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Reading History


Word Count: 1441    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

elves scarce. They had reckoned without their

ll?" asked

ught him," the limp

e," put in Sam. "H

e distance away from the Hall

ought them," said Nat; rubbing his elbow. "The way h

didn't get

. Came rig

eacher's room shone out plainly amid the blackness of the nig

es Will,"

aid Jack. "Say, It will be the first time a tea

ound he set off on a run, toward where

istle of his crowd, and Will,


he mak

going to r

you get

stions to which the throng

an't t-t-t

exclaimed Jack sternl

of his st

ect, and, for once Will forgot

seem to know what to say. Then he laughed and Ga

and said he didn't want me to tell. I wouldn't

Jack. "Oh, I can see t

d I heard Gales mutter something about 'boys will be boys,

you do?" a

limb out of the windows and I

it! Never mind, the end of the term is almost here, and they can't do

ing exercises were held the next morning. The burglar schemers watched the

ook?" whispere

wful lot of fire in thei

gins," whispered Sam, a

rcises went off as usual, though every time Dr. Mead cleared his throat, or began t

and that will end the exercises for t

omes," whi

ted to meet Professors Hall and Gales a

among the students, for the story of t

r it," said Sam, as he and the others filed out of the assembly

f dispersing to their rooms to prepare for the first lesson period. As

'll get a flogging

s of the institut

"I don't know whether I ought to play

former," put

burglars" came within hailing di

Dr. Mead's little private office, and we thought sure we were in for it. I didn't know how they recog

rupted Sam. "Get down to bu

window. I said I wasn't. They then made some remarks about the night air being bad toward the end

came in chorus

'em a vote of than

ey want to show that they could have made trouble if they want

You see there wasn't much of a row, and it was all ov

respect for them morally as well as physically, and there came a better spirit between Jack's crowd and the two professors. The latter never even referred to the

ion, the boys being given the afternoon off. After dinner Jack accepted an i

r way back to the boathouse, when a rowing craft, in w

Jack. "Do you wan

ithin a few inches of smashing the frail canoe. Only John's skill prevented it. As

er with you?" he

boat was now far enough past to show the faces

n!" he exclai

and he recalled th

closing exercises," remarked

nice team. I shouldn't wonder but there'd be

"Grab your paddle," and he swung the can

return might mean were interrupted by the entrance of Nat Anderso

ws," he e

k. "Some one left yo

t, who has a big ranch near Denville, Colorado, t

" crie

d Nat. "He says I can bring two chum

ean it?"


e will y

noise in t

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