n irregular circle. As the boys dropped it over the sides of the car the lariat stru
ight!" exclaimed Ned. "I gu
e vicinity of the hair rope. They glided off by scores, and soon there was a clear sp
ted Bob, "and maybe it wi
ing a few now they are at a
," lamented the professor, "but I suppos
gled in sinuous folds toward the reptiles they made haste to get out of the way. Then Bo
said Jerry. "Who'll crank up th
sore," spoke Ned,
, Chunky," aske
ne in my foot," said
and say you're afraid there's a stray rattler or tw
heepishly, and both ma
ide door of the tonneau. "I'm used to snakes. I don't believe there are
iously under the body, while
st, in discouraged tones
the fly wheel over. Jerry turned on the gasolene and threw in the spark, and, the next instant the familiar
nditions of the thoroughfares it would be several days before they could cross the big river and ge
called Ned. "We don't want to pass any
ld go better,
" remarked Jerry with a laugh. "But there seems to be something ahead. It's a
could see no signs of life about in the half-darkness, illuminated as it was by the powerful
and the other boys jumped out. The professor, who, as usual was arranging so
any one home? Show a light
sk for a bed too
Chunky, rubbing his stom
y approached nearer to the hut. Then they saw that the door was
e, I guess,
sn't been for som
where we can cook a good meal," put i
in good condition, and furnished as well as the aver
professor," he called. "We'll stay here all night. No use tra
auto, as well as a lantern, to illuminate the place. As they did so they
of fuel," said Bob, as he looked at th
let you get the meal," said Jerry, and it was
eds on the frame work of cane that formed the slee
Seems to have been left suddenly. They didn't even stop to take the dishes, and here is the rem
lived here were frighten
ng short of a regiment of soldiers in ac
s to be washed, for they ate off wooden plates, of which they had a quantity and which they threw away after each meal. Then, after a good fire had b
or several hours when he suddenly
called involunta
s his eyes became used to the blackness he managed to make out, b
under the rolled up blanket that served for a
egin to creep toward him. Though he was not a coward the boy felt his hea
sked Ned, who was awak
ry. "There is some one in the hut besi
hall I shoot
en crash, followe
murdering me!" shouted Bob's voi
ent Ned
at the ceiling, or some
nquired the professor,
s!" yel
s!" excl
in the cabin!
t, and as the blaze flared up it revealed a big monkey tangled up amid the folds of Bob's blanket, while Chunky was burie
ommanded Jerry. "You
Bob, releasing his hold on the beast, which,
est evidence on that score," said J
ed to choke me,
professor. "It was probably attracted in here by the light and warmth.
ing over," said Jerry. "I was awaken
had tried to eat the remains of t
and start over toward me I was afraid it was some of those Mexican brigands that
t died down sufficiently to allow the travelers to go to sleep aga
reed to get the morning meal. "As chief cook and bottle was
le, and, as he reached the d
tter?" called
an out here,
ite you," said Je
n, who bore evidences of having passed through a hard fight. His face was c
matter?" c
ould reply he had fal
water! Quick
quor here!" exclaimed the professor, k