winfried Honig
Mr Honey's Large Business Dictionary (German-English) by Winfried Honig
"'You shattered my heart into a million pieces, and now you're asking me to pick them up? You crushed my trust, and now you want me to hand it back to you? I'm still finding pieces of myself in the ruins you left behind. How can I give you another chance when I'm still rebuilding myself from the last one? I'd rather drown in my tears than drown in your love." Amy Snapped at Ryan. Cheated upon by her fiancee with her step sister, heartbroken Amy Carter found herself in a club where she drank herself into a stupor, leading to a one night stand with an unknown stranger. Pregnant and chased out of the house with nowhere to go, her life went downhill. Amy left the country to avoid further humiliation, promising to do just anything to nurture the kid in her stomach. However, she came back with her twin after six years. Finally, Billionaire Redford who had been in search of her, his one next stand from years ago, saw his chance to be with her and claim his children. Will Amy agree to the rekindling and find happiness from the one night of mistake and settle for the stranger she had one night stand with? Or do you think her ex boyfriend will win her over again after betraying her with her step sister? Read and find out....
Five years ago, he upped and left his wife without informing her. He had always felt unworthy. As a result, he decided to go and become a better man. It took him five whole years of daily hard work. When he was satisfied, he returned as a powerful and honorable man. He intended to start a family with his wife. But he got back to meet the greatest shocker of his life. He actually had a daughter!
Rena, forced to flee to escape a marriage to a man as old as her father, made a spontaneous decision to marry Kellan, a stranger whose skills in homemaking were only matched by his financial acumen and his gentle demeanor. As their marriage unfolded, it took on a comforting predictability, with Kellan consistently showing himself to be reliable in every emergency. This sense of security crumbled when Rena uncovered Kellan’s true identity and the hidden motives behind their union. Enraged, she initiated a divorce and disappeared. Yet, it was not long before Kellan found her once again...
Melanie married Ashton out of gratitude, but she quickly found herself entangled in a web of relentless challenges. Despite these struggles, she stayed true to her commitment to the marriage. In the hospital room, Ashton indifferently attempted to draw her blood, disregarding her discomfort. This callous act was a harsh revelation for Melanie, awakening her to the grim reality of their relationship. Resolved to prioritize her own welfare, she decided to sever ties. With newfound resolve, Melanie filed for divorce. In the process, she unveiled her concealed identities, leaving everyone in shock. Throughout these turbulent times, Melanie realized that Derek, Ashton’s uncle, had been discreetly protecting her all along.
Life was a bed of roses for Debra, the daughter of Alpha. That was until she had a one-night stand with Caleb. She was sure he was her mate as determined by Moon Goddess. But this hateful man refused to accept her. Weeks passed before Debra discovered that she was pregnant. Her pregnancy brought shame to her and everyone she loved. Not only was she driven out, but her father was also hunted down by usurpers. Fortunately, she survived with the help of the mysterious Thorn Edge Pack. Five years passed and Debra didn't hear anything from Caleb. One day, their paths crossed again. They were both on the same mission—carrying out secret investigations in the dangerous Roz Town for the safety and posterity of their respective packs. Caleb was still cold toward her. But as time went on, he fell head over heels in love with her. He tried to make up for abandoning her, but Debra wasn't having any of it. She was hell-bent on hiding her daughter from him and also making a clean break. What did the future hold for the two as they journeyed in Roz Town? What kind of secrets would they find? Would Caleb win Debra's heart and get to know his lovely daughter? Find out!
She was hurt. She was bullied and made fun of. And the only hope that kept her going was finding her mate. She has always been weak. Weak to the world. Why? Because she was a lantern. She didn't have a wolf. That's what everyone thought about her. When she found her mate, he wanted her to be his slut and not a wife. She might be an omega, but it doesn't mean she will take disloyalty and betrayal lightly. So she did something that no one in history ever did. She rejected an Alpha. "I, Alexis Clark, reject Brandon Sterling, the alpha of Black mist pack, and consider myself a free soul until I decide so."; Were her last words before she left that torturous place and became a rogue. A rogue that everyone was fearing and finding. Why? Because she was the rogue that has become one of the biggest problems of almost all the packs in the country. She was Alexis Clark. A rogue that rejected an Alpha, stealth food, kill other rogues, and more than that was living with humans and studying with them. What will happen when her case is given to the world's most dangerous alpha, Sebastian Sinclair, who has taken it upon himself to punish this rogue. The one who hated rogues and omega to a level that was beyond understanding. Why? Because his mate was an omega, who betrayed him with a rogue before dying. How will Alexis tackle this alpha, in whose College she was studying and living under hiding for almost a year? What will Sebastian do when he finds out the new girl he had been talking to is none other than the rogue omega that he had decided to kill? "To love you with all my might was my only wish, but you were the only one who gave me endless suffering. So today, I promise myself to not fall for anyone."; A simple saying that both Alexis and Sebastian had vowed upon. Will they be able to find their love amidst all these problems?