, to hide off in the wood
of anguish. It was the voice of a boy, seemingly in
I don't know! I can't tell you, for I would i
e one!" almost shouted Ned
ard had not Jerry laid a
dently needs our help, but we must go with cautio
e appealing
for the rifles, and bring the bulls-eye lantern that has
ime. In less than five minutes
ng happened
we will go forward. Every one have hi
ry showing a cautious gleam now and then to guide them on their w
nguish burst out. This time they were followed by angry shouts,
is going on inside the cabin," whispered Jerry. "
" volunte
e had some experience in stalking animals, and I
e a cat he made an advance until he was so close to the hut that he could
brutal faces. The room was filled with smoke from cigars and pipes, and
t fast in anger, was the sight of a small, pale boy, bound with ropes up
h gang, and in his hand he held a redhot poker, which, as the scientis
n those heart-
d tell you where he is if I kne
ssor's bl
imed to himself as he glided back to where the boys wer
Jerry. "We must
ound the door and, while the others with rifles in readiness stood in
k to that, while you and Ned, Bob, must stand ready to rush in right after us with your guns r
ce to tackle such a rough gang in the midst of woods, far from civilization. But the sound
on the door with the butt of his gun. All at once s
t do you want?" a
We want that b
hin told that the gang ha
ove on, if you don't want a bullet through you," called the man
knowing the best way to be successful in the figh
sing the stocks of their guns, began a vigorous attack on the portal. The door was strong enough, but the hinges were not, an
ed hoarsely, and several tried to reach th
rply, leveling his gun at the m
of the gang. At the same time another began creeping up behind Jerr
nd, leveling his rifle at t
he man whom Jerry was covering with the gun. "
op torturing that
e of the rod because he wouldn't mind me; 'spare the
ssor. "Is this man your father?"
ur daddy?" put in the lea
!" said the professor reassuredly. "We a
he poor little lad, and
ist. "Now you scoundrels clear out o
eader, "but look out! This matter is none o
e take me away! They'll
as he leveled his gun at the gang of men that the
me of the Mexicans and then we'll se
nd the professor master of the situation. Their first act was
more of them?
Mexicans in the gang. They are in a hut about a mile farth
have a chance," said the professor. "We can't fight
back to the auto. I only hope these men
esponse to an inquiry from Ned, that his name was Tommy Bell, was unable to wal
go ahead with the lantern, and the professo
es the travelers were back at the machine, which did not seem t
le as possible, and then th
we better go?
around," said Bob. "We'll run up
h this woods," spoke Tommy. "If you tak
uck not to have any trouble with the gang
beams shone through the thick foliage, it was much lighter than it had been. Jerry threw in the gear and the next in
r this main road?" asked
in," answered the boy, w
y men ar
I guess, from what
he speeded up the machine until it was skimming along at a fast rate.
camp!" excl
in the auto, they heard shouts of anger, mingling with the sounds of rushing feet
ky it was pretty dark, or they
ng of ourselv