zil, avalanche, curling, skate, skee, skating, skeeing, brash, glare
on, opinion, fancy, impre
ltless, consu
, foolishness, fatuit
n. im
cile, foolish, f
g, futile, ineffectual; indolent,
inaction, laziness; futility, v
rone, lounger, loafer
rds: idolater, idolatrous, idolatry, idolize, iconoplast, iconoclast, iconodule
deify, wor
o'-the-wisp, Jack-w
lebeian, untitled; ba
norable, shameful, in
dishonor, reproach, obl
iterate, sciolist, wisea
rudition, unenlightenment, ne
d, untaught, uneducated, unlettered, nescient; quackish, charlatanic.
ngly, unconsciously, ina
on. ignoramus
gard, slight, co
, unwell; evil, unfa
neasy, uncomfo
a. ominous,
nlawful, contraband, u
ard, adulterine; ille
v. illegitimat
s, parsimonious, stingy
, stinginess; narrow-minde
malady, sick
allacious, soph
llucination, chimera, ph
sive, illusory, c
idate, picture, dem
ion, exemplification; com
tment, grudge, rancor, mal
effigy, figure;
iconoclast, ido
ng. iconocla
p iconolatry
visionary, chimerical
conception, notion, con
, fancy; think, supp
. idiot, wi
iocy, fatuity, fo
d, a. e
it; personate, impersonate, mimi
y, impersonation, mimesis; pasticcio; p
copying, mimicking, m
ollower, mimic, mime, a
. inherence,
. inherent,
, embryonic, crude, unri
ctly, straightway, at once, now, instanter.
infinite, illimita
plunge into, dip, im
, plunged into; engros
sion, immersing; eng
exorbitant, inordinate,
indelicate, shameless;
delicacy, impudicity; lewdn
ssolute, vicious, profliga
centiousness, depravity
eathlessness, ath
permanent, impassi
ision, forcible
v. com
, fair, disinterested,
rness, equity, disin
mpenetrable, pat
ess, restive, fretf
, v. r
cle, barrier, obstru
. imminent,
a. impervious,
ncontrition, obdu
nrepentant, obdurate, incorr
compulsory, obligatory
y, deficient, undeveloped, abo
coming, infirmity, foible, deformity, d
sterial, domineering, dictat
permanent, indest
v. personat
sonation, impersonati
mimic, personat
pplicable, impudent, saucy, rud
ermeable, impenetr
ntum, force, imp
a. mal
sable, vindictive, pit
till, inculcate
. tacit, i
ch, supplicate, e
l, disrespectful, saucy, insolent, impertinent, c
sy, inurbanity, incivility
teriality, consequence; p
, material, essential;
lude, dupe, dec
essive, stately,
ty, n. impr
racticable, unfeas
cheat, charlatan, moun
, imposition, charl
ility, n. u
, a. impossib
te, v. f
ion, n. f
. incarcera
on, durance, immurement, dur
ised, offhand, extem
nseemly, indecent, inappro
leness, unfitness, indec
e, rectify, better, mend; ut
rment, amelioration;
eliorative, bene
nce, impertinence, e
impertinent, flippant
ve, incentive; i
te, capricious, hasty;
ted, infected; adulterated, alloyed, sophisticated; unchas
on; adulteration, alloy, sophistication; unchastity, l
potence, incapability, incompe
xactness, incorrec
rect, inexact, erron
vity, inertness, st
nt, dormant, inoperative, sluggish, sta
ertia, lethargy, dormancy, stagnation,
ent, deficient; defectiv
unsuitable, unbeco
nt, unsuitable, in
abstraction, heedlessness, d
, absent-minded, inadver
, n. in
, inherent, innate, i
etent, disqualified,
arnification, Avata
y, inconsiderate, in
ible, censer, thurification, thuri
ur, incitement, stimulus
t, happening, epi
al, oontingent, fortuitous; sub
e, stimulate, arous
s, instigation, incita
esy, rudeness, incomity
t; tendency, propensity, pron
, ascent, descent, grade
encircle, circumscri
ng, closure, barrier, f
mprise, compre
n, n. co
eds; tontine, annuity. As
chless, transcendent, inimitab
, unqualified, incapable; i
defective, imperfect, def
. inconceivable, ab
ughtless, heedless, i
dance, incoherence, cont
g, incoherent, contradictor
ness, mutability, vari
hangeable, volatile, fli
andy, incommodious,
erroneous, inexact, wrong;
accuracy, inexactnes
olific, wax; aggravate, enhance, extend, augment, inten
etion, increment, accession, am
motion. ac
v. cremate,
ion, n.
obligatory, im
ce, impediment, incubus
rremediable, immedicable;
obligation; deb
delicacy, shamelessness, ob
cene, indelicate, shameles
indetermination, irresolut
ve, vacillating, hesitati
ng, persistent, unremitt
terminate, equivocal, ambi
inement, rudeness, i
d, indecorous, immodest
surance; restitution, reim
epression, indenture, serrature,
elf-government, liberty, au
, autonomous; self-reliant; ex
half-breed. Associated words: tepee, wigwam, tomahawk, lodge, wickiup, sachemdom, pueblo, calumet, totem, tot
achem, sannup,
awan, suckanhock, colcol
nce. Mahar
ess or queen
man. squa
bber. ca
designate, be
signifying; symptom, evidenc
(as in a hotel
ation, charge, arrai
ncern, nonchalance, insouciance; mediocrity, inferi
chalant, perfunctory, apathetic, insouciant; ne
undabout, circu
a. unwise,
isdom, folly, imprud
nclined, unwilling, loath,
lination, averseness, re
ble, incontestable, indu
ble, a. in
tractable, refr
aziness, indulgence, slot
slothful, supine,
entive, incitement
mor, pamper, cocker; grant, allow, permit.
ndness, favor, lenity, forbearance; absolution. Anton
earing, kind, leni
nce. technology
edulous, persistent, hard-working. Ant
iligence, activity; labor
ence, inherence.--a.
effectual, unavail
tive, inefficacious; sl
nductile, inext
nductility, inexte
e, a. dis
ortion, unevenness, irregularity;
able, indefensible, unju
ble, a. ex
g, relentless, implacabl
ned, unpractised, undisc
ladroit, unskil
ineffable, unspeak
ity, n. in
able, unerring, sure
ignominious, scandalous, op
, ignominy, odium,
hood; minority,
n. bab
aralysis. p
harm. Antonyms: repel,
ion, contamination,
gious, pestiferous,
deduce, im
tion, conclusion, i
r, subordinate, menial, m
inate. Antonyms: pe
ubordinacy, medio
hinker, atheist, u
, n. See
ble, accendible; irascib
ssociated words: phlogistic, phlogogenous
phlogistic; sedit
expand, enla
wn up; bombastic, pompous,
. distention
n. modulat
tiffness; firmness, pertinaci
, rigid, impliable; immov
persuasion, restraint; auth
e, induce, sway, control, p
us, unconventional, easy
, n. uncere
intelligence, instruction;
transgress; encroach
n, violation, breach, encroac
. inventive,
e, n. unth
nstituent, elemen
esidentiary, resident, citizen. An
adhering, inexistent,
le, a. he
. heritage, pa
, barbarous, fiend
ty, brutality, barba
ion, injecting; enem
m, hurt, impair, disfi
icious, deleterious, baneful, noxious, maleficent
tion, defacement, violation, lesion. Associated words: vulnerable,
nequity, unfair
int, intimati
d, n. s
tous, atramental
arquetry, parq
ss; bay, recess, bight, e
, n. o
, tavern, hotel; caba
nborn, inher
scure, esoteric, innermost parts
uilelessness, guiltlessness, i
fensive, sinless, artless, inculpable, irreproachable, irrepre
a. curious,
y, interrogation; research
us, intrusive, prying, meddlesome. Antony
deranged, delirious, dementate; p
dlam, bethlehem,
frenzy, delirium, mania, hallucination, aberration of mind, bedlamism; paranoia, mon
easable; voracious,
mprehensible, inexpl
culum, entomophilous, entornophily, entomtaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepi
n. pl. Insectiv
a. insectivorou
mophilous, entomophily, entomotaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepidopter
n. pl. Insectiv
a. insectivorou
r. insectici
afe, precarious, ricket
fely, risk, instabi
narcosis, lethargy, numbness, narcoma, insuscep
orpid, unimpressible, unsusceptible, unconsc
. indivisible,
, intercalate, interje
ion, interpolation, int
nternal, inn
entrails; pene
n. disc
tance, pettiness, immateri
ess; unimportant, immateri
dissembling, false, hypocr
ty, disingenuousness, h
nnuendo, intimati
rsist, press,
pertinacity, importunity, ur
rsistent, import
entrap, seduce, invei
sunstroke, siri
tumely, impertinence, contum
ntumelious, overbearing,
uble; unexplainable, i
t, v.
on (breathing in); divin
spiriting, eleva
ithstanding, desp
v. instat
ion, n. i
quest, solicitation, urgency
, forthwith, at once, insta
indoctrinate, edif
ation, indoctrination, inculcation, education, adm
g, didactic, preceptive
or, tutor, master, coach, mento
utensil, implement;
lerable, unendurable;
, n. deficien
equate, deficient, in
offend, aff
ve, contemptuous, con
n. assuranc
sure, indemni
lt, rebellion, insu
us, mutinous, insubord
, revolter, mutinee
diaglyph. A
owledge, discernmen
iscerning, astute, bright
excess, immoder
mmoderate, excess
purpose, propose,
ancé (male), fi
extreme, e
ggravate, exace
design, plan
emeditated. Antonyms: unintent
ediate, interpo
ediation, interpos
ator, interceder, pr
cation, reciprocity, pe
ipation; advantage, benefit, weal, behoof; usury.
udiced, partial. Antonyms: dis
conflict; intermeddle
collision; intermeddling, i
g, n. inte
n. intruder,
rvening, interjacent;
remittent, peri
rior, inside, inner; esot
construe, tran
translation; exegesis, exegetics, herme
tion poin
tice (space between
. intermediate
erence, interposition;
enum, alimentary canal; chitterlings. Associated words: enterology, splanchnology, enterography, splanchnography, enteropathy, enteroplasty, enterotomy, enteralgia,
. insufferable
bigotry, dogmati
igoted, unforbea
ortification; encroachment, i
plication, entang
ted, entangled, involv
ination, cabal, plot; amour (
lot, scheme, m
lotter, schemer, Figaro, in
scheming, Mac
, innate, real, genuin
lude, prolegomenon, prologue, foreword; presen
preliminary, pr
e, invade, encroach
hment, obtrusion, inf
. Antonyms: unintrusive
v. commit
, encroach, trespas
id, of no efficacy;
a. vale
n. valetu
ul, abrogate, canc
ullification, abro
n. valetud
id, aggression; violation, infrin
v. wheed
, n. wheedli
v. probe, s
. examination, i
erceptible, micro
n. bidding,
sk, summon; allur
n. prayer, s
lable, instinctive, autom
testines, bowels, guts; visc
ittle, atom, mite, jo
. Erin, Em
a. prismat
r-de-luce, fle
a. Hi
rnian, Milesian,
ains, handcuffs, shackles
s pneumonia
ble, a. ir
, anomalous, exceptional, unsymmetric
ess, abnormality, asymmetry, an
mpious, godless, sacrilegi
vacillating, inconstant
ision, vacillation, in
naccountable, unans
ul, spleeny, choleric, petulan
stimulate; provoke, ve
e, ichthyocol, ichthy
Associated words: insular, insularity, ar
, segregate, dissoci
d, separate, solitary
tion, segregation; l
lly forth, debouch; proceed, e
rs. Associated
e. macaroni,
prurigo; sycosis (barber'
. tingling
eburnean, eburnine, eburin
hederaceous, hederal, hede
loq.) thrust
er, gabble, babble.--v. gab
dolt, simpleton, wit
sontag, blazer, sweater, reefer, jersey, jumper, cardigan j
jadeite; nag, plug;
eft, barb, protub
aggy, notched, serr
lockup, calaboose
ird. p
arden, turnk
er. typh
, conserve; crow
crowd, press, w
g) carousal, revel
scord, dissonance; wrangling,
ang; quarrel, wrangl
dant, dissonant, cl
porter, concierge; (fema
, geisha, coolie, Mikado, samurai, shizoku, heimin, kwazoku,
acquer, var
lt, vibration.--v. jolt, jounce,
bble, gabble, twaddle, bosh; can
showy, finical,
; maxilla (upper jaw)
d, upbraid, berate
. agnathic
cle. ma
r, n. gu
. suspicion
deride, ridicul
derision, ridicule, s
a. gelatino
il, risk, expose,
ize, v.
nger, peril, ha
. twitc
beef. c
abrupt, un
icism, quip, jeu d'
, v.
buffoon, merry-andrew,
lery, banter, persiflage, face
ish, jocular, fa
sh; protrude, project.--
ee, Pharisee, Levite. Associated words: Yiddish, ghetto, kosher, tref,
Judaic, Israelitish
eggar. s
iage broker
. gem, b
n. jewels
h. asphalt
she-devil, fury,
loq.) agree,
q.)moment, insta
tte, flirt; sw
ingling, tintinnabulat
k; situatio
waggish, sportive, mer
g, jocose, sportiv
waggishness, waggery,
jolt, jar, shov
e, jostle; suggest
e. hoecake
link, conjoin, mortise, dowel, splice, knit, dovetail, mingle, coalesce
oupling, bond; woo
int, joggle joint, mortise joint, mi
ogy, arthrography, synosteology arthrectomy, synovia, articular, bursa, synovi
ombined, jo
culated, hinged;
ndylous, anarthro
ocosity, sally, jeu d'espri
rally, ba
ying, banter, persiflage
tively, jestingly,
mirthful, sportive, gay, facetious, boon, waggish
ke good-natured, joke,
jounce, jolting.--v
le, bit, mite, atom, scin
hake, jolting.--v.
r, record; diary; periodical, publi
, travel, jaunt, peregrination. Associated wo
ftsman, artisan. Antony
, v.
n. J
ful, gay, merry, sporti
ty, jollity, sport
, jubilation, mirth, festivi
ubilant, exhilarating, happy, buoy
, a. j
oyful, exultan
rejoicing, exul
us, treacherous, d
distinguish, discriminate, decide; esteem, th
nnoisseur, critic; puisne; deemster (Isle of Man). Associated words
n. pl. j
ament, arbitration, adjudgment; sentence, d
court, tribunal,
tive, judicatory, j
rudent, discree
, demijohn, flagon; b
or, magician, conjurer; c
ain, prestidigitation, magic, conjurin
. sap, lu
, lush, luscious. Antonyms
use, disarrange
ion, disarray, mixture, ent
nd, leap, hop, caper
ing, bound, hop, v
union, coalit
eam; crisis, conjunct
cket, brake, b
at; feast, banquet.--v. feas
l, tribunal, ass
council, cabal,
impanel, panel, venire, ven
n, n.
served, due; reasonable, conscionable, equitable, fair; unbiased, impartial correct, exac
tly; closely, nearly, almo
y, impartiality; judge. An
arrantable, defen
dication, exuplpation
stificatior, vin
rant, excuse, exonorate, e
ash, bump, jo
tly, fairly, equit
fairness, equity, impa
oject, protrude.--n
jection, projec
pier, mo
youthful, you
. youthfulnes
oq.) overturn, c
iscerning; piercing, poignant, excruciating, a crimonious, morda
intenance, support; strongho
n, continue; guard, shield, defend, protect, screen, preserve; entertain, harbor; obser
, withhold; restra
associate with, a
subjection, restr
nt, curator, custodian, guardia
bstain from,
tention, retention; maintenance support, subsistence, board; conformity, congruity, ha
reserving, withholding; res
ceed, contin
n. memento
o. adh
in subjection,
Colloq.) con
h, substance, essence, marrow. Associated words:
. coal oil,
aldron (a la
n. tympano;
claviger, clavigerous, cle
. pitc
ation, elucidation, clavis; wharf, qu
d, n. c
te, recalcitrate, winch;
citration, calcitration, wi
lcitrant, calcit
ang) deceive,
, v. a
. abductor,
ng, n. a
logy, nephrotomy, nephritis, renal,
t, kind, varie
aped, a.
one. neph
h, execute, lynch, massacre, burke, immolate, guillotine, decim
, butcher, assassin, assass
holocaust, execution, fusillade, carnage, murder, manslaughter, chaud-medley, lynching, guillotine, burkis
deadly, destructive; captiv
n. f
Colloq.) con
elatives, relations, ki
a. ki
clement, benignant, gracious, benevolent, kind-heart
rain, breed, nature, genre, sort, st
ompassionate, leni
, fire, ignite, inc
kindling, incit
y, a.
ence, kindliness, graciousness, clemency, c
p; relatives, relations
ted, congenial,
pl. cow
ciated words: regicide royalty, regnal, regnant, regn
dominion, sovereig
ereign, august, majestic, grand. Antonyms
evil. s
arl, become
glement, twist; crotchet, w
led, knotted; crotchety
, n. re
v. osc
n, buss, smack; pa
lation.--a. oscu
(back kitchen); galley (Nautical). Assoc
. acqua
k, kickshaws, gewgaw, bauble; skill, readiness, aptitu
t, gnarl, kna
arled, knurly, gnarly,
n, rascal, scamp
ality, scoundrelism, chica
rincipled, rasc
, genuflection, ham, hock, gonitis,
n. patell
desk. p
. pl. ma
. pl. knee breech
gewgaw, bauble, trinket,
, barong, sword, billhook, saber; scalpel, lancet, bistoury; jackknife, pen-knife, pocket-knife. Associated words: cutler, c
rms; champion, part
ivalry. Associate
. chivalrou
lump, tubercle, knop, stud,
bump; strike, beat.-
loq.) wander abou
fell, floo
ee, n.
yield, subm
. hilloc
n. See
cluster, group, band, bevy, gang, company; joint, node,
snarl. Antonyms: disen
gy, gnarled, gnarly; snar
ed, crossgrained; intrica
e, intelligible, recognizable. Antonyms: unknowabl
Colloq.) wise
wise, clever; expressive, significan
y, wittingly, designedly, sagely, purpose
, apprehension, cognition, understanding, ken; omniscience (universal knowledge); prescience (forekno
e bone
oq.) submit to, y
camera (