img The Motor Boys After a Fortune  /  Chapter 2 THE SAVING OF NODDY | 6.67%
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Reading History


Word Count: 2217    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

, Andy?" asked Jer

more about i

ar any great excitement," and he paused a moment to listen if he could catch the roar of rushing waters. But there

Old Pete Bumps told me-said it was the dam-t

it can't be so bad," returned Bob Baker. "Pete always make

ward a side street, through which could be had a glimpse of a thoroughfare parallel to the one on which our friends were, both extend

nothing but running, and wondering what has happened, I will take the opportunity to tell you so

ycles, and then an automobile in which they had many adventures. They took a long trip overland, got possession of a gold mine, and later went to

getting a fine craft. In the volume named, "The Motor Boys Afloat," is told how the lads cruised in

tlantic, during which they solved the mystery of the lighthouse, and,

turned their attention to the other ocean, the Pacific

tor boys could be kept from this field of activity, and with the assistance of an old balloonist of experience, Rupert Glassford, Bob, Ned and Jerry built a motorship. In the book cal

y succeeded in rescuing from mid-air a certain Mr. Jackson, who was trying out a new kind of balloon. He an

the bank robbers, and recovered the stolen money. They had been home from this trip some l

fat lad, was the son of Mr. Andrew Baker, a well-known banker. Ned Slade's father was Aaron Slade, a wealthy department store owner, while Jer

ut the motor boys generally managed to get the best of Noddy in the end. In this they were sometimes aided by Andy Rush, the exc

often the professor would do odd things for the sake of getting a choice insect or reptile. He was a great friend of the boys, and often visited them at their houses. He had spent some time with Mr. Slade, who was one of the trustees of the college to whic

appened, anyhow?" asked Ned,

ad's answer, "and that, in spite of the fact that you've u

er. They could see that something out of the ordinary was taking place, but the stream did n

t, or we'd hear the roar

d see 'em, to

Andy. "Maybe the bottom dropped out of the river-water may be

Stop, or you'll burst!

he cried, "there goes one house, anyhow," and he

. "It's a boathouse, to

ain one. This little stream had been dammed up, to provide a flow of water for an old-fashioned iron mill that used a turbine wheel. Part of this

loyees from the mill were endeavoring to repair the break in the dam, by

erry as he took in the scene. "I thought you s

s were being carrie

, anyhow," declared the small, excit

Nixon's boathouse. It's been washed aw

the water, anyhow, and the piles it stood on weren't much bigger than clothes po

mill dam, and, naturally, when the rush of waters came, the structure was carried away, for it was not

o save that boath

isn't worth an awful lot, and it will be wor

aimed Ned. "Some one

the same time a cry arose fr

ouse!" was the shout

man!" ye

y himself!

een. It was that of Noddy, as Bob had said, and the bully who had been endeavoring, by mean

ted Ned. "The current's got him now, a

hile?" asked Bob. "I did

n on the other side, ou

rushing up and down, calli

p! H

n them soon, and they're dangerous with the water as hi

wim ashore while he has the chance. Otherwis

ed over the jagged rocks, about a mile below town, they formed eddies and whirlpools that w

torn away by the waters, was rapidly drifting. The

m as

oat and


him a

he paid no heed to them, continuing to race up and down

be done to help him," rem

ddy Nixon, and he's been pret

up the stream. It was where the boys kept their craft, and was above the point whe

owly. "Nobody else seems to have sense enough to d

ed Mr. Snodgrass, for he knew th

d sprung a leak," explained Andy Rush, who had cool

chine of our heroes was across the rive

Nixon, we'd better be getting a move

e work of but a few minutes to unchain the motor boat, run it out into the stream, start the engin

ur heroes start out. "The motor boys to the

his boathouse careened dangerously,

as he looked over the side of the boat. They were oppos

saw a large portion of it slip into the water. The men on top,

out for us saving Noddy!" cried Jerry

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