lost all appreciable motion; when he yawns, and beats the devil's tatto, and flattens his handsome nose against the window, and whistles tunes he hates, and, in short, does not know what to
its hour was approaching. This was consolatory. Three-quarters of an h
ne cannot read. My novel lay with my rug and walking-stick on the sofa, and I did not care if the heroin
my hair, on which I piqued myself, and which I loved to groom in those days. That dark-brown chevelure, with a natural curl, is now represented by a few dozen perfectly white hairs, and its place-a smooth, bald, pink head-knows it no more. But let us forget these mortifications. It was then rich, thick, and dark-brown. I was making a very careful toilet. I took my unexceptionable hat from its case, and pl
erful eyes which I had that evening beheld for the first time, and never, never could forget! In plain terms, it was all done in the vague, very vagu
d in unison with the pensive hour, and threw open the window, intending to look out for a moment before going downstairs. I perceived instantly
e spoke in those sweet tones which I recognised only too easily. The dialogue was only for a minute; the repulsive male
nearer the window, but
nounce upon the character of the tones I heard, they might be as tranquil a pair as any in existence. In a moment more the lady began to sing an odd little chanson. I need not remind you how much farther the voice is heard singing than speaking. I could d
Love, tog
wait in
orn, or el
nd mark the
h, or breath
maddens m
ove the vi
from their
from their
severity. "We do not desire, I believe, to amuse t
voice lau
sume, shut down the window. Down it went, at all events
ffectual excluder of sound. I heard no more
"Alas! what a life it is!" I moralized, wisely. "That beautiful Countess, with the patience of an angel and the beauty of a Venus and the accomplishments of all the Muses, a slave! She knows perfectl
that the beautiful songstress might emerge. I dropped my stick on the lobby, near their door, and you may be sure it took me some little time
hat there remained but a quarter o
such a juncture what they never did before. Was it just possible that, for