e, vacuum, chasm, gap; leis
nhabited, untenanted; leisure, unempl
te, resign, abdicate; an
n, abdication; invalidation, abroga
e, v. in
inoculation (w
uate, waver, veer,
te, changeable, wavering
ecision, changeableness, oscilla
mp, mendicant, beggar; ra
ant, wandering, n
vagrancy, vagabo
aprice, fancy, fre
, n. vag
vagabond, rascal.--a. wan
uous, obscure, uncertain, g
iteness, ambiguity, o
, fruitless, ineffectual, frustrate, unavailing, bootless, futile, abortive, i
pretentious, assuming, arro
vanity, boasti
l, valley, d
, a. Se
tifiable, efficacious, well-gr
cogency, soundness, for
tmanteau, satc
bottom, dale, ravine, d
n. See
s, rare, expensive; esteemed
e, n. t
. appraiseme
worth, e
ise; prize, est
ng) decamp, dep
estroyer, ic
v. See d
isappearing, transient.--n.
y, inanity, delusiveness, emptiness, s
defeat, subjugate, su
feat, subjugation,
ritless; insipid, stale
s; insipidity, tasteless
on, reek, emanation, rack. Associated words: atmolo
e, v. e
eness, mutability, inco
able. See changeable. Antony
ion; dissension, disagreemen
nge; deviation, diversity,
s, diversified, d
sified, motley, divers-colore
n, multiplicity, variousness; assortm
, diverse, sundry, n
n, enamel, glaze; gloss o
er; gloss, pallia
modify; deviate, depart, swer
, beneficiary, subje
nse, monstrous, huge, e
t, tomb, catac
ver, spring, bou
a. arched
v. Se
sociated wo
vacillation, tergiversation
, n. plan
e oyster
ow, germinate, pullulat
y, impetuosity, inten
t, impetuous, arden
e, carriage; medium,
loak, disguise, sh
, pretense, cloak
dden, disguis
ed word: venous.
n. sea
hasable, merce
v. See
verence, revere
, n. rever
se. gonorrhea,
hancre, chancroi
s, amativeness; sexua
gement, revenge; Nemesis, retal
nable. Antonyms:
thole; touchhole; spiracle blow
t, utter, sa
hole, vent, bung,
n. ventriloqu
n. gastriloquis
nce, risk, haza
. dare, ha
g, bold, intrepid, un
Morning Star, Lucifer Phosphor;
us, a.
sociated words: compurgation,
n. porc
l, a.
, verbosity, perissolo
, a. Se
. finding,
on, corroboration, authenti
te, confirm, attest,
versification; stanza, s
ted, skilled, prof
tion, n.
x, top, summit
endicular, plumb. Antonyms
eal, actual, unquestionable
ghly, greatly, extremely,
il, receptacle; boat,
n. wai
v. i
hall, antech
. trace, s
pontificals; cassock, cotta (choir vestments). Ass
ary surgeon, horse docto
ry art.
geon. veterina
ment, tantalize, hector, annoy, ir
e, irritation, chagrin,
arking, irritating, provoking, aggrava
swing; oscillate, librate; qui
ation, swinging, vac
illatory, swinging, fluctuat
uty, lieutena
tiousness, immorality; defect
od, vicinage; nearness,
imperfect; refractory, unruly, unmanageable;
.) gull, dupe, gud
nqueror, cham
phant, conquering, s
astery. Antonyms: See defeat. As
ler, n.
tend, compe
; seeing, sight, survey, inspection, aspect, scrutiny, supervision, behold
iful, quixotic; spectacul
lness, circumspection
ful, attentive, ci
, lustiness, energy, endu
y, robust; energetic, cog
s, outrageous, shameless; worthless, mean, despicable, contemptib
revile, vituperate,
ough, thorpe, dorp, bur
n. See
ipled, knavish, arrant
kedness, turpitude, rascali
energy, spirit, life. Anto
te, v.
n. justificat
justifier, cham
geful, implacable, m
ndril, arbor, pergola, bower, bine, cordon, amp
c, acetification, acetify, mother,
acetous, so
bey, transgress, contra
, infraction, contravention, profanation, desecra
ser, infringer, tran
intensity, severity, wildness, fury; injur
s, fierce, impotent, ungovernable, outrage
t, n.
n. fid
, n. v
rginal; chaste, pure,
eration. par
n. maidenho
eol.). Associated words: mariolatry
, strong; potent. Antonyms: in
vigor. Antonyms: invirilit
ial, energizing; p
ically, really, subst
ess, purity, morality, integrity. A
xemplary, moral, pur
s, venomous; malignan
discernible, apparent, evident, manife
dream, phantasm, specter, ph
ative, romantic, fanciful, i
tle-builder, drea
guest. Ant
rupt, demoralize, conta
orruption, demoralization,
, shrew, termagant, Tar
d words: phonology, phonetics, phonation, phonography, oral, vocal, non-
destitute, devoid, lacking; ine
discharge, egest, pass;
acuation, disch
a. See c
ater, lapilli, lava, scoria, obs
o; outpouring,
ib, fluent, oi
e; dimensions, compa
nal, unforced, spontaneous.
n. Antonym:
, epicure, sybarite, bon
urean, sybaritic. Antonyms:
pew, emit, belch,
pew. Associated words: emetic, antemetic
ravenous, insatiable, fie
acity, voracious
. devotee
s: enfranchise, enfranchisement, disenfranchise, disenfranchisement, suffr
elector, s
n. pl. e
est, corrobor
, n. at
Associated words
ted words: macron
orn, coarse, inelegant, ribald, risque, broad,
. unrefineme
tagger, vaci
v. toddl
, v.
s. Grallato
stake, be
take, pledge, ha
ation, pay, earni
ousness, pleasantry, drol
facetious, roguish, ar
hicle, wain;
ainwright, wagonw
stray, str
dice; blouse, basque;
, n. vest
await, abide; (Colloq.) delay,
delay, halt, stop;
servitor, lackey, gar?
ngering, delay; abeyance
om, n. sta
inquish, fore
waken; arouse,
ess, insomnolent;
ess, insomnia, insomnolenc
awake, awa
ambria (Anc
mbulatory. Associated words: ambulant, ambulatory, ambulatorial, peripatetic pedome
enade, shamble, stalk, strut, step, bundle, toddle, daddle, waddle, shuffle, gad
strian, ambulat
n, pedestrianism, str
parapet, fortification. Associated words: mural, murage dado, buttress, coping, int
elter, floun
n. morse
, rod; baton,
ray, straggle, itinerate, saunter, gad, peregrin
er, stroller, peregrinator, vagabond, iti
ation, pilgrimage; digression, expatiation, departure, deviation, diver
ant, vagabond, landloping, wayfaring, errant, uns
ish, fade.--n. decrease,
ness, inadequacy, paucity, insufficiency, scarceness; desideratum, require
require; desi
ng, missing, deficient, d
uxuriant, rampant, exuberant, excessive, rank; dissolute, licentious, immora
ds: Bellona, Mars, belligerent, bellicose, tactics, casus belli, strategy, cartel,
fight, combat, mi
trill, ca
trill, ca
. slogan,
ard, tutelage; protégé. A
fend off, avert, pa
rden; keeper, custod
guard, warden; mace
parry, evas
pillage, pupill
se, depot, magazine, r
lities; crusade, strug
n. charger;
ry, martial, belli
eager, enthusiastic; temperate, genial; irascible, choleric, irritable, peppery, fiery
, v.
. homothermous,
over. r
Roman baths
, earnestness, fervency, cordiality, ve
notify, premonish, apprise
er, monitor, sentin
ry, mentorial, monitorial, omi
arning; caution, admonition, m
end, bulge; perve
bent, bulging, pro
ure, insure; justify, defe
authority; guaranty, sur
a. justifiabl
anty, guarantee,
verruca; condyloma (venereal wa
scent, verrucos
autious, circumspec
he, absterge, fome
n. l
lavatory, was
man, n.
se, n.
g, lavement; abstersion, detersion
y. detergen
da. sodium
nd, n.
ords: vespid, vespifo
e, irritable, snappi
est. v
awdle; desolate, devastate, despoil, sack, pillage, rava
narable, worthless; desolate, devastated, stripped, ravaged,
wild, desert; remnants, offal, recrement, garbage, refuse, rubbish; desolation,
digal, unthrifty, improvident
dthrift, prodig
sipation, prodigality, impro
r, patrol, watchman, sentry, perdue, picket
n. ho
gil, be on the lo
dful, attentive, alert, ci
ance, circumspection,
, vigilance; espio
n. horologer
n. horology
el, guard, Argus, C
er, n. ob
tersign, password,
v. ir
ation, irrigation, diluvian, douche, glairin, baregin, hydragogue, hydrant, hydrate, hydration, hydrated, hydraulicon, hydrodynamics, hydroextractor, hydrogen, oxygen, hydrognosy, hydrographer, hydrography, hydrologist, reservoir, hydrolysis, hydromania, hydroma
n. lymp
arer, n.
. water-qua
n. clepsydr
olor. a
h, canal, moat, sewer, drain,
re, n. h
or, n. hyd
cascade, catar
ss, n. a
s, a. an
ily, n.
n. ferryma
h, n. Naia
e brain. hy
he chest.
hydrophyte. Associated
n. varicell
n. water br
ed, n.
l. tympanu
ous; ichorous,
n. gill,
reaker; ripple; whitecap; signal, flourish; swelling, exc
t, flutter; flourish, b
, fluctuate, veer,
uctuating, oscillating, unst
ctuation, indecision, irresol
atory, undulat
ds: cerography, ceroplastics, ceroplasty, cerograph, cerographist, cerotic, ceromancy, cer
rease, grow, deve
ceral; facile, pliable, fic
ractice; distance, interval, space; passage, transit, progression, advance; me
eler, pilgrim, pa
a. travelin
n. en
, v. a
. exit,
perverse, froward, willfu
ometer, pedomet
ender; peccable, fallible, errable, erring, indiscreet; impotent, ineffectual, inefficacious, ineffective; illogical, unsustained, inconclusive, lame, unsatisfactory; vaci
ate, incapacitate, sap, undermine, unman, exhaust, deplete;
ebilitant; dilu
ding, irresolute, p
ble-minded, foolish
validism; vulnerability, accessibility, exposedness; foible, defect, deficiency; peccability, errability, f
sociated words: economics, Pluto, plutocracy, plutology, chryso
affluent, rich, capit
ccustom, alie
, fray, erode, co
atigued, exhausted,
e, lassitude, languo
n, attrition, detriti
, worn, exhausted, wearie
fatigue, exhaust
words: meteorology, m
ck, n. wea
terlace, mat, plait,
ords: loom, textile, tex
lmiped, palmated,
ptials, marria
olus, chock,
, a. cuneifo
uproot, e
ulation; extirpa
achine. a
ssociated w
v. sob
n. sobbin
, n. c
e, a. po
ity, poise, heft; encumbrance, pressure, incubus, clog
massive, onerous; momentous,
ty, happiness, weal,
ient, favorable, beneficial, advantageous;
mric, Cambri
n, n. C
wallow, flo
ds: Occident, Hesperian
, a. oc
ssociated wo
p, moist, h
dampen, soak, i
heck, damper,
ne, n.
il. tra
ier, quay,
a. étagèr
ated word: matta
ajole, blandi
olery, blandishme
el of a pulley). Associated words: spoke, felly, hub, strake, tire, straddle, cog, sprocket, linchp
stone. Associated
fancy, crotchet, freak, hu
ey, n
us, vagarious, notiona
ing, complaint.--v. wh
n. and v
trounce, flagellate, castigate, scourge, switch, spank, mau
switch, rattan, thong, knout, cat-o-nine-
nt, scourging, trouncing, flagellation, beating,
hiffletree, swing
ve, twirl, rotate, gy
olution, rotation
ing, rotating, ver
rotation, gyration, t
elstrom, vortex,
n. cyclon
l. beard; (of
ed words: faints, distill, distiller, d
ion, whispering, sibilation; i
. rhonchus,
ta, jot, tittle, bit, mite,
d, bleached, etio
at. inca
t. incan
ceruse, carb
cowardly, pusill
blanch, pale, eti
leaching, blanc
e. Caucas
n. Pentecost
hum, bu
act, complete, inviolate, integra
ggregate, gross, integral. Antonyms: p
integrity. Associated words: integra
us, salutary, nutritious, benef
lloo, hoot,
h, n. chin co
t, courtesan, wench, Cyprian, bawd, d
ion, fornication, lewd
n. brothel,
fornicator, whoremonger;
oremaster, debauch
ntinent, licentious, m
oral, depraved, vicious, pernicious, aba
lity, sinfulness, vice, infamy, atrocity,
extensive, vas
keen, vigilant, watc
n. bread
prevalent, exte
ciated words: viduage,
n. br
words: uxoricide, uxorious, uxoriousness, coverture, dow
, periwig, toupet, jas
. squirm,
, n. per
m, n.
e, ferocious, barbarous, uncivilized, cannibal; unrestrained, violent, turbulent, tempestuous, r
deception, guile,
ference, choice; comma
tamentary, testator, testatrix, surrogate, bequeathable, bequeather, bequeathment, beques
eave; decree, ordain, direct
headstrong, perverse,
sposed, volunt
readiness, dispo
is fatuus, Jack-o'-lante
words: osiery, osiered, salic
, graceful, plian
intriguing, designing, tr
hrink, flin
chinook, trade wind, levanter, typhoon, harmattan, solano. Associated words: anemology, anemography, anemometry, Typhon, ?olus, g
, belching, eructation, crepitus, ructation,
wreathe; crook, meander, cu
n. godse
wer, n.
uge. an
tour, meander, meandering, crook, bend
nthian, meandering, spiral, se
sion, settlement, dén
ss, n.
il-de-b?uf, lunette window. Associated words: fenestral, fenestrated, fenestration, squilgee, cancelli, tracery, mullion, m
ated words: tracheal, tracheary, tracheitis, tr
y, gusty, tempes
iculture, vintner, vinometer, mull, stum, ?nolo
ber, n.
words: alary, alate, alati
annex, el
ictitate; overlook,
ing, captivating,
nation, hibernal, hibernacle, hyem
v. hib
xpunge, efface,
e, taunt, je
phy. Associated
ling, n.
g, sapience, erudition,
rned, philosophical, enlighten
retender, scio
ly, judiciously, sap
minary, authority, philosopher, N
(of the E
ke, imprecate; congratulate,
longing, aspira
ry thought, furc
. longing,
rtee, drollery, facetiousness, joc
nchantress; hag; siren
, necromancy, black art, conjuration
sorcery; fascination, s
zel, n.
witching, fasci
treat, quit; recall, re
nt, retreat; retraction
lighting, blast
oal. p
efrain, abstai
int, repression, absti
bear witness, confirm
estimony, evidence; eye-wi
acetious, d
ticisms, conceits,
magician, conjurer, sorcer
der-working, sor
te; werewolf,
a. lupine
trics, gyneocracy, gynecocracy, gynocracy, gynecian, gynarchy, gyneolatry, gyneolater, g
er, n. mi
manliness, femin
. effeminat
atrix, matrice. Associated
t, amazement, awe; phenomenon, m
, v. m
, wondrous, phenomenal,
magician, thaumaturge, t
rdry, magic, sorcery, t
al, thaumaturgic, miracu
bit, custom
tomed, customary
iated words: kyanize, fissile, fissility, lignification, lignify, ligniferous
ld, grove, woodland
kle, caprifole, eglan
harcoal; ligni
g, n. xylogra
hoe. sab
, n. fo
, n. dryad
n. pl.
gar, n.
en, ligneous;
n. cou
ing, Associated words: laniferous, lanifical, lan
wny, fleecy,
ot; derivative; signal, order, com
onary, lexicon, th
rd. verbati
y, prolixity, verbiage
, n. ph
ronomasia, pun, punning, onomatop?oea, syncope, syncopation, literal, literally, literalism, transliteration, verbal, verbalist, verbalism, battology, logomachy, logomachist, verbarium, apocope, kyriology, metonomy, autolibretto. Associate
ose, redundant, pleonastic. Ant
te, manipulate, perform; ferment, effervesce. Anto
diligence, assiduity; business, duty, job, task; magnum opus. Antonyms: idleness, dalliance,
g, n. r
an, mechanic, workman, laborer, operative, industrial. Antonyms: i
a. indu
an. worke
ration; collusion; conc
rtificer, craftsman, j
perate; collude; c
mography, cosmogony, cosmographer, cosmogonist, cosmometry, cosmoplastic, cosmic, cosmolatry, cosmopolite, cosmopolitan, catacl
n. secularit
, earthly, mundane, ter
a. irreligious,
ller. v
mifuge, anthelmint
t, vermifugal, verminivorous, vermin, vermiculate, vermiculated, vermiculation, t?nifug
vermiform, vermi
roded, abrad
se, fret, trouble, pester, badger, harry,
, apprehension, concern, so
nxious, distre
n, apotheosis. Associated words: liturgies, liturgy
vere; idolize, deify,
sh, conquer, overcome, o
cellence, virtue, merit,
-nothing, futile, trashy, unworth
lent, estimable, deserving, r
-styled, soi-disa
vulnerability, invulnerable, invulnerability, vulnerary, vulnific, sanies, sanious, ple
e, scath, hurt,
, dispute, squabble, br
te, dispute, squabb
r, n. d
the, bemuffle, envel
ee, kimono, peignoir; envelope,
n. Se
land, chaplet,
in, havoc, devastation,
roy, ruin, shatter, stra
xtort; distort, pervert, g
aitiff, miscreant, scapegrace, villain, rascal, renegade, reprobate, rake,
unhappy; contemptible, a
e, pinch; distort, perve
umple, crinkle, ruck; (Colloq.) notion, fancy, whi
ker, corrugate, crease,
, rumpled, puckered, co
Associated words
erscribe (write on the top or o
tary, amanuensis, correspondent, essayist,
cate, charter, holograph; inscription, superscription, subscription. Associated words: graphology, agraphia, graph
n. secretary
oom, n. s
. superscript
r. subscript
nd, wrongful, iniquitous, blameworthy, reprehensible, base, crooked, sinister; erroneous, m
ance, detriment; error, falsity; immorality, vice, iniquity, sin, evil, improbity, guilt, misdoing, malpract
damnify, defraud,
quent, offender, malefactor, transgressor, misc
ction, iniquity, sin, immorality, wickedness, indiscretion, prevarication,
ll-timed, inoppor
orked, elabor
erturbed, distracted,
distorted, awry;
n. tort