bout to start back, and would probably cross the river at thi
of the Mayor-which individual you see in me-and the Common Council, which consists of Pete Blaston, only he ain't
d the scientist politely, as he recei
tor?" asked Jerry anxiousl
Snodgrass, as, by the light of the gas
ver the pages his face
ything wrong
tter was written over a week ago, and, among other things
n trying to get it away f
f the former owners of the land where the mine is located who did not sign the deed. He was miss
nd from the government, and were
of his friends. They all signed the deed but this one man, and now some one has learned of this,
sighed Bob. "To think of losing
ofessor Snodgrass went on. "Nestor and his friends are in possess
right away I move we have so
ggestion," agre
while talking about the letter from Nestor, but, having decided th
dgrass," said the postmaster-mayor. "There's letters fer chaps named Baker, Slade and Hopkin
rus. And in the glare of oil lamps on the po
ved ones were well. Each one inquired anxiously how much longer the travele
" exclaimed Bob, as h
k, it was good, and the travelers enjoyed it thoroughly. As they r
rip-snortin' specimen of th' lower regions that
he automobile?
, if that's wh
r machine," r
of it in the future, an' any regard or conside
y s
bowie knife; "nothin' only Bronco Pete is amusin' his self by tryin' t'
ing from the hotel toward where the auto had been left
uch amused at something which was taking place in its midst. Making th
freely in something stronger than water, was unsteadi
cried Jerry, sharply, laying
s dangerous!" warned s
," replied Jerry. "We can
or the front wheel. Jerry sprang forward and the crowd held its bre
icked the cowboy lightly on the wrist, the blow knocking t
a man to Jerry. "No one ever
s purpose, uttered a beast-like roar, and reached back to where his revolver rested a
d his way through the crowd, and grabbed the cowboy's arm before he had
of shooting seeming to die out as he looked at the newcom
wn marshall, who had seen the whole thing. "You had yo
what he did, an' I admire him for it. Put it there, stranger," and Pete, all
and they were given with a will for Jerry, as Pete, un
ere, for a good bit," observed the postmaster as
e done as I did," said Jerry. "All I thought of was that he wo
elp," spoke Ned in a low voice. "I'm anxious to get back