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Chapter 10 No.10

Word Count: 2040    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

aid a word the servant had taken the pheasant from Lucien's pocke

had gone upstairs, and she had left a message with Griffo to

ant of anything, and on my reply in the negative

e politeness, and leaving h

ratulation. I was pleased that I had divined the

a volume of Victor Hugo's works, I lay down an

d a step upon the staircase, which stopped at my door. I suspected that my host had paused outside, wishing to bid me good-ni

the door opened, a

ning, and I did not like to retire without making my excuses to you. So I have come to make the am

dy well informed upon most topics concerning which I desired information, an


wever, if you remain here I confess I cannot

uppositions; and two, at least, out of every three guesses concerning a fact are sure to be quite w

st suspicions concerning you lea

man laug

with some of your curiosity: tell

re obscure to me; but one thing you did not touch upon. You have shown me your

That's o

to me the inscriptio


th, you always experience-although far away from him, the same sensation

eason for your bel

and which leads you to think that some misfortune threatens your brother, asked you if

member I d

y be entrusted to a stranger, will you

grave expression as I was speaking, and

oment after I ceased

oo indiscreet; pray forget that

ned to be somewhat incredulous. So, you see, I am rather afraid you will treat as

easily convinced than I am on all questions of legendary or traditionary l

elieve in

o hear me tell

will enco

rs old. When the doctor announced his speedy death I was

hich I was sent at the usual time, and, notwithstand

ows upon the door of the chamber; I got out

you going?' a

her terror, knowing very well that as the front door was fastened

or to my father, who has com

ain. I cried for a long time and very bitterly, saying, 'Papa is at t

tion ever returned

rovidence permitted to the innocence and purity of the chi

miling, "in our family we a

bled to see your

t event is about to happen

you attribute

een handed down. You remember that I told

I reco

irst should appear to the other at the moment of his own death, and, subsequently, at every important epoch of his brother's life. Three months afterwards one of the two brothers was killed in an ambuscade at the moment when the survivor was sealing a letter addressed to him. Just as he was pressing the signet upon the burning wax he heard a sigh

applies also to their descendants, for spirits have appeared not only at the moment of the

never seen a

ed by his father that he was about to die, so I presume my brother and I inh

e accorded to the mal


is str

s as

ing to me. He was cool, calm, and grave,

hings in heaven a

mt of in your

, in a little unknown village, one must look upon him either as a foolish person endea

after a long silence

appreciate your confidence, and w

meet would tell you all I have told you; I only hope that in Paris my brother has not boa

to sleep for some time, and when I

ad come in contact that day. It was only when day broke that I fell into a sound

predecessor had provided a bell-rope close

ying some warm water; I saw that

was awake, and had told him that if I did no

tes past nine, so it would

very elegantly in French style, with

looked at him wi

ess," he said; "another proof

y astonished to find that you possess such a tailor in Aj

tfit, which I only wear on grand occasions, to receive the prefect, for instance, or when the commandant makes his departmental inspection; or, bett

irony, and good-nature withal, which at once set people at t

refully inducted his hands into a pa

he looked a th

e I was dres

r to ten

nk it is time we took our seats, unless, indeed, you would rat

re eleven or twelve, so I am


at and followe

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