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Chapter 10 THE DAWN OF DAY.

Word Count: 1483    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

deed, why I should keep silence at such a time. I believed that we were both in the jaws of death, with not the faintest chance of escape

rl more tightly to my breast with one arm, and pressed kisses on her lip

er ear. "You must let me speak; I can hide it no longer

ing, pent-up affection. When I had finished, Flora lifted her tear-dimmed ey

death. I would have hidden the truth from you; I would have kept my promise and married Griffith Hawke. But now-now

, and be happy togethe

we must have been apart. Kiss me again, Denzil

n the spar. I had my heart's desire, but already it was turning to ashes. I could not reconcile myself to so cruel a fate.

om the top of the swell we had a glimpse of the low, rugged shore, less than half a mile distant. Mo

whispered, "and I am so col

cumb to the effects of the long struggle with the raging sea and the driving storm. I was almost ex

d of the wind, which was blowing us perceptibly that way, while at the same time the waves swept us landward. I knew that if we should drift under the promontory, where doubtless the surf was less violent, there would be some faint

als I sighted the shore-we were close upon it-and there was no longer any doubt that we should strike to leeward of the promontory. Faster and

rip of sand and bushes washed by milky foam. It looked to be straight below me, and on the instant I let go of the spar. I strained Flora to my breast, and made a feeble attempt to swim

, but as I staggered toward her I discovered a great foaming wave rolling up the beach. Rallying what strength I could, I seized the girl and dragged her back as far and as quickly as I was able. The wave broke with a crash, hurling its curled spray almost to our feet. I dropped my burden, and reeled over in a deathly faint. When I came to my senses-I could not hav

some pain and difficulty-I was as weak as a cat-I found that she was breathing. I set myself to restore her, and chafed her cold hands until the blood began to circulate freely. Then I poured a few drops of brandy between her lips-I fortunately had some in a small flas

hat is the mat

d? You must forget all that I told you, even as I shall forget your words.

ty, the memory of her confession, put me in a rebellious mood. I

ne. "You love me, Flora, and you are mine. Prov

k her he

e replied. "I must keep my promise-you know that.

eyes from her. In my wretchedness I fel

st?" she asked in

," I answered gloomily. "Fat

here we are?"

"but we can't be a great distance fr

y. But just then I heard voices, and two voyageurs, in the blue capotes of the Hudson Bay Company, ca

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