n. As for the horses, he could do nothing with them, since, as he said, to pull on the unbroken rein would only be to send t
truck-owner, giving a glance over
from the effort he was making. Ned and Jerry,
al, just ahead!"
ut the horses had not slackened their speed. Just where the canal came to an end, the highway c
n the truck, or, in their fright, they would plunge, boat, wagon and
p!" yelled the tr
lans for a fine summer outing partly spoil
the middle of the highway, and a little distance ahead of the
's the pr
in a low voice. "Nothing can stop these animals now, until t
on. That was evident. There seemed to be something in the road that
n a chorus from th
dgrass seemed to be aware of the approa
handled butterfly net, and staring at the a
e way!" yelled
In one hand he held his broad-brimmed hat, w
e the thunder of the wagon wheels. "Stop! Stop
t you can't make these horses stop by just in
t the runaways. Now he was almost under their
is long-handled net across the eyes of the other. Then, nimbly leaping to one side, the professor caught the bro
he still held, and thus, with the professor on one side, being dragged along, and the driver saw
stop!" cried Jerry, as he noticed a s
Add to this that the road was level, and that the truck was heavily loaded, and it can easily be seen that the horses, tired as they were from their run, did not need much more to stop them. They came down
hand to the professor. "I've caught some runaways in my time,
"but I must confess I wasn't thinking of that at the time.
you want t
t, but he jumped under a stone, and I was afraid if the horses came along they might step on the stone, and crush the insect or run a wheel over him. Tha
ad, carefully raised it, and mad
ou little beauty! You're worth at least fiftee
d then he and his men made the slipping boat secure, to hold until they could cover the short
le, as he placed the insect in one of the cases he always carried. "I doubt if
en the boys, having expressed their appreciation of what the profess
the Dartaway into the water again was speedily accomplished, and, having paid the men, and called the profe
it's with us almost from
er there, one spell," added Jerry.
l have to make a cup of coffee, and
r Ned nor Jerry laug
tying up nights along shore of the river into which the canal opened, th
we don't have to wait," remarked Ned one even
to-morrow," spoke Jerry. "We
ng to do with the
ll have to spend at least a day here, trying out the auto, and laying in
specimens he had caught, and it was nearly midnight when he turned in. The boys
denly in bed, for he heard someone moving stealthily about on t
cried the tal
would turn on the electric lights which were operated by a storage battery. As