img The Cryptogram  /  Chapter 4 MUTUAL EXPLANATIONS. | 8.51%
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Word Count: 2161    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

where we stood. He was about my own age, but a little shorter and slighter, clean-shaven, with dark eyes and thick, black hair. Th

herton?" the fellow began, darting an imp

rom him with aver

"And I thought we had spoken the la

ration. "I have been searching for you, and when I caught sight of you but a moment ago, I judged that t

er up, but to my amazement he bowed and walke

ill join you at

wn to cowardice was the

ark man eyed me insolently for a moment, evidently expecting and hoping

n a strange land-in a strange town. I urge you to accept the she

further speech with you, Mr. Mackenzie. I am not frie

ad choice!" the ma

n by that?" I cr

en to me," he went on, ignoring my

e interrupted, edging nervo

isted; and with that he cau

hat I must have been more than human to resist taking her part. I was in a hot rage, as it was, and I did not hesitate an instant. I s

away, and she clung tightly to my arm as we hurried through the curious group of people on the quay. To my relief, no one stopped us, and indeed the incident had

s Hatherton gave me to understand that she was aware of the arrangements made for her, and that the trunk was to be

done me a great service, and one that I will not forget, Mr. Carew-I think

n honor and a pleasure, Miss Hatherton, that I had the opportunity

e surprise, and with a tin


ld of My Lady of t

e never been

han Quebec,"

me from London, and from the first I disliked him. He constantly forced his attentions upon me, though he saw that they were hateful

annoy you ag

ilent for

ain Rudstone at the

annoyance at the question. "He made

ons," she replied; and wi

in Quebec. But she had put me quite at my ease, and mightily proud I felt when I gave her into the care of Madame Ragoul, though the thought that she was the promised bride of old Griffith Hawke seemed to bri

just com

and with a sour look. "What is the mea

e impertinent rasc

id he, with a grim smile. "I

stance?" I

yes f

trifling mood. Tell me, what took you to th

u the same ques

u answer

o become the wife of the factor of Fort Royal. I met her in accordance with my

pression softened; he look

equally frank, Mr. Carew. I was directed by the governor of the company to await the arrival of the Good Hope, and t

I saw that each of us had sus

letters of instructions to the northern forts. This is a serious matter, Mr. Carew. There is trouble brewing, and it may

ok my

ondon working for the interests of his people. I was aware of this when he approached us on the quay

d just heard caused me much uneasiness, and

f the utmost value to him if he could get hold of them. I don't believe he suspected the girl during the voyage, or he

he quay for some time," said

f things! I'm going to do a little spying about the town on my own a

that my companion would accord an interview to Miss Hatherton. He departed with alacrity, and I took it with an ill grace that I should be left out of the mat

hes," he announced,

ur about it," s

for either of us, rare beauty though she is-ay, and a girl of pluck and spirit. She is bound by a sacred promise-a promis

angered me, and I felt myself blus

and begged him to care for his daughter, who would be left quite alone in the world. The old rascal persuaded the father that the girl could not do better than go out to the Canadas and marry the factor of Fort Royal-he had received Hawke's application for a wife at about this time. The result was that Flora yiel

I, "but he is past fifty. And think of

d. To tell the truth, though, I half-believe there is something at the back of it

you think

that she let fa

closely, but just then he drained his glass

s little of her while they were at sea. But what he may have learned since landing is a different matter. I will come back here this evening, and meanwhile I would advise you to remain i

ood morning

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