img Jack Ranger's Western Trip From Boarding School to Ranch and Range  /  Chapter 8 THE BURGLAR SCARE | 22.86%
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Word Count: 1754    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

and were hurrying down to see if the place was on fire. For several minutes the blazing words and initials sho

ght," remarked John Smith. "It succe

great idea

nk so," the I

asy enough, after they laid the powder train, with the initials of you, Sam, and Bony, to change them into a general serpentine twist wi

o make that board with the words 'We did it' on and stick it up in front of

he work all rig

wonder what they thought when the

aimed Sam. and the boys put out t

; I know his s

Bagot's room," spoke Sam. "

ey might have exploded their powder, and, in the morning our initials

It quieted down, after a while. But there was a strenuous session at chapel

ums had little time for sports of any kind, as they had a number of lessons to master in addition to their regular work. But by diligence the

, one evening. "I've been good and quiet

sy," cautione

," replied Jack. "But I've got

exclaimed Nat Anderson. "L

" ask

"Howling huckleberries, but I too am

lan," Jack said. "We h

de as though he was trying to solve a problem in geometry, Fred drew

ng?" and, with a quick grab he snatched it from Fr

I believe they'd scream if they saw a mouse. Not that they're a bad sort, for they have both helped me a lot in my lessons. But men ought not to be such babies.

ll shoot," s

id to handle a revolve

we positively have to have something happen, let's

ne," spoke John Smit

he o-o-o-other," said

eir money or their lives how

u'd make. 'G-g-g-give m-m-

aimed a blow at him. In doing so he stumbled

for his making fun of Will I vote w

en Sam, and Will rega

t masks?"

nd, from some pieces of black clo

t-t-t have a g-g-g

gum shoes?" asked John Smith. "I'

well," and he got a couple of nickel-plated bicycle pumps from a dra

es," said Jack. "We don't want to burglarize a room that has no one

re we going to ge

d you can just raise the screen up and drop in. They always

turned their clothing inside out, and, with the two pieces of black cloth across their faces, w

at the coast was clear, and that

a stroll and about midnight will be the right time. We can hide in the bushes opposite the room and hear 'em call for help.

und asleep. After a stroll about the college grounds, taking care not to venture into the li

ack advised Will. "Have you got an

k down in

ent on passing over several. "That will mak

Will was ready, he led the way from the shadow of the bushes toward the window of the r

n the casement. Nat raised this, and, listening a few seconds,

do. They were unaware of the method of procedure common among burglars. They were i

jected over the edge of a table. It fell down, bounced against a cane standing in one corn

w a scare into 'em!"

ound to r

e sleepers sitting up in b

's t

your life!" exclaimed N

to let Nat do the talking. His companion, however

r money!" N

had pulled the chain that turned on the automatic gaslight. The t

e pump, and Will fo

!" exclaimed Nat, i

they're burglars!

nstant he sprang out of bed and advanced on Nat and Will wit

s build indicated, fairly tossed the boy out of the window.

el!" exclaimed the athletic t

me!" pleaded the bold

mask came off and the instructor

Will S

is discovery stopped him. At the same instant, the hidden crowd, th

fizzle!" and he limped from unde

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