Putnam's Word Book by Louis A. Flemming
ice, n. Associated words: igloo, iceberg, glacier, floe, icicle, frazil, avalanche, curling, skate, skee, skating, skeeing, brash, glare, serac, crampoons, calk, glaciate, glaciation, creeper, anchor ice.
iced, a. chilled, frappe.
Iceland moss. lichen.
icy, a. glacial, glacious.
idea, n. conception, notion, opinion, fancy, impression; intention, design.
ideal, a. faultless, consummate, perfect.
idiocy, n. imbecility, foolishness, fatuity, folly, senselessness
idiot, n. imbecile.
idiotic, a. imbecile, foolish, fatuous, senseless.
idle, a. leisure; vain, unavailing, futile, ineffectual; indolent, slothful, inactive, lazy, otiose.
idleness, n. indolence, sloth, inaction, laziness; futility, vanity. Associated word: Cocagne.
idler, n. sluggard, drone, lounger, loafer, dawdler, donothing.
idol, n. image (of a divinity), effigy, graven image; Juggernaut. Associated words: idolater, idolatrous, idolatry, idolize, iconoplast, iconoclast, iconodule, idolomania, iconography, iconology, idoloclast, iconomachy, ting, iconolatry.
idolize, v. deify, worship, adore.
ignis fatuus. Will-o'-the-wisp, Jack-with-a-lantern, decoy.
ignoble, a. humble, plebeian, untitled; base, dishonorable, low.
ignominious, a. dishonorable, shameful, infamous, disreputable.
ignominy, n. disgrace, dishonor, reproach, obloquy, shame, humiliation.
ignoramus, n. dunce, illiterate, sciolist, wiseacre, dullard, simpleton.
ignorance, n. illiteracy, inerudition, unenlightenment, nescience; quackery, charlatanry.
ignorant, a. illiterate, inerudite unenlightened, uninformed, unlearned, untaught, uneducated, unlettered, nescient; quackish, charlatanic. Antonyms: educated, instructed, schooled, trained, proficient, learned.
ignorantly, adv. unknowingly, unconsciously, inadvertently, unwittingly.
ignorant person. ignoramus, illiterate.
ignore, v. disregard, slight, connive, overlook.
ill, a. ailing, sick, unwell; evil, unfavorable, adverse, bad.
ill at ease. uneasy, uncomfortable, anxious.
ill-boding, a. ominous, inauspicious.
illegal, a. illicit, unlawful, contraband, unlicensed, illegitimate.
illegality, n. unlawfulness, illegitimacy.
illegitimate, a. bastard, adulterine; illegal, illicit; spurious.
illegitimate, v. illegitimatize, bastardize.
illiberal, a. ungenerous, parsimonious, stingy; narrow-minded, bigoted.
illiberality, n. parsimony, stinginess; narrow-mindedness, bigotry, intolerance.
illicit, a. prohibited, unlawful.
illness, n. malady, sickness, disease.
illogical, a. fallacious, sophistical, unsound.
illusion, n. mockery, hallucination, chimera, phantasm, delusion, glamour.
illusive, a. delusive, illusory, chimerical, mocking.
illustrate, v. elucidate, picture, demonstrate, exemplify.
illustration, n. elucidation, exemplification; comparison, example, simile.
ill-will, n. malice, resentment, grudge, rancor, malevolence, antipathy, hatred.
image, n. statue; effigy, figure; ikon, eikon; idol.
image breaker. iconoclast, idoloclast, vandal.
image breaking. iconoclasm, vandalism.
image worship iconolatry, iconoduly.
imaginary, a. fancied, visionary, chimerical, illusive, phantasmal.
imagination, n. fancy, conception, notion, conceit, figment, phantasm.
imagine, v. conceive, fancy; think, suppose, opine, apprehend.
imbecile, n. idiot, witling, fool.
imbecility, n. idiocy, fatuity, foolishness, amentia.
imbedded, a. enfonced.
imitate, v. copy, ape, counterfeit; personate, impersonate, mimic, simulate; parody, caricature.
imitation, n. copy, counterfeit; mimicry, impersonation, mimesis; pasticcio; parody, travesty, burlesque; onomatop?oea.
imitative, a. apish, copying, mimicking, mimetic; onomatopoetic.
imitator, n. copyist, follower, mimic, mime, ape, echo, impersonator.
immanence, n. inherence, indwelling.
immanent, a. inherent, indwelling.
immature, a. undeveloped, embryonic, crude, unripe, premature, untimely.
immediately, adv. instantly, forthwith, directly, straightway, at once, now, instanter. Antonyms: hereafter, by and by, after a while.
immense, a. vast, infinite, illimitable, immeasurable.
immerse, v. submerge, plunge into, dip, immerge, douse; engross.
immersed, a. submerged, plunged into; engrossed, absorbed, occupied.
immersion, n. submersion, immersing; engrossment, absorption.
immoderate, a. excessive, exorbitant, inordinate, intemperate, unrestrained.
immodest, a. indecorous, indelicate, shameless; lewd, unchaste, obscene.
immodesty, n. indecorum, indelicacy, impudicity; lewdness, unchastity, obscenity.
immoral, a. licentious, dissolute, vicious, profligate, loose, illicit, rakish.
immorality, n. vice, licentiousness, depravity, profligacy, obliquity.
immortality, n. deathlessness, athanasia; perpetuity.
immovable, a. fast, permanent, impassive, firm, steadfast.
impact, n. collision, forcible contact; force.
impart, v. communicate.
impartial, a. equitable, fair, disinterested, unbiased, unprejudiced.
impartiality, n. fairness, equity, disinterestedness, justice.
impassable, a. impenetrable, pathless, impervious.
impatient, a. restless, restive, fretful, eager, impetuous.
impede, v. retard.
impediment, n. obstacle, barrier, obstruction, stumblingblock.
impending, a. imminent, threatening.
impenetrable, a. impervious, imperforable.
impenitence, n. incontrition, obduracy, impenitency.
impenitent, a. incontrite, unrepentant, obdurate, incorrigible, recusant, relentless.
imperative, a. binding, compulsory, obligatory, imperious, peremptory.
imperfect, a. defective, faulty, deficient, undeveloped, abortive, fallible, frail, errable.
imperfection, n. defect, blemish, shortcoming, infirmity, foible, deformity, disfigurement, vice, frailty, fallibility.
imperious, a. despotic, magisterial, domineering, dictatorial, tyrannical, imperative.
imperishable, a. permanent, indestructible, enduring.
impersonate, v. personate; personify.
impersonation, n. personation, impersonating; impersonification.
impersonator, n. mimic, personator, mime, actor.
impertinent, a. irrelevant, inapplicable, impudent, saucy, rude, insolent, malapert, flippant.
impervious, a. impermeable, impenetrable, imperviable.
impetus, n. momentum, force, impulse, incentive.
impish, a. malignant.
implacable, a. unappeasable, vindictive, pitiless, irreconcilable.
implant, v. instill, inculcate, ingraft, infix.
implied, a. tacit, inferential.
implore, v. beseech, supplicate, entreat, obsecrate.
imploring, n. supplication, obsecration.
impolite, a. discourteous, inurbane, rude, uncivil, disrespectful, saucy, insolent, impertinent, churlish, brusque, unamiable, surly, gruff, boorish.
impoliteness, n. discourtesy, inurbanity, incivility, impertinence, insolence.
importance, n. moment, materiality, consequence; pomposity, self-importance.
important, a. momentous, material, essential; pompous, consequential.
impose upon. delude, dupe, deceive, victimize.
imposing, a. impressive, stately, majestic, august.
impossibility, n. impracticability.
impossible, a. impracticable, unfeasible, unattainable.
impostor, n. pretender, cheat, charlatan, mountebank, quack, deceiver.
imposture, n. fraud, imposition, charlatanism, deception.
impracticability, n. unfeasibility.
impracticable, a. impossible, unfeasible.
impregnate, v. fecundate.
impregnation, n. fecundation.
imprison, v. incarcerate, immure.
imprisonment, n. incarceration, durance, immurement, duress, confinement, commitment.
impromptu, a. improvised, offhand, extempore, extemporaneous.
improper, a. indecorous, unseemly, indecent, inappropriate, wrong, solecistic.
impropriety, n. unsuitableness, unfitness, indecorum, barbarism, solecism.
improve, v. amend, ameliorate, rectify, better, mend; utilize, use; gain, get better.
improvement, n. betterment, amelioration; meliorism; utilization.
improving, a. ameliorative, beneficial, amending.
impudence, n. insolence, impertinence, effrontery, rudeness.
impudent, a. insolent, impertinent, flippant, pert, brazen, saucy.
impulse, n. motive, incentive; impulsion, impetus.
impulsive, a. passionate, capricious, hasty; impellent, propulsive.
impure, a. tainted, defiled, contaminated, polluted, vitiated, infected; adulterated, alloyed, sophisticated; unchaste, lewd, indelicate, indecent; barbarous, vulgar, hybrid.
impurity, n. defilement, contamination, taint, pollution; adulteration, alloy, sophistication; unchastity, lewdness, indecency, indelicacy; pl. garblings, garbles.
inability, n. incompetence, impotence, incapability, incompetency, inefficiency, disability.
in a body. altogether, en masse.
inaccuracy, n. inexactness, incorrectness, impropriety.
inaccurate, a. incorrect, inexact, erroneous, faulty, wrong.
inaction, n. inactivity, inertness, stagnation, idleness.
inactive, a. inert, motionless, quiescent, dormant, inoperative, sluggish, stagnant, dilatory, latent, passive, torpid.
inactivity, n. inaction, passivity, inertia, lethargy, dormancy, stagnation, torpor, latency, sloth, Fabian policy.
inadequate, a. insufficient, deficient; defective, incomplete, imperfect.
inappropriate, a. unsuitable, unbecoming, inapplicable.
inapt, a. irrelevant, unsuitable, inept, inapplicable.
inattention, n. inadvertence, abstraction, heedlessness, disregard, neglect, remissness.
inattentive, a. heedless, absent-minded, inadvertent, unmindful, careless.
inbeing, n. inherence.
inborn, a. congenital, inherent, innate, instinctive, ingenerate.
incapable, a. incompetent, disqualified, unfit, insusceptible.
incarnation, n. incarnification, Avatar; personification.
incautious, a. unwary, inconsiderate, indiscreet, thoughtless.
incense, n. Associated words: thurible, censer, thurification, thurify, frankincense, cense, thurifer.
incentive, n. motive, spur, incitement, stimulus, inducement provocation.
incident, n. event, happening, episode, occurrence.
incidental, a. casual, accidental, oontingent, fortuitous; subordinate, collateral, accessory.
incite, v. instigate, stimulate, arouse, goad, spur, impel.
incitement, n. stimulus, instigation, incitation, spur, incentive.
incivility, n. discourtesy, rudeness, incomity, inurbanity, disrespect.
inclination, n. leaning, slant; tendency, propensity, proneness, penchant, predilection.
incline, n. slant, slope, ascent, descent, grade.--v. lean, tend, dispose.
inclose, v. surround, encircle, circumscribe, encompass, enclose.
inclosure, n. surrounding, closure, barrier, fence, corral, stockade.
include, v. comprise, comprehend, inclose.
inclusion, n. comprisal.
income, n. revenue, proceeds; tontine, annuity. Associated word: fructuary.
incomparable, a. peerless, matchless, transcendent, inimitable unrivalled, unapproachable.
incompetent, a. inefficient, unqualified, incapable; inadequate; unfit, unsuited.
incomplete, a. unfinished, defective, imperfect, deficient, partial, inchoate.
incomprehensible, a. inconceivable, abstruse, unfathomable.
inconsiderate, a. thoughtless, heedless, inattentive, careless.
inconsistency, n. discordance, incoherence, contrariety, incompatibility.
inconsistent, a. disagreeing, incoherent, contradictory, discrepant, incompatible.
inconstancy, n. fickleness, mutability, variableness, instability.
inconstant, a. fickle, changeable, volatile, flighty, mercurial, variable.
inconvenient, a. unhandy, incommodious, inopportune, untoward.
incorrect, a. inaccurate, erroneous, inexact, wrong; ungrammatical, solecistic.
incorrectness, n. inaccuracy, inexactness, error; impropriety.
increase, v. augment, advance, enlarge; multiply, be prolific, wax; aggravate, enhance, extend, augment, intensify, exacerbate, amplify, magnify, heighten, accelerate.
increase, n. augmentation, accretion, increment, accession, amplification, addition, accrument.
increase of motion. acceleration.
incremate, v. cremate, incinerate.
incremation, n. cremation.
incumbent, a. obligatory, imposed, binding.
incumbrance, n. hindrance, impediment, incubus; mortgage, claim, lien.
incurable, a. insanable, irremediable, immedicable; irremedicable, irreparable.
indebtedness, n. obligation; debts, liabilities.
indecency, n. immodesty, indelicacy, shamelessness, obscenity, ribaldry, lewdness.
indecent, a. immodest, obscene, indelicate, shameless, ribald, lewd, unchaste.
indecision, n. vacillation, indetermination, irresolution, wavering, inconstancy.
indecisive, a. inconclusive, vacillating, hesitating, irresolute, wavering.
indefatigable, a. untiring, persistent, unremitting, sedulous, unflagging.
indefinite, a. vague, indeterminate, equivocal, ambiguous, inexplicit, inexact.
indelicacy, n. unrefinement, rudeness, indecorum, immodesty.
indelicate, a. unrefined, indecorous, immodest, unchaste, rude, vulgar.
indemnity, n. security, insurance; restitution, reimbursement, indemnification.
indentation, n. bruise, notch, depression, indenture, serrature, jag, engrailment, crenellation.
independence, n. freedom, self-government, liberty, autonomy; opulence, affluence.
independent, a. self-governing, autonomous; self-reliant; exclusive, irrespective; affluent.
Indian, n. (aboriginal American) red man; (of mixed blood) metisse, ladino, mestizo, guacho, griffe, mameluco, half-breed. Associated words: tepee, wigwam, tomahawk, lodge, wickiup, sachemdom, pueblo, calumet, totem, totemism, powwow, roanoke, coup, gens, Manito, pogamoggan, potlatch, chinook, runtee, travail, travois, strouding.
Indian blanket. stroud.
Indian chief. sachem, sannup, sagamore, brave.
Indian child. papoose.
Indian money. wampum, seawan, suckanhock, colcol, peag, hiagua, kopkops.
Indian prince. Maharajah, Rajah.
Indian princess or queen. Rani, Ranee.
Indian woman. squaw, mahaly.
India rubber. caoutchouc.
indicate, v. designate, betoken, signify.
indication, n. designation, signifying; symptom, evidence, sign, token, manifestation.
indicator, n. (as in a hotel) annunciator.
indictment, n. accusation, charge, arraignment, crimination.
indifference, n. apathy, coolness, negligence, unconcern, nonchalance, insouciance; mediocrity, inferiority; neutrality, impartiality, disinterestedness.
indifferent, a. disinterested, unconcerned, nonchalant, perfunctory, apathetic, insouciant; neutral, impartial; mediocre, passable, tolerable.
indirect, a. roundabout, circuitous, tortuous.
indiscreet, a. unwise, imprudent.
indiscretion, n. unwisdom, folly, imprudence; misstep, lapse.
indisposed, a. averse, disinclined, unwilling, loath, reluctant; sick, ill, unwell.
indisposition, n. disinclination, averseness, reluctance, unwillingness.
indisputable, a. undeniable, incontestable, indubitable, incontrovertible.
indissolvable, a. indissoluble.
indocile, a. intractable, refractory, unruly.
indolence, n. idleness, laziness, indulgence, sloth, inactivity, faineance.
indolent, a. lazy, slothful, supine, dronish, listless.
inducement, n. incentive, incitement, motive, stimulus.
indulge, v. satisfy, gratify, luxuriate; humor, pamper, cocker; grant, allow, permit. Antonyms: mortify, deny, suppress, restrain.
indulgence, n. humoring, pampering, gratification; kindness, favor, lenity, forbearance; absolution. Antonyms: mortification, denial, restraint, non-indulgence.
indulgent, a. forbearing, kind, lenient, lax, merciful.
industrial science. technology, polytechnics.
industrious, a. assiduous, diligent, sedulous, persistent, hard-working. Antonyms: idle, indolent, inactive, lazy.
industry, n. assiduity, diligence, activity; labor, work, exertion, efforts.
indwelling, n. immanence, inherence.--a. immanent, inherent.
ineffective, a. ineffectual, unavailing, inefficacious.
inefficient, a. ineffective, inefficacious; slack, remiss, incompetent.
inelastic, a. inductile, inextensible, rigid.
inelasticity, n. inductility, inextensibility, rigidity.
ineligible, a. disqualified.
inequality, n. disparity, disproportion, unevenness, irregularity; unfairness, injustice; inequation.
inexcusable, a. unpardonable, indefensible, unjustifiable, unwarrantable.
inexhaustible, a. exhaustless.
inexorable, a. unyielding, relentless, implacable, unmovable, unrelenting.
inexperienced, a. untrained, unpractised, undisciplined, raw, unskilled.
inexpert, a. maladroit, unskillful, bungling.
inexpressible, a. ineffable, unspeakable, unutterable.
infallibility, n. inerrability.
infallible, a. inerrable, unerring, sure, certain, undeniable.
infamous, a. disreputable, ignominious, scandalous, opprobrious, odious, heinous.
infamy, n. disgrace, ignominy, odium, obloquy, opprobrium.
infancy, n. babyhood; minority, nonage, pupilage.
infant, n. baby; minor.
infantile paralysis. poliomyelitis.
infatuate, v. enamor, charm. Antonyms: repel, disgust, disillusionize.
infection, n. contagion, contamination, vitiation, pollution.
infectious, a. contagious, pestiferous, epidemic, vitiating.
infer, v. deduce, imply, gather.
inference, n. deduction, conclusion, illation, corollary.
inferior, a. poorer, lower, subordinate, menial, minor, mediocre, subaltern.
inferior, n. subordinate. Antonyms: peer, equal, superior.
inferiority, n. subordinacy, mediocrity, deficiency.
infidel, n. free-thinker, atheist, unbeliever, skeptic.
infirmity, n. See weakness.
inflammable, a. combustible, accendible; irascible, irritable, excitable.
inflammation, n. phlogosis; phlegmasia. Associated words: phlogistic, phlogogenous, antiphlogistic, demulcent delitescence.
inflammatory, a. phlogistic; seditious, incendiary.
inflate, v. expand, enlarge, distend.
inflated, a. distended, blown up; bombastic, pompous, grandiloquent, declamatory.
inflation, n. distention, expansion.
inflection, n. modulation, accent.
inflexibility, n. rigidity, stiffness; firmness, pertinacity, obstinacy, steadfastness.
inflexible, a. unyielding, rigid, impliable; immovable, resolute, steadfast.
influence, n. sway, control; persuasion, restraint; authority, ascendency, prestige.
influence, v. move, persuade, induce, sway, control, prevail upon, actuate, impel.
informal, a. unceremonious, unconventional, easy, natural, unconstrained.
informality, n. unceremoniousness.
information, n. knowledge, intelligence, instruction; (Law) complaint, accusation.
infringe, v. violate, transgress; encroach, trespass, intrench.
infringement, n. transgression, violation, breach, encroachment, trespass, intrenchment.
in full. unabridged, at length.
ingenious, a. inventive, resourceful.
ingratitude, n. unthankfulness.
ingredient, n. constituent, element, component, part.
inhabitant, n. dweller, denizen, residentiary, resident, citizen. Antonyms: sojourner, pilgrim, visitor.
inherent, a. innate, adhering, inexistent, inborn, inalienable.
inheritable, a. hereditable.
inheritance, n. heritage, patrimony, legacy.
inhuman, a. savage, barbarous, fiendish, brutal, cruel.
inhumanity, n. cruelty, brutality, barbarity, mercilessness.
injection, n. immission, injecting; enema, clyster, lavement.
injure, v. damage, harm, hurt, impair, disfigure, maim, mar, wound.
injurious, a. hurtful, harmful, detrimental, pernicious, deleterious, baneful, noxious, maleficent, prejudicial; defamatory, derogatory, detractory.
injury, n. damage, detriment, harm, hurt, wound, impairment, mutilation, defacement, violation, lesion. Associated words: vulnerable, vulnerability, invulnerable, invulnerability, inviolable, vulnific.
injustice, n. inequity, unfairness; grievance.
inkling, n. hint, intimation, allusion.
inkstand, n. standish.
inky, a. atramentous, atramental, atramentarious.
inlaid work. marquetry, parquetry, mosaic.
inland, a. interior, internal.
inlet, n. entrance, ingress; bay, recess, bight, estuary, cove, frith, bayou.
inmate, n. occupant.
inn, n. lodging house, tavern, hotel; cabaret, caravansary, khan.
innate, a. inborn, inherent, native.
inner, a. internal, interior; obscure, esoteric, innermost parts, recesses, penetralia, sanctuary.
innocence, n. blamelessness, guilelessness, guiltlessness, impeccability, inoffensiveness.
innocent, a. blameless, guileless, guiltless, impeccable, inoffensive, sinless, artless, inculpable, irreproachable, irreprehensible, inerrable, irresponsible, virtuous, unsophisticated.
inquiring, a. curious, inquisitive.
inquiry, n. question, query, interrogation; research, investigationm scrutiny.
inquisitive, a. inquiring, mousing, curious, intrusive, prying, meddlesome. Antonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested.
insane, a. demented, crazy, mad, deranged, delirious, dementate; paranoiac. Antonyms: sane, rational.
insane asylum. bedlam, bethlehem, madhouse, retreat.
insanity, n. dementia, alienation of mind, madness, lunacy, craziness, derangement, frenzy, delirium, mania, hallucination, aberration of mind, bedlamism; paranoia, monomania. Antonyms: sanity, rationality, lucidity. Associated words: alienist, alienism.
insatiable, a. unappeasable; voracious, rapacious, omnivorous.
inscrutable, a. incomprehensible, inexplicable, unsearchable.
insect, n. Associated words: entomology, entomologist, entomologic, chrsalis, pupa, cicada, cocoon, credpitaculum, entomophilous, entornophily, entomtaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepidopterist, larvarium, stridor, stridulate, stridulation, silphology, stridulatory, nymph, horismology, imago.
insect-eaters, n. pl. Insectivora, Entomophaga.
insect-eating, a. insectivorous, entomophagous.
insect powder. insecticide, pyrethrum, entomologic, chrysalis, pupa, cicada, cocoon, crepitaculum, entomophilous, entomophily, entomotaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepidopterist, larvarium, stridor, stridulate, stridulation, silphology, stridulatory, nymph, horismology, imago.
insect-eaters, n. pl. Insectivora, Entomophaga.
insect-eating, a. insectivorous, entomophagous.
insect powder. insecticide, pyrethrum.
insecure, a. risky, unsafe, precarious, rickety, unstable, dangerous.
insecurity, n. unsafely, risk, instability, precariousness.
insensibility, n. unconsciousness, torpor, coma, narcosis, lethargy, numbness, narcoma, insusceptibility, an?sthesia, stupefaction, stupor, carus.
insensible, a. unfeeling, numb, insensate, torpid, unimpressible, unsusceptible, unconscious; imperceptible, gradual, imperceivable.
inseparable, a. indivisible, indissoluble.
insert, v. interpolate, intercalate, interject, ingraft, inosculate.
insertion, n. interjection, interpolation, intercalation, inosculation.
inside, a. internal, inner, interior.
insides, n. pl. entrails; penetralia, recesses.
insight, n. discernment.
insignificance, n. unimportance, pettiness, immateriality, triviality, inanity.
insignificant, n. meaningless; unimportant, immaterial, petty, trivial, paltry.
insincere, a. disingenuous, dissembling, false, hypocritical, affected, deceitful.
insincerity, n. duplicity, disingenuousness, hypocrisy, dissimulation.
insinuation, n. innuendo, intimation; ingratiation.
insist, v. persist, press, urge, contend.
insistence, n. persistence, pertinacity, importunity, urgency, contention, instance.
insistent, a. persistent, importunate, insisting.
insnare, v. ensnare, entrap, seduce, inveigle, allure, entangle.
insolation, n. sunstroke, siriasis; sun bath.
insolence, n. impudence, contumely, impertinence, contumacy, effrontery, disrespect.
insolent, a. impudent, contumelious, overbearing, disrespectful contemptuous.
insoluble, a. indissoluble; unexplainable, insolvable, inexplicable.
inspect, v. examine.
inspiration, n. inhalation (breathing in); divine afflatus, theopneusty.
inspiring, a. inspiriting, elevating, promethean.
in spite of. notwithstanding, despite, nevertheless.
install, v. instate, induct.
installation, n. induction.
instance, n. persistency, request, solicitation, urgency; example, case, illustration.
instantly, adv. immediately, forthwith, at once, instanter, urgently, persistently.
instep, n. metatarsus, acrotarsium.
instruct, v. teach, indoctrinate, edify, enlighten, coach.
instruction, n. nurture, tuition, teaching, information, indoctrination, inculcation, education, admonition; edification, enlightenment; prop?deutics.
instructive, a. edifying, didactic, preceptive, mentorial; prop?deutic.
instructor, n. teacher, preceptor, tutor, master, coach, mentor, counselor, monitor, trainer.
instrument, n. tool, utensil, implement; agent, means, medium.
insufferable, a. intolerable, unendurable; detestable, offensive.
insufficiency, n. deficiency, inadequacy.
insufficient, a. inadequate, deficient, incommensurate, lacking.
insult, n. indignity, affront.
insult, v. offend, affront, flout.
insulting, a. offensive, contemptuous, contumelious, scurrilous.
insurance, n. assurance, indemnity.
insure, v. assure, indemnify; underwrite.
insurgency, n. revolt, rebellion, insubordination, mutiny.
insurgent, a. rebellious, mutinous, insubordinate, insurrectionary.
insurgent, n. rebel, revolter, mutineer, insurrectionist.
intaglio, n. diaglyph. Antonym: cameo.
intelligence, n. knowledge, discernment, insight, acumen.
intelligent, a. clever, discerning, astute, bright, knowing, apt, sensible.
intemperance, n. excess, immoderation, debauchery.
intemperate, a. immoderate, excessive, unrestrained.
intend, v. design, purpose, propose, contemplate, plan.
intended, n. fiancé (male), fiancée (female).
intense, a. extreme, excruciating.
intensify, v. aggravate, exacerbate, heighten.
intention, n. design, plan, purpose, aim.
intentional, a. deliberate, premeditated. Antonyms: unintentional, inadvertent, accidental.
intercede, v. mediate, interpose, propitiate.
intercession, n. mediation, interposition, propitiation.
intercessor, n. mediator, interceder, propitiator, make-peace.
interchange, n. reciprocation, reciprocity, permutation; alternation.
interest, n. concern; share, portion, part, participation; advantage, benefit, weal, behoof; usury. Antonyms: boredom, ennui, indifference, unconcern.
interested, a. concerned; prejudiced, partial. Antonyms: disinterested, unconcerned, bored.
interfere, v. clash, conflict; intermeddle, interpose, intervene.
interference, n. clashing, collision; intermeddling, interposition, intervention.
interlining, n. interlineation.
interloper, n. intruder, interferer.
intermediate, a. intervening, interjacent; interlocutory (Law).
intermittent, a. remittent, periodical, recurrent.
internal, a. inward, interior, inside, inner; esoteric; intrinsic; inherent.
interpret, v. construe, translate, render.
interpretation, n. rendering, rendition, translation; exegesis, exegetics, hermeneutics, isagogics, anagogics, dittology.
interrogation point. eroteme.
interval, n. interstice (space between); interim, meantime
intervening, a. intermediate, interjacent.
intervention, n. interference, interposition; mediation, intercession.
intestines, n. pl. entrails, bowels, inwards, guts; omentum, caul, vermiform appendix, colon, rectum, hindgut, enteron, c?cum, ileum, ileus, volvulus, jejunum, duodenum, alimentary canal; chitterlings. Associated words: enterology, splanchnology, enterography, splanchnography, enteropathy, enteroplasty, enterotomy, enteralgia, enterolith, enteritis, intestinal, enteric, crypt, peristalsis, vermiculation, alvine, viscerate, visceration, eviscerate, evisceration, disembowel, disembowelment.
intolerable, a. insufferable, unendurable.
intolerance, n. bigotry, dogmatism, illiberality.
intolerant, a. bigoted, unforbearing, illiberal.
intrenchment, n. earthwork, fortification; encroachment, infringement, invasion, inroad.
intricacy, n. complication, entanglement, complexity.
intricate, a. complicated, entangled, involved, labyrinthian, mazy.
intrigue, n. conspiracy, machination, cabal, plot; amour (illicit love affair), liaison.
intrigue, v. plot, scheme, machinate, cabal.
intriguer, n. machinator, plotter, schemer, Figaro, intrigant, intrigante (female).
intriguing, a. scheming, Machiavelian, wily.
intrinsic, a. inherent, innate, real, genuine. Antonym: extrinsic.
introduction, n. preface, proem, exordium, prelude, prolegomenon, prologue, foreword; presentation; interpolation interposition, initiation.
introductory, a. preliminary, proemial, prefatory.
intrude, v. infringe, invade, encroach, obtrude, interlope.
intrusion, n. encroachment, obtrusion, infringement, interloping.
intrusive, a. obtrusive. Antonyms: unintrusive, unobtrusive, retiring.
intrust, v. commit, confide.
invade, v. infringe, encroach, trespass, intrench, trench.
invalid, a. null, void, of no efficacy; baseless, unfounded.
invalid, a. valetudinary.
invalid, n. valetudinarian.
invalidate, v. annul, abrogate, cancel, quash, nullify.
invalidation, n. nullification, abrogation, annulment.
invalidism, n. valetudinarianism.
invasion, n. irruption, foray, raid, aggression; violation, infringement, encroachment, intrenchment.
inveigle, v. wheedle, seduce.
inveiglement, n. wheedling, seduction.
investigate, v. probe, sift, examine.
investigation, n. examination, inquiry, research.
invidious, a. objectionable, offensive.
invincible, a. indomitable, unconquerable.
invisible, a. imperceptible, microscopic, evanescent.
invitation, n. bidding, call, summons.
invite, v. bid, ask, summon; allure, induce, entice.
invocation, n. prayer, supplication.
involuntary, a. uncontrollable, instinctive, automatic, compulsory, forced.
inwards, n. pl. entrails, intestines, bowels, guts; viscera; giblets, inmeats, umbles.
iota, n. scintilla, tittle, atom, mite, jot, whit, bit, particle.
Ireland, n. Erin, Emerald Isle.
iridescent, a. prismatic, nacreous.
iris, n. flower-de-luce, fleur-de-lis, flag.
Irish, a. Hibernian.
Irishman, n. Hibernian, Milesian, Teague, Pat, Paddy.
iron, v. smooth; mangle.
irons, n. pl. fetters, chains, handcuffs, shackles, manacles, hampers, gyves.
ironworker's pneumonia. siderosis.
irrecoverable, a. irretrievable.
irregular, a. inconformable, abnormal, anomalous, exceptional, unsymmetrical, unusual, erose, baroque, aberrant.
irregularity, n. inconformableness, abnormality, asymmetry, anomaly, aberration, intermittency.
irreligious, a. ungodly, impious, godless, sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane.
irresolute, a. wavering, vacillating, inconstant, fickle, double-minded.
irresolution, n. indecision, vacillation, inconstancy, fickleness.
irresponsible, a. unaccountable, unanswerable, unreliable.
irritable, a. irascible, fretful, spleeny, choleric, petulant, fiery, captious, splenetic.
irritate, v. intensify, stimulate; provoke, vex, annoy, offend, chafe.
isinglass, n. fishglue, ichthyocol, ichthyocolla; mica; carlock.
island, n. isle, eyot, holm, islet; atoll. Associated words: insular, insularity, archipelago, lagoon, coral, maroon, marooner.
isolate, v. insulate, segregate, dissociate, detach, separate.
isolated, a. insulated, separate, solitary, segregated, sporadic.
isolation, n. insulation, segregation; loneliness, solitude.
issue, v. gush, disembogue; sally forth, debouch; proceed, emanate, ensue, follow, result.
Italian laborers. Associated word: padrone.
Italian paste. macaroni, vermicelli.
itch, n. psora, scabies; prurigo; sycosis (barber's itch); eczema; pruriency.
itching, a. tingling, prurient.
ivory, n. Associated words: eburnean, eburnine, eburin, eburnification, eburnation.
ivy, n. Associated words: hederaceous, hederal, hederic, hederiferous, hederose.
Jab, n. (Colloq.) thrust, punch, dig.
jabber, n. gibberish, chatter, gabble, babble.--v. gabble, gibber, babble, chatter.
jackass, n. donkey; dolt, simpleton, witling, ignoramus, fool.
jacket, n. coat, jerkin, blouse, spencer, bolero, pea-jacket sontag, blazer, sweater, reefer, jersey, jumper, cardigan jacket, grego, garibaldi, camisole, temiak (Eskimo); cleading.
jade, n. nephrite, jadeite; nag, plug; hussy, wench, quean.
jag, n. notch, cleft, barb, protuberance.--v. notch.
jagged, a. cleft, jaggy, notched, serrated, erose, sharp.
jail, n. prison, lockup, calaboose, workhouse, limbo.
jail bird. prisoner.
jailer, n. warden, turnkey, sheriff.
jail fever. typhus fever.
jam, n. preserve, conserve; crowd, throng, crush.
jam, v. squeeze, crowd, press, wedge in, bruise.
jamboree, n. (Slang) carousal, revelry, carouse, spree.
jangle, n. clashing, clang, discord, dissonance; wrangling, quarrel, dispute, altercation.
jangle, v. clash, clang; quarrel, wrangle, dispute, altercate.
jangling, a. discordant, dissonant, clashing, inharmonious.
janitor, n. doorkeeper, porter, concierge; (female) janitress, janitrix.
Japan, n. Nippon, Flowery Kingdom. Associated words: Japanese, geisha, coolie, Mikado, samurai, shizoku, heimin, kwazoku, Mongol, Mongolian, kimono, Dairi, daimio, saki, Tycoon, Shogun.
japan, n. lacquer, varnish, enamel.
jar, n. crock; gurglet; shock, jolt, vibration.--v. jolt, jounce, shock, discompose, unsettle; grate.
jargon, n. gibberish, drivel, babble, gabble, twaddle, bosh; cant, slang, flash, argot, dialect.
jaundice, n. icterus.--v. prejudice.
jaundiced, a. prejudiced, biased, warped.
jaunty, a. airy, showy, finical, affected, fine.
jaw, n. Jawbone, jowl; maxilla (upper jaw); mandible (lower jaw).
jaw, v. (Low) scold, upbraid, berate, clamor, rail at.
jawless, a. agnathic, agnathous.
jaw muscle. masseter.
jayhawker, n. guerrilla.
jealous, a. suspicious, distrustful.
jealousy, n. suspicion, distrust.
jeer, v. mock, deride, ridicule, taunt, jibe.
jeering, n. mockery, derision, ridicule, scoffing, sneer, taunt.
jellylike, a. gelatinous, colloid.
jeopard, v. imperil, risk, expose, endanger, hazard.
jeopardize, v. jeopard.
jeopardy, n. danger, peril, hazard, exposure.
jerk, v. twitch, yerk.
jerked beef. charqui.
jerky, a. abrupt, unconnected.
jest, n. joke, witticism, quip, jeu d' esprit, Joe Miller.
jest, v. joke.
jester, n. joker, wag; buffoon, merry-andrew, clown, harlequin, zany.
jesting, n. joking, jest, raillery, banter, persiflage, facetiousness, badinage, jocularity.
jesting, a. waggish, jocular, facetious, sportive.
jet, v. spurt, spout, gush; protrude, project.--n. spouting, spurt, gush.
Jew, n. Hebrew, Israelite, Judahite, Judean, Semite, Yid; Rabbi, Sadducee, Pharisee, Levite. Associated words: Yiddish, ghetto, kosher, tref, Talmud, kittel, sephardic, Sanhedrim, synagogue, Jewry, Judaism, judaize.
Jewish, a. Hebrew, Judaic, Israelitish, Hebraic, Semitic.
Jewish beggar. schnorrer.
Jewish marriage broker. schatchen.
jewel, n. gem, brilliant.
jewelry, n. jewels; bijoutry.
Jew's pitch. asphaltum, bitumen.
Jezebel, n.virago, she-devil, fury, Gorgon, termagant.
jibe, v. (Colloq.) agree, harmonize, fit.
jiffy, n. (Colloq.)moment, instant, second, trice.
jill, n. coquette, flirt; sweetheart, gill.
jilt, n. coquette, flirt.
jingle, n. tinkling, jingling, tintinnabulation; rhyme.--v. tinkle.
job, n. task; situation, position.
jocose, a. facetious, waggish, sportive, merry, jocular, humorous.
jocular, a. jesting, jocose, sportive, merry, waggish.
jocularity, n. jesting, waggishness, waggery, facetiousness, drollery.
jog, n. shake, jolt, jar, shove; hitch, break.
jog, v. push, shake, jostle; suggest to, notify, remind.
johnny cake. hoecake, corncake.
join, v. connect, couple, unite, combine, associate, add, append, annex, link, conjoin, mortise, dowel, splice, knit, dovetail, mingle, coalesce, unify, confederate; abut. Antonyms: disjoin, disconnect. See separate.
joiner, n. link, coupling, bond; woodworker, carpenter.
joint, n. gimbal joint, dove-tail joint, joggle joint, mortise joint, miter, dowel, scarf joint, rabbet joint.
joint, n. articulation; suture, commissure, knuckle. Associated words: arthrology, arthrography, synosteology arthrectomy, synovia, articular, bursa, synovial, internode, internodal, anchylose, dislocate, dislocation, luxate, luxation.
joint, a. combined, joined, united.
jointed, a. articulated, hinged; knotted, gnarled.
jointless, a. acondylous, anarthrous, inarticulate.
joke, n. jest, witticism, jocosity, sally, jeu d'esprit, quip, quirk, Joe Miller.
joke, v. rally, banter, jest.
joking, n. jesting, rallying, banter, persiflage, jocularity, waggishness.
jokingly, adv. sportively, jestingly, waggishly, jocularly.
jolly, a. jovial, vivacious, congenial, convivial, mirthful, sportive, gay, facetious, boon, waggish, jocular, jocose, witty, blithe, sprightly, cheery.
jolly, v. (Colloq.) make good-natured, joke, jest, cheer, encourage.
jolt, n. jar, shock, jounce, jolting.--v. shake, jar, jounce.
jot, n. iota, point, tittle, bit, mite, atom, scintilla, ace, particle, whit.
jotting, n. memorandum, note, entry.
jounce, n. jolt, shake, jolting.--v. jolt, shake, jar.
journal, n. day-book, daily register, record; diary; periodical, publication, magazine, gazette, ephemeris.
journey, n. trip, tour, pilgrimage, excursion, travel, jaunt, peregrination. Associated words: itinerary, itinerancy, viatic, viaticum.
journeyman, n. handicraftsman, artisan. Antonyms: apprentice, amateur.
joust, v. tilt.
Jove, n. Jupiter.
jovial, a. jolly, mirthful, gay, merry, sportive, hilarious, gleeful.
joviality, n. gayety, jollity, sportiveness, liveliness.
joy, n. gladness, exultation, jubilation, mirth, festivity glee, elation, merriment.
joyful, a. joyous, glad, elated, jubilant, exhilarating, happy, buoyant, merry, encouraging, felicitous.
joyous, a. joyful.
jubilant, a. joyful, exultant, triumphant.
jubilation, n. rejoicing, exultation, triumph.
Judas, n. betrayer, traitor.
Judas, a. traitorous, treacherous, disloyal, perfidious.
judge, v. adjudge, adjudicate, try; discern, distinguish, discriminate, decide; esteem, think, consider, reckon, deem, regard; arbitrate.
judge, n. justice, judger; arbitrator, arbiter, umpire, referee; connoisseur, critic; puisne; deemster (Isle of Man). Associated words: judicial, judicially, judicable, judicatory, judicature, judiciary.
judges, n. pl. judiciary.
judgment, n. decision, adjudication, arbitrament, arbitration, adjudgment; sentence, decree, verdict; discrimination, discernment.
judgment-seat, n. court, tribunal, bar, judicatory.
judicial, a. judicative, judicatory, juridical, judiciary.
judicious, a. prudent, discreet, well-advised.
jug, n. pitcher, ewer, demijohn, flagon; bellarmine, long-beard.
juggler, n. prestidigitator, magician, conjurer; cheat, impostor; jongleur.
jugglery, n. sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation, magic, conjuring; imposture, trickery, hankey-pankey.
juice, n.. sap, lush; must.
juicy, a. succulent, sappy, lush, luscious. Antonyms: juiceless, sapless, dry.
jumble, v. confuse, disarrange, entangle, mix
jumble, n. disorder, confusion, disarray, mixture, entanglement, chaos, hodgepodge.
jump, v. spring, bound, leap, hop, caper, vault; bounce, jolt.
jump, n. leap, spring, bound, hop, vault, caper, jolt.
junction, n. union, coalition; juncture.
juncture, n. joint, seam; crisis, conjuncture, point, exigency.
jungle, n. thicket, brake, boscage, brush.
junket, n. delicacy, sweetmeat; feast, banquet.--v. feast, banquet, regale, entertain.
junta, n. council, tribunal, assembly, convention.
junto, n. secret council, cabal, clique, faction.
jury, n. Associated words: impanel, panel, venire, venire, facias, tales, talesman.
juryman, n. juror.
just, a. upright, honest, conscientious, honorable, straightforward; condign, merited, deserved, due; reasonable, conscionable, equitable, fair; unbiased, impartial correct, exact, accurate, proper, appropriate. Antonyms: dishonest, inequitable, undeserved. See unjust.
just, adv. precisely, exactly; closely, nearly, almost; barely, scarcely, only.
justice, n. justness, quity, impartiality; judge. Antonyms: inequity, injustice.
justifiable, a. warrantable, defensible, vindicable.
justification, n. vindication, exuplpation, exoneration, defense.
justifier, n. justificatior, vindicator, defender.
justify, v. vindicate, warrant, excuse, exonorate, exculpate, absolve, defend.
justle, v. clash, bump, jostle, collide.
justly, adv. honestly, fairly, equitably, impartially.
justness, n. justice, fairness, equity, impartiality, condignness.
jut, v. jut out, project, protrude.--n. projection, jutt.
jutting, a. projecting, protruding.
jutting out projection, projecture, protrusion
jutty, n. pier, mole, jetty.
juvenile, a. youthful, young, immature.
juvenility, n. youthfulness, immaturity.
Keel over. (Colloq.) overturn, capsize, tip over.
keen, a. sharp, acute, trenchant; penetrating, shrewd, astute, discerning; piercing, poignant, excruciating, a crimonious, mordacious, bitter, intense, severe; eager, ardent, ravenous, vehement.
keep, n. custody, charge; maintenance, support; stronghold, donjon; condition, case.
keep, v. detain, restrain, hold, retain, repress, withhold; preserve, conserve; maintain, continue; guard, shield, defend, protect, screen, preserve; entertain, harbor; observe, adhere to, fulfill; commemorate, celebrate, solemnize; support, sustain, provide for.
keep back. reserve, withhold; restrain, repress, check.
keep company with. associate with, accompany, go with.
keep down. hold in subjection, restrain, hinder, subdue.
keeper, n. warden; superintendent, curator, custodian, guardian, attendant, defender, overseer.
keep from. abstain from, refrain from.
keeping, n. holding, restraint, custody, guard, guardianship, protection, tutelage; detention, retention; maintenance support, subsistence, board; conformity, congruity, harmony, consistency, correspondence; observance; celebration, commemoration, fulfillment.
keeping back. reservation, reserving, withholding; restraint, repression, checking.
keep on. proceed, continue, persist.
keepsake, n. memento, souvenir.
keep to. adhere to.
keep under. hold in subjection, subdue, mortify.
keep up. maintain, continue.
kelter, n. (Colloq.) condition, order.
kernel, n. seed, grain; nucleus; gist, core, pith, substance, essence, marrow. Associated words: enucleate, enucleation, exacinate, exacination.
kerosene, n. coal oil, petroleum.
kettle, n. caldron (a large kettle).
kettledrum, n. tympano; pl. tympani.
key, n. Associated words: claviger, clavigerous, cleidomancy, escutcheon, lock.
key, n. pitch, tone.
key, n. clew, solution, guide, explanation, elucidation, clavis; wharf, quay; forelock, cotter, bar, pin; samara.
keyboard, n. clavier.
kick, v. spurn, calcitrate, recalcitrate, winch; resist, oppose; recoil.
kick, n. kicking, opposition.
kicking, n. spurning, recalcitration, calcitration, winch; opposition, resistance.
kicking, a. recalcitrant, calcitrant, resistant.
kiddy, v. (Slang) deceive, outwit, hoax.
kidnap, v. abduct.
kidnapper, n. abductor, man-stealer.
kidnapping, n. abduction.
kidney, n. Associated words: nephrology, nephrotomy, nephritis, renal, emunctory, nephritic, loins, reins.
kidney, n. sort, kind, variety, disposition.
kidney-shaped, a. reniform.
kidney stone. nephrite, jade.
kill, v. slay, slaughter, murder, assassinate, butcher, despatch, execute, lynch, massacre, burke, immolate, guillotine, decimate, destroy, blast; counteract, neutralize; quell, extinguish.
killer, n. slayer, murderer, butcher, assassin, assassinator, executor, destroyer.
killing, n. slaying, slaughter, butchering, butchery, assassination, massacre, strangulation, immolation, holocaust, execution, fusillade, carnage, murder, manslaughter, chaud-medley, lynching, guillotine, burkism, garrote, chance-medley, decimation, assideration, destruction, blasting; counteraction, neutralization.
killing, a. fatal, mortal, deadly, destructive; captivating, charming, fascinating.
kilt, n. filibeg.
kilter, n. (Colloq.) condition, order.
kin, n. relationship; relatives, relations, kindred, kinsfolk, kinsmen.
kin, a. kindred.
kind, a. indulgent, compassionate, merciful, lenient, clement, benignant, gracious, benevolent, kind-hearted, forbearing, benign, beneficent, humane, obliging.
kind, n. variety, genus, species, strain, breed, nature, genre, sort, style, character, description, kidney.
kind-hearted, a. compassionate, lenient, clement, kind.
kindle, v. enkindle, fire, ignite, incite, inflame, rouse.
kindling, n. enkindling, incitement, accension.
kindly, a. kind.
kindness, n. compassion, benignity, benevolence, kindliness, graciousness, clemency, compassionateness; favor, service, good turn.
kindred, n. relationship; relatives, relations, kinsfolk, kin, kinsmen.
kindred, a. related, congenial, allied, similar.
kine, n. pl. cows, cattle.
king, n. monarch, sovereign, potentate, regulus. Associated words: regicide royalty, regnal, regnant, regnancy, regalia, viceroy, camarilla, dynastic, dynasty.
kingdom, n. empire, dominion, sovereignty, monarchy, realm.
kingly, a. royal, regal, monarchical; sovereign, august, majestic, grand. Antonyms: servile, mean, abject, slavish, unkingly.
king's evil. scrofula.
kink, v. snarl, become entangled.
kink, n. snarl, knot, entanglement, twist; crotchet, whim, caprice, eccentricity.
kinky, a. snarled, tangled, knotted; crotchety, eccentric, capricious.
kinsman, n. relative.
kiss, v. osculate.
kiss, n. osculation, buss, smack; pax (kiss of peace).
kissing, n. osculation.--a. osculant, oscillatory.
kitchen, n. cookroom, cuisine, scullery (back kitchen); galley (Nautical). Associated words: scullion, culinary, olitory.
kith, n. acquaintance.
knack, n. gimcrack, trinket, toy, plaything, knickknack, kickshaws, gewgaw, bauble; skill, readiness, aptitude, proficiency, dexterity, adroitness; trick, device.
knarl, n. knot, gnarl, knag, knurl, node.
knarled, a. knotted, gnarled, knurly, gnarly, knotty, knurled, knarred.
knave, n. villain, rascal, scamp. See scoundrel.
knavery, n. villainy, rascality, scoundrelism, chicanery, knavishness, roguery.
knavish, a. unprincipled, rascally, villainous.
knee, n. Associated words: genuflect, genuflection, ham, hock, gonitis, stifle, geniculate, dib, quadriceps.
knee breeches. smallclothes, knickerbockers.
kneecap, n. patella, kneepan.
kneeling desk. priedieu.
knees, n. pl. marrowbones.
knickerbockers, n. pl. knee breeches, smallclothes.
knickknack, n. gimcrack, gewgaw, bauble, trinket, knack, curio, bric-a-brac.
knife, n. dagger, stiletto, dirk, poniard, bowie-knife, misericorde, anlace, yataghan, machete, bolo, handjar, skean, creese, barong, sword, billhook, saber; scalpel, lancet, bistoury; jackknife, pen-knife, pocket-knife. Associated words: cutler, cutlery, sheath, sheathe, unsheathe, scabbard, cultrivorous, cultrate, cultriform, tang, scale, spring, blade, kick, spatula.
knight, n. man-at-arms; champion, partisan, lover, gallant.
knighthood, n. chivalry. Associated word: accolade.
knightly, a. chivalrous, gallant.
knob, n. excrescence, boss, lump, tubercle, knop, stud, hard swelling; finial, knosp.
knock, v. rap; clash, bump; strike, beat.--n. blow, stroke; rap.
knock about. (Colloq.) wander about, saunter, stroll.
knock down. fell, floor, prostrate.
knockknee, n. inknee.
knock under. yield, submit, give in.
knoll, n. hillock, mound.
knop, n. See knob.
knot, n. entanglement, snarl, intricacy, complication; cluster, group, band, bevy, gang, company; joint, node, knag, burl, gnarl, knob, nodule, nodosity; tuft, bunch.
knot, v. entangle, tie, snarl. Antonyms: disentangle, unravel, untie.
knotted, a. knurled, knaggy, gnarled, gnarly; snarled, entangled, interwoven.
knotty, a. knotted, gnarled, crossgrained; intricate, difficult, complicated.
knowable, a. ascertainable, cognizable, cognoscible, intelligible, recognizable. Antonyms: unknowable, unascertainable, incognoscible, unrecognizable.
knowall, n. (Colloq.) wiseacre, quidnunc.
knowing, a. intelligent, sagacious, wise, clever; expressive, significant; (Colloq.) artful, sharp, cunning.
knowingly, adv. consciously, intelligently, wittingly, designedly, sagely, purposely, sapiently, significantly, expressively.
knowledge, n. learning, lore, erudition, culture, enlightenment, attainments, information; cognizance, apprehension, cognition, understanding, ken; omniscience (universal knowledge); prescience (foreknowledge); polymathy. Antonyms: sciolism, ignorance, inerudition, dilettanteism pedantry, unfamiliarity.
knuckle bones. dibs.
knuckle to. (Colloq.) submit to, yield, cringe, obey.
kodak, n. camera (portable).
Renea was trying the wedding dress, when suddenly the man rushed in the dressing room and held her neck tightly... “Bitch! Are you still trying to pretend innocent!” Jasper said as he tightened his grip on her neck and choked her harder. Then he used his other hand and took out the phone from his suit pocket and played the video of two people having sex in front of Renea… However, what was even more shocking, was that the woman in the video was, Renea Morris, however, the man in the video was not Jasper. Renea struggled to take a phone away from Jasper’s hand and tried to explain, “Jasper, it was not what you think… I… I can…” Jasper looked at Renea with his eyes full of disgust, as he said, “Let’s call of the wedding. I can’t marry a woman like you.” After saying that Jasper walked out of the shop Renea chase after Jasper... But then she sees Jasper passionately kissing her sister Kailey. And she hears everything, that her sleeping with strange men was all a plan of the vipers of the last two days, and that their goal was to get out of this stupid marriage. Even her adopted parents were also involved in this matter... They all do this with her because of the inheritance left by her grandfather... Renea heart was filled with anger and she wanted to expose their true colors to the public... However before she could do anything, Kailey had pushed her in front of the car and she got killed... However, when Renea open her eyes, she found herself sitting in the car with Kailey... She realized that she was reborn and went at the time when everything started... Renea looked at the people who had hurt her in her previous life and her lips curled up in a cold smile... She was back... However, this time... she was back for revenge...
Her fiance and her best friend worked together and set her up. She lost everything and died in the street. However, she was reborn. The moment she opened her eyes, her husband was trying to strangle her. Luckily, she survived that. She signed the divorce agreement without hesitation and was ready for her miserable life. To her surprise, her mother in this life left her a great deal of money. She turned the tables and avenged herself. Everything went well in her career and love when her ex-husband came to her.
On the day of their wedding anniversary, Joshua's mistress drugged Alicia, and she ended up in a stranger's bed. In one night, Alicia lost her innocence, while Joshua's mistress carried his child in her womb. Heartbroken and humiliated, Alicia demanded a divorce, but Joshua saw it as yet another tantrum. When they finally parted ways, she went on to become a renowned artist, sought out and admired by everyone. Consumed by regret, Joshua darkened her doorstep in hopes of reconciliation, only to find her in the arms of a powerful tycoon. "Say hello to your sister-in-law."
Rumors said that Lucas married an unattractive woman with no background. In the three years they were together, he remained cold and distant to Belinda, who endured in silence. Her love for him forced her to sacrifice her self-worth and her dreams. When Lucas' true love reappeared, Belinda realized that their marriage was a sham from the start, a ploy to save another woman's life. She signed the divorce papers and left. Three years later, Belinda returned as a surgical prodigy and a maestro of the piano. Lost in regret, Lucas chased her in the rain and held her tightly. "You are mine, Belinda."
Everyone thought Lorenzo truly loved Gracie, until the day of their daughter’s heart surgery. To Gracie’s utter shock, Lorenzo gave the precious organ needed by their child to another woman. Devastated, Gracie opted for a divorce. Fueled by her need for revenge, Gracie joined hands with Lorenzo’s uncle, Waylon, and orchestrated Lorenzo’s downfall. In the end, Lorenzo was left with nothing and consumed by remorse. He pleaded for a reconciliation. Gracie thought she was free to move on with her life, but Waylon held her back in a death grip. “Did you think you can just walk out on me?”
Belinda thought after divorce, they would part ways for good - he could live his life on his own terms, while she could indulge in the rest of hers. However, fate had other plans in store. "My darling, I was wrong. Would you please come back to me?" The man, whom she once loved deeply, lowered his once proud head humbly. "I beg you to return to me." Belinda coldly pushed away the bouquet of flowers he had offered her and coolly replied, "It's too late. The bridge has been burned, and the ashes have long since scattered to the wind!"