img The Cryptogram  /  Chapter 6 PREPARATIONS FOR FLIGHT. | 12.77%
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Word Count: 1775    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

put in such a rage as I had never known before. I did not wait for further information, but, brushing past the girl, I leaped through the open window. Ther

s I peered down from the shadows, I heard a rustling noise, and the next instant I saw a man at the base of the tree; it must have taken him all this time to descend the trunk. I was sure that I recognized Mackenzie, and as he made off I too

aped out of the window, and now I

it him?" h

replied; "but he

ght of him. To take the scoundrel

down hand over hand, from limb to limb, with the agility of

up: and then he vanished in

hear men shouting, and several lights were moving in the opposite house. I climbed through the window into the room, where I found Monsieur and Madame Ragoul and their three servants all

lled him. Mr. Ca

d; "but Captain Rudsto

Ragoul. "Oh, the pig-the wicked robber! He migh

ing with fear, and Monsieur Ragoul was dancing

-never did such a thing happen before! The officers of the law will

pped his wife. "The aff

ot perceptibly increased, and I saw some chance of keeping

d I. "Will you be so good as to close the window and draw

aptiste made a tardy appearance. I explained the situation

said. "I deeply regret that you sh

ble on my account," she interrupted. "This is t

plied. "But, tell me, was the s

the foot of my bed. When I screamed the second time he vanished through the window. It

I answered. Bending to her ear, I added, in a whisper: "As

Hatherton replied. "I am afraid he will pay dearl

he room we all heard the faint report of a pistol. The sound came

captain's shot

" the girl suggested

ried Monsieur Ragoul. "

to her pleadings. However, I persuaded the little Frenchman to let me into the courtyard, by which way I knew the captain woul

shot had come, a confused clamor was audible. I had been listening no more than a minute when I heard footsteps, and across the moonlit court came Captain Rudsto

therton to dress at once and to put in a parcel as many o

state of alarm and mystery, and Baptiste and I were left alo

you an hour ago? You have no longer any choice in the matter; we m

I asked hoarsely.

re were two of them-and finally came up with them at a lonely spot. I tried to take them both, but they resisted fiercely. To save my own life I shot and kil

he affair," said I; and indeed I felt

ns high against the Hudson Bay people, and the authorities openly favor the Northwest Company. I tell you there will be warrants out for our arrest within the hour-perhaps in less time. And you must perce

ainted it-that we could not expect fair dealing from the authorities of Quebec. And the thought of the girl's peril, if

your plan

"She lies anchored a short distance down the river, and we must get on board as soo

been listening, and a few sentences put everything

of Bonaventure Street," I directed. "There are plenty

tly obeyed instructions, though ignorant of what they meant. When we explained our purpose she showed an admirable pluck and spirit, putting herself entirely in our hands, and urging us to be off without delay. Monsieur Ragou

hange of clothes. We came quietly down the dark stairs, monsieur and madame leading the way, and the servants bringing up the rear-tr

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