img The Motor Boys After a Fortune  /  Chapter 5 NODDY'S PLOT DEVELOPS | 16.67%
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Word Count: 2451    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

nce following Bob's announ

've got up your sleeve. Are you going to sugges

our motor boat as far as Pittsburg, pick up the auto there, when it's finished, go

Ned. "Bob, you have got a head on your shoul

"But can we go all the wa

it, saw that by using the river that flowed past their town for a number of miles, getting into a little lake, and

est of the way we can go by water," explained Bob. "As soon as we

ill busy making notes. "I want to get that two-tailed toad, and I'll do anythi

and an aeroplane and dirigible balloon combined, ought to furnish a variety o

t away, and we can mail the letters on our way home, Bob. I've got to be going soon. I

omes. Professor Snodgrass also sent word of the prospective trip to the college authorities by

of their way, down to the river. The excitement of the morning had passed, and there was only a small crowd watching the mill men at work. The wa

e while it lasted

his chum. "I wonder ho

gh it takes a good deal to hurt him.

l note of thanks for what they had done for his son. Noddy was getting on all righ

," spoke Ned, "but I hope he s


th us. I'd like to get started on our radi

e're thinking of it," put in

for us whenever we go off on trips," went on Ned. "I don't know how

re we can star

, and then it will take us a week to get ready after that. We haven't much ti

uple of weeks. Maybe Noddy won't be around by then, and w

f the motorship for us. The auto will be ready in two weeks, also, for I had a letter from the factory where they're repairing it. I wrote to 'e

ight wreck, the boys had bought a much larger and finer cr

here food and supplies could be carried, and also a small tent with folding cots, so that in case they desired they could camp out wherev

ill only mention it briefly here. It was a combination of an aer

irly filled with motors, dynamos, air pumps, a gas generator and many other mechanical contrivances. The motorship could be kept aloft

s they were getting the Dartaway in readiness for the trip. Professor Snodgrass remained as the guest of Mr

hen he had paid a visit to the dock where the boat was tied up, and where

Jerry. "To-morrow ends school, and th

ium fortune!

nly exclaimed

ter? Did you se

which a shabbily dressed man was propelling up stream. "He's pretending to be fishing," went

ut of bed yet," and the boys kept on with their work, the professor strolling off to see if he

ay, and, even while our heroes were talking of him, he was sitting in the parlor of his father's house, t

ut I need some scientific fellow who will know radium when he sees it, for I don't

g on the steps, a tall, lank man, whom the word "sleek" seemed to describe better than any other. The caller

ger, smiling at Noddy. "I believe I a

ng taken for the head of the home. "But I can do any business, I

nd I have called to see him, as I have in the case of a number of the most

ddy. "I know a lot abo

learning. I am traveling about, seeking to enlarge the scope of our work, and, naturally I came to Mr. Nixon. I understand that he was one of the endowers of a number of colleges, and I thought perhaps he

boarding school now, but it isn't very g

nce institution. Our pupils are located all over the world, and they get their lessons by mail, and also recite by mail. There is a good profit in it,

r. Baker-or to Mrs. Hopkins-sh

eplied the educator with an oily smile. "They said they did not believe in my methods. But I ass

are all alike. They don't want anything new. I know 'em. But maybe my

. In fact I may say that I am the whole school, for all the other instructors come to me for ad

eagerly. "Do you happen to

y, to show you how advanced my college course is, let me say th

bully, with increased eage

Dr. Belgrade. "I do not care to state just how I came

u had no school building,"

" explained the instructor. "It is not a very large laborato

Noddy. "Radium is wo

ay it was,

e to know wher

ver to an assistant, and travel a long way if I knew where to

m when you see it?

I am not boasting when I say that there are few who are any better informed about

ut it, and maybe we can go together." Noddy got up and closed the parlor door, shutting himself in the room with the sleek educa

. Belgrade, when Noddy had

go after it," replied Noddy. "But I'm going to

inance our expedition, we may all become millionaires!" and the head of the cor

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