Her world as she knew was about to radically change. When her car crashed by accident in the gate of a billionaire hybrid, Thomas DiAngelo, Mika Reigna's life was under a death threat. The Red Moon was witness of the hunt while the 18-year-old girl was running for her life, after being bitten by the over 500-year-old vampire-werewolf with a youthful appearance and the looks of a heartthrob. Her footsteps were taking her in the heart of the forest on the vast dominion the hybrid had, to escape the Devil who was after her to devour her special human blood. Neither Thomas, nor Mika, knew what the craze under the Red Moon event was about to bring among them. She was human, but was she? Would he kill her, or would he protect her from himself? Would love, pure love, conquer their hearts for one another? Did they have a past connection? What significance did the Red Moon have for them? Was she going to accept her new fate that was destined for her since birth? Thomas DiAngelo was a cruel beast, but with a pure soul for what mattered. He was head of the Hybrids House, but also leader over the other eight supernatural houses around the world. In front of the human world, he was a ruthless businessman, feared by others. Every Red Moon event, he would lose control over himself and needed to be restrained by his people under chains and spells, to not go on a killing spree and attack the innocent. But that fateful night, when Mika crashed with her car in his main gate, nothing worked to keep him at bay, for her blood drove him insane in cravings and the unwanted hunt began.... The story and series will bring you vampires, werewolves, witches, banshees, and many other creatures for the houses stood for a certain species. You'll meet romance, supernatural, real world, business world, comedy, action, horror, betrayal, jealousy, friendship, brotherhood, and more. Red Moon Love is the first book in the Bloody Hunters Saga series.
The Red Moon crowned the darkness. It was the night when creatures of the underworld would lurk and satiate their thirst. Howls ascended in the Mirval Forest on one side, and on another, growls penetrated the thick moldy trees shaking their leaves on the ground. An eerie wind mixed the sounds in a way that a human heart would be doomed to death.
Mika Reigna was running for her life under the strict watch of the Red Moon. She couldn't see in front of her, but she kept running. Through the forest, branches punched her solar plexus and played with her golden hair in a dark game. Her clothes got scratches and were ripped off in places. Blood from her neck would make its way on her white satin shirt like a thin snake. The creature gave the start of a life and death marathon when the clock stroke midnight.
A blackish mist covered the path for Mika to find no sanctuary. Icy shivers crawled on her body, dancing in a chaotic tune. With a bruised face from the cruel forest, dirty olive pants, one shoe lost in the escape, falling and rising again, she was running without looking behind.
The Devil was after her, at least that was what she thought. She only saw two bloody eyes, a pair of sharp fangs, and a towering, sturdy male body.
Mika's regret was she had fought with her mother for a silly matter right before she might end up dead. When her mother demanded not the see that young man again in her life, she stormed out of the house, slamming the door. A behavior she couldn't correct if the night demanded her soul.
The manly creature pursued her trail of blood with an unearthly speed. Mika's blood scent aggravated his senses, driving him crazy to the point of losing control. It was the fragrance of an exotic sweet rose that would tickle his nostrils and inserting the lust of devouring her. His raven-hued wavy hair strands were rebelling along his face, revealing his chiseled jawline. He still had the honey drops of her blood on his lips, tasting them with the tip of his tongue.
"Help me! Somebody! Open the door!" Mika screamed when she finally found a cottage in the heart of the wood, knocking frenetically on the door. No answer came. She searched the windows to see a light, something to give her hope. It was pitch-black inside and no noise would surface to let her in. "Why? Just why?" she cried, crumbling on the cold ground. Her breath was heavier with each effort she made. A pressing weakness reigned her body. "I can't die.... I'm only 18.... I.... haven't...," she protested with her last viable strength before she passed out.
Death reached the premises to encounter its prey. The creature saw the shades of the Red Moon waving over Mika's body like a signal of protection. He shook his head and looked again. His guts were trooping to have her as a heavenly supper, his mind was blocking him to progress on having her pure blood. It was one of a kind blood type. In his over 500 years of existence, it was the first time he had such a blood. The sight of her was that of an injured angel. "What have I done? Who's this girl?" The devil raged coming back to his senses. His scarlet eyes disappeared, and navy-blue ones took their place.
Thomas DiAngelo took the girl's petite body into his arms. Her heart was skipping a beat every two beats. She had long curled lashes, faded prune glossy plump lips, and porcelain skin. Her beauty was nobiliary. "I will save you. I didn't mean to." He whispered into the girl's ear that felt like a rose petal when he approached his cheek to her head. "You will not die because of me," he continued with a husky voice.
Though he didn't know who she was and how she crossed path with him on his own vast dominion, Thomas's heart, mind and body were prone in a familiar connection with her. His immortal heart awakened a warm feeling under the Red Moon's cold craziness. It was so long since this sort of feelings invaded his deadly being.
On his way back to his castle-like mansion, at the limit of the forest, a pack of gigantic wolves, with sparkling red eyes, surrounded them. Thomas stopped with the girl and stared at the black-brown creature right in front of him.
The wolf made a step forward and shapeshifted into a man with a muscular body, black-brown wavy hair, black olive eyes, bare chest and black leather pants, kneeling with his head down. He was the Alpha. "Master, we failed to contain you. This Red Moon was stronger. The new spell wasn't powerful enough to keep you in chains. You murdered two of our mates. That girl's smell, when her car crashed into the gate, drove you insane. We don't know how she found her way here. Ronald saw another car chasing her. When she hit the gate, that car drove away without checking on her. Luke and Vic are investigating as we speak." Drake felt guilty he couldn't prevent the rush of bad events that crowned the night.
"Drake, I'm sorry for your mates...." Thomas was sincere and hurting for the loss of his people under his madness. "I don't know her, but I won't let another one die tonight. Call the witch immediately! We will need her for this one...." His eyes moved at the girl in his arms who was at her last mile of life. Who is she? She's.... Special.... I feel her in my heart though I don't know her.... What's the meaning of this?
"We can take her inside the mansion, Master. You need to be protected from the Red Moon. We don't know if you will burst again. It's dangerous." Drake knew how ferocious and uncontrollable his Master was. He had lived with him for over 200 years.
"No need for that. I manage it now. Do as I say! I will take care of her. Send more people to help Luke and Vic." Though he was giving orders, Thomas's stare was lingering over the girl's face and body. How could I do this? She's no threat.... She's a weak, young girl....
"Your wish is my command, Master!" Drake turned to one of the wolves on his right and thundered in his Alpha voice. "Vilore! Take more men and go after Luke and Vic." The wolf bowed on his front legs and galloped with three other pack members to assist the investigators. "Mike? Go and fetch the witch! After she will deal with the girl, I will have a word with her for the failed spell!"
"Yes, sir!" Mike proceeded with the task.
The noises and words reverberated in Mika's head, causing her to attempt opening her eyes and move her limbs. She sensed her body in the air supported by muscular arms. What she could see, for the second she succeeded to have control over her being, was a handsome young man gazing at her lips. It was like she saw the most good-looking man in the world. She hadn't seen a more beautiful creature than he was. When she realized blood was on his mouth, a flash of what happened stroke her spine. Her jade eyes widened and fainted once again, giving a prolonged exhale.
"Hey! Wake up! Don't die on me!" Thomas was shaking her in his arms while reaching the mansion's living room.
The witch made her appearance right then with a commanding attitude, stare and grimace, rushing to the victim to assist her. "Put her on the table! Now! There is no time to lose!"
Thomas placed Mika's breathless body on the table and gave room for the witch to work her magic. "Just don't let her die, or else...." A deadly frown appeared on his face at the witch, revealing his predator fangs. I don't know why, but she mustn't die....
"Don't threaten me while I work if you want me to save her! Stay away! It's your fault, not mine! You bloody monster! Look what you have done! And you have the nerve to threaten me! Humph!" The witch was assessing the girl with an angry but investigating stare.
She placed two candles on the table having Mika in between. One was white and the other black. She spread her magical herbs on the body and lit the candles. "Alma sortis, Alma entris!" First words she started the ritual with. "What's her name?" She asked with her eyes closed.
"I don't know who she is or what business she had around here." Thomas answered with a submissive voice.
"But you want to save her?" The witch kept her eyes closed but her words had a mocking tone.
"Yes! She's innocent!" Thomas yelled, revealing once more his commanding Alpha.
"Since when innocence matters to you?" She mocked the vampire in a double voice laughter.
"Olivia! Are you going to save her or not?" Thomas flashed revengeful eyes at the witch.
The black-haired woman with fair skin, opened her green eyes and fired a glare at the vampire. "I save humans, but I can't stand when you do such things and call me in the middle of the night! She's infected by you now! Red Moon is the most infectious! I need her name!" Olivia hissed at him with her discontent.
"Save her now! We will discuss afterwards! Annoying as always!" Thomas had an outrage, pointing at the girl.
"Her name!" demanded Olivia.
"I don't know!" thundered Thomas.
Olivia took a silver knife from her black bag that had engraved 'Viva Sangre' in small rubies. "You're gonna pay me back for this, Master! It will cost you a fortune!" said the witch mounting on the table over Mika's body like she would on a horse.
"Just bring her back in human form. Price to pay doesn't matter. It's yours." Thomas agreed to the witch's terms.
"Don't forget your pledge, Master! Drake! Come here and keep her hands still! She's gonna go into shock for a few times, badly. Don't let her move once I start! No matter what happens, don't let her move and neither of you touch me or her until I say so. Just her hands, Drake!" She went into her ritual state.
"Understood." Drake did per instructions, enforcing his strength with his hands over Mika's.
"Aliarti Sangri! Hariti songeo Maila! Arias podenco humis plare! Horti deti, valgi seti!" The witch started chanting and rising the knife with her hands over her head, pointing its tip in Mika's direction. "Alehora, alehora, alehora!" Her eyes were closed. "Magri suna, magri astra, magri luna, magri huma!" She said right before she stabbed herself in the heart. Blood would pour on Mika's body. The witch had her mouth with blood from the injury. She spitted blood on Mika's face and on her lips. Her eyes were now a glowing yellow-dark orange. Olivia took the knife out of her own heart. "Sangri viva, Sangri soma, Sangri suri, Sangri Viva!" she ordered with a trembling but strong voice. The witch waited no more and stabbed Mika's heart with the same knife having her blood on it.
When the knife pierced Mika's body and penetrated her heart, she went into shock. Drake held her nailed to the table with all his might. A human wouldn't be a problem for Drake, but the ritual and the spoiled blood she had after being bitten by Thomas, under the Red Moon, would make her a supernatural being.
The girl's eyes opened. She had blood in them. They were no longer human eyes. Mika would scream as if a demon took her place. She tossed with force under the witch and Drake's restrain.
"Keep her still no matter what!" ordered Olivia before she passed out.
"What is she doing? Are you kidding me?" asked Drake not knowing what to do first: keeping Mika under control or helping the witch who apparently died.
"She's not dead. Restrain the girl." said Thomas while his eyes turned bloody again.
"Master? Are you OK?" inquired Drake worried at the sight of him. Red Moon was still up, and his Master wasn't a safe creature around others.
"I am," he replied with a sort of hiss in his voice, "it's her blood that's stirring me up, but I will manage." He assured Drake keeping his deadly stare on both the witch and Mika.
Mika went into shock a few times and gasped for air with such noise that awakened the witch. The witch kept her hand with the knife in the girl's heart all this time, though she was unconscious.
"Ala iacta daemo, ala ioris, ala vivi, ala huma!" chanted the witch while Mika started to calm down a bit.
Blood from Mika's eyes disappeared, remaining only in her iris's area. She started breathing normally. The young girl felt the pressure and coldness of the witch's knife. An atrocious pain made her scream as if a pig was butchered. "Don't kill me!" she begged crying.
Olivia pulled the knife out from her heart. "I am reviving you, darling, not killing you," said the witch on a comforting tone.
The blood from both the witch and Mika absorbed in their skin. The wounds made by the knife closed in a second.
"You will now go to sleep, dear." The witch announced Mika while the girl closed her eyes and turned her head on the right side into sleeping.
The candles went off by themselves and Oliva descended from Mika. "Take her in a bedroom," she said to Drake, "she will be sleeping until morning. This girl won't remember anything from what happened." She continued turning around to face Thomas. "You can tell her whatever related to her coming here. For the pay, I will let you know in the following days. I need to restore my energy. Don't disturb me, I will contact you." Her last words before she took her things and went for the exit. She had fine features for a woman. Her body was curvy and healthy. Men would fall in love with her at first sight.
"Contact me soon, witch. I need other things discussed with you for that business." mentioned Thomas while looking at Olivia's back.
"Sure thing, babe." Her footsteps left the mansion.
Drake carried Mika upstairs in a guest bedroom and put her in the bed to rest. When he approached to put a blanket on her, his heart started racing and felt hot. It was long since he had such a reaction to a female. In fact, he couldn't remember if he had experienced that strong of a reaction before and in such short amount of time. "Maybe it's the Red Moon that affects me...." He shook his head and left the room with Mika alone.
Downstairs, Thomas was sitting at the bar having a Jack on the rocks. Who is this girl and why do I feel the need to protect her?
"She is sleeping. I think she will be alright." interrupted Drake his master's thinking processes.
"Yeah? Strange...." said Thomas, having the remainder of the Jack in one shot.
"What's strange?" asked Drake.
"I never care about humans. If they get into my business and end up injured or dead, I am fine with it. Olivia was right. Since when do I care about innocence?" The vampire expressed his true feelings and thoughts. "What's so special about her? She's just a plain girl that happened to come across my estate and disturb me. I must have lost my mind. You know me, I am never like this. I respect humans, but I never walk the mile of saving them if I do something to them. I am cold inside all the time."
"Maybe because she's just a kid?" attempted Drake to clear the situation.
"I don't know. She is infectious. I can feel that." said the vampire pouring another glass of Jack. "Want some?"
"I should refrain from drinking tonight. Why do you think she's infectious?" asked Drake sitting on the chair next to his master.
"She draws you to devour her, but then to protect her. It made me go crazy at the smell of her blood. I am never like that. I have my well-established limits. I am who I am." stated Thomas while playing with his glass of Jack.
"Don't worry, Thomas. I will send her out tomorrow. I will make sure to tell her something plausible and take her home. She will not bother you again. On another side, you made me proud tonight." Drake had a change of mind and served himself with a straight Jack.
"Really? Why?" inquired the vampire with his right eyebrow raised and a grin on his face.
"You stopped and didn't kill her. When you start something like that, it's a dead end for the other party. I guess you still have a little soft side after all." said Drake with a warm hidden smile on his lips.
"Soft side? Ha-ha! Don't joke on that." Thomas cocked his head at Drake with incredulity in voice. He defended himself in front of him, but he knew Drake was right. Something changed in him and had a soft spot for that girl. At least, he wouldn't want her dead or injured.
No other occurrences happened that night. Mika slept like a baby, undisturbed, until morning, just as the witch predicted.
My father is in an advanced state of leukemia and I've been taking care of him for the last four years. I dropped my entire CEO career, sold my company, and isolated myself with him to be there for him and his needs. I can't lose my dad.... However, all the money I had, which weren't pennies, are reaching red line, and my dad needs his treatment and surgery which cost a lot, and I have no other ways of paying but taking a job after four years of complete retirement from the working field on all sides. At 34, a curvy, former brilliant CEO in the public eyes and a rare and important person in the shadows under the name of Saint, I, Lacey Holtrey, need to get my ass back to work to save my dad. My best friend, Brenda, secures for me a job interview at one of the most reputable movie companies having as head a young billionaire and big mafia boss, Hunter Markle, with the looks of an Adonis and the built of a Greek God. Upon my interview there for the job position as the assistant/secretary of CEO Hunter Markle, things play another way, and from a normal job position, he requires a 24h assistant job from me right before I want to walk away from his office. The damn money I need for my dad take the best of my pride of not working under a younger than me and with not that innocent looks at me boss, so I accept it. But soon enough, my entire past from the shadows comes back like a hurricane.... āIāve changed my mind, Miss Holtrey. The more I get to know you, the more value I find. Hence, the new salary. Plus, you will take a lot of work as Iām a busy man and lead an empire. Youāll see that the amount of work and time I will get from you, will equal the 100k.ā Itās a Devilās pact Iām signing here. And his name is Hunter. Suitable for the real him. He does air a hunter. Lacey? Dadā¦. You can protect yourself from harm.
Landing back home to my dad from abroad upon finishing my PhD studies should have been the happiest moment in my life, right? Nah.... A punishing to my soul and heart news hits me right from my father's lips. I need to marry Fredrick Shawn tomorrow morning, a 31 hot billionaire and dangerous mafia head, to settle a 40 million debt my and my dad's companies have to him as an investor. I, Mona Sandler, 26, curvy, genius, businesswoman, rebel, badass, with a life in the shadows even my own dad knows nothing about, break before this crushing to my all settlement between Fredrick and my dad to prevent the entire collapse of our companies. However, he's going to have me on papers only and I'll make his life a living hell. The name I possess in the shadows is Pandora Angel.... He wants me? He doesn't know what he's asking for.... But.... When I meet him for the signing of the marriage contract in his own office, something in me responds to him. Yet, I'm on revenge mode, and I'm not going to surrender to the crawling feelings he summons in me. To pay debts back? Okay. To be his real wife? HELL NO!
I'm Stacey Alexander, 30, a curvy one, top special agent and a businesswoman. I'm under mission in a VVIP club with my team to hunt down a heavy Mafia head who's loose on drugs and killing for pleasure at his point. While waiting for the bastard, I spot my baby sister in the club at the arm of a young billionaire, posing like an escort by the looks of it, though she should have been in a study night for her Harvard studies! I go bazooka in my head and follow them upstairs to the private rooms, all angry and heartbroken! I'm paying everything for her princess ass! When I land in the private room that has her and other four out of this world men, I get the biggest heartbreak from her words and attitude towards me, I shoot down the main bastard I'm here for, set free my baby sister from under my guardianship, and take a flight abroad on a last minute mission the same night, to detach from my pained heart and disappointment. Upon my return from my mission, my superior announces me that to compensate for the damages I and my team produced in that goddamn club because of our operation there, the owner of it, Brian Stredge, 26, a billionaire and a heavier than that bastard Mafia head, asks my agency to have me as his 'bodyguard' under the cover of a fake fiancƩe, because he's got deadly threats around him! I go against it because it's under my level to do that! Me?! To babysit?! Get the...out of here! And he's no damsel in distress! He's got an army around him and deadly himself as the big Mafia head he is! This damn playboy and heartthrob is driving me crazy to go on such a mission! But I accept it in the end.... I'm not allowed to refuse.... Oh.... I think I'll end up killing his ass....
New York City gives the start of a romance. Or does it? Selena Duchmond is a single 31-year-old Marketing Manager at a humongous real estate company for the last month. Sheās a curvy girl, with a professional attitude, and nothing intimidates her, not even the hottest and wealthiest guys out there. Personal problems? Three million dollars in debts for her side family business since the economic crisis, and a shitty health. Are these problems keeping her out of being an Alpha girl in her all? Not at all. Nobody in the office knows about her problems. Sheās just considered the fatty, arrogant ass. Oh! And the Ice Queen. Ice Queen? She keeps all male population in a friendzone manner or strictly business. Why? She doesnāt believe in true love. All attempts on her from guys are considered as fake and unreliable promises. Her only wish is to restore peace and stability in her family. When the hot billionaire is waiting for the Marketing Manager at the meeting who is kind of late, and lays his eyes on her, though sheās not his type in general, a strong impression envelopes his being. Seeing sheās not having any reaction at the sight of him, his interest spikes so much that the burning fire of having her urges him to accept the challenge of making her hisā¦. What will he do to make her his? Will he take advantage of her financial situation to turn things into his favor? Will he be the fire that will melt the ice that traps her heart? Will she make him a one womanās man? Will she surrender to him? Will their story be a romance of true, pure love? One thing is for sure, sheās his Angel and heās her Satan.
Vivian I don't care about love. I don't believe in love. I don't do relationships or consider marriage. I get the hit of my life with my parents killed in a car accident leaving me behind with my 18-year-old baby bro. He's eleven years younger than me. I have a secret life which might be the reason for my parents' deaths. By day, I'm 29-year-old, good for nothing, lazy, Vivian Doreen. By night? Yeah, well.... That's another, crazy, story.... Upon my parents' deadly accident, my baby bro tells me that I'm a collateral in a 10 million dollars investment contract my folks signed with some billionaire. If not paid, I need to marry his billionaire son. Like, really?! No way.... I don't even consider that, though it does give me a shock to even hear SUCH A NONSENSE! David MY FATHER IS OUT OF HIS MIND! Me?! To marry someone?! What?! I don't love someone but marry! However, my lunatic dad has a last letter my mom left for me just before she died.... He's used that letter to become what I am today and exceed the level he was and is. I did that. Now? For him to give it to me? When I'm 27? Waiting for that letter since I was eleven? I HAVE TO MARRY THE ONE HE WANTS ME TO! He said that since then. Marrying someone he wants is the final condition to finally hand me the letter.... I'M GOING NUTS! NO WAY I'LL MARRY! Or will I? One thing is for sure. WAR IS COMING! SHE'LL BE MY WIFE ON PAPERS ONLY! The rest? No way.... Nope. I don't even know her! Not that it is important.... I WON'T MARRY! At the will reading for Vivian and her little brother upon their parents' deaths, next on the list, the lawyer has the investment contract. David and his dad come in and the War of Love BEGINS! None is wanting, and both are crazy. But what happens next? Let's just say that David has a switch on everything inside.... War is on though.... War Love is the first book in the Shooting a Hot Billionaire series.
The dream of everyone with regards to marriage is to be able to find that special someone and settle down with them. Even arranged marriages grant you an opportunity to meet your partner briefly before the wedding. How will you feel about waking up in the morning with someone sleeping next to you who is not just anyone but your legally married partner yet with no memory of how that had happened in just a few hours of going out the previous day? This is the story of Jason Haward and Julia Harrison, two strangers trapped in a marriage they never planned. The quest to find out why led to the unfolding of a mystery which made them realize they are both living a lie. To find out more, read this amazing story of love, betrayal, revenge and murder.
During her three years of marriage with Brendan, Adeline had become as humble as dust itself. However, what she got in return wasn't love and affection, but endless indifference and disdain. Worse yet, when the woman in Brendan's heart suddenly showed up, he further distanced himself from her. Finally, Adeline couldn't stand it anymore and asked for a divorce. After all, why should she stay with such a cold, distant man? The next one would surely be better. Brendan watched as his ex-wife left with her luggage in tow. Suddenly, a thought occurred to him and he made a bet with his friends. "She'll definitely regret leaving and will come crawling back to me in no time." After hearing about this bet, Adeline sneered. "Dream on!" A few days later, Brendan ran into his ex-wife in a bar. It turned out she was celebrating her divorce. Not long after, he noticed that the damned woman seemed to have a new suitor. Brendan was starting to panic. The woman who had clung to him for three years suddenly didn't seem to give a damn about him. What was he going to do?
Rumors claimed that Fernanda, newly back with her family, was nothing more than a violent country bumpkin. Fernanda just flashed a casual, dismissive grin in response. Another rumorĀ suggested that the usually rational Cristian had lost all sense, madly in love with Fernanda. This frustrated her. She could tolerate gossip about herself, but slander against her beloved crossed the line! Gradually, as Fernanda's multiple identities as a celebrated designer, a savvy gamer, an acclaimed painter, and a successful business magnate came to light, everyone realized they were the ones who had been fooled.
Betrayed by her mate and sister on the eve of her wedding, Makenna was handed to the ruthless Lycan Princes as a lover, her indifferent father ignoring her plight. Determined to escape and seek revenge, she captured the interest of the three Lycan princes, who desired her exclusively amid many admirers. This complicated her plans, trapping her and making her a rival to the future Lycan queen. Entwined in jealousy and vindictiveness, could Makenna achieve her vengeance in the intricate dance with the three princes?
Despite being an illegitimate daughter, Lena bore a striking resemblance to the young lady of the Evans family. Faced with their threats, she was forced to take her half-sisterās place and marry Dylan. As an act of defiance, Lena seduced Dylan night after night, until she had him completely wrapped around her finger. Using his affections to her advantage, she set out to undermine the Evans family. Over time, Dylan began to notice something odd about his beloved wife...
"Miss Brown, I am the butler here at your service," the butler replied. "My master wants to buy the baby in your belly." "What?!" Does that mean the abortion didn't take place? Did they kidnap her from the operating table just to buy the baby? But why her? "You..." Alice was about to ask a question, but the man in front of her calmly continued, as if he had expected her question, "You're pregnant with his child, and he needs a child. That's all I can tell you." Alice was forced to sign a surrogacy contract and eight months later gave birth to two healthy babies. Fortunately, the man was unaware of her daughter's existence. It wasn't until five years later that fate brought them together again...