img Withered Leaves. Vol. III.(of III)  /  Chapter 3 THE MISTRESS OF THE BOARDING SCHOOL. | 25.00%
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Reading History


Word Count: 3391    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

brass plate, upon which the skilful town engraver had etched the w

the noise which the classes sometimes made, to her there was even a melodious echo in the tumult. All these noisy beings

t position required a certain sacrifice, the sacrifice of youth. Fr?ulein Sohle, her predecessor, had none to make in that respect, she was totally different from her pupils, with the advantage of he

that she might compete in charms with the youngest

other, but she must make some concession. She made up her mind to it, and decide

er tiny person could not possibly transform itself into a Juno. Nevertheless she knew how to inspire respect; wherever she appeared, all noise was stilled, her omniscience was feared, because she knew how to find out by inquisition a

in gallantry; only the young master with the moustache opposed a

f the most important questions which occupied her. Far away beyond the attained goal her ambition was again striving after new

n which Blanden had vouchsafed to her. The sum was a consid

ust before his departure to the province, and, indeed, on the same day. Was it merely his eagerne

h--Lori had no other name for it; even Emma had shed the light of her kitchen lantern upon

ver melts unaided from the mental ore, and becomes liquid, days of an intellectual silvery appearance. Could Blanden be unsusceptible to such silvery looks? For he had been in the province a long time. Dr. Reisin

ional? He had looked up at her windows; did he seek her, or did he only notice the wild noise issuing from on

everal days she had each morning found a

nvelope, in which was a card containing a verse. Such forbidden goods in a girls' school, and to be sent to her, the mistr

reminiscences of their conversations in some of the verses. Had he not spoken of th

ee darling

ght of lif

ven is in

s in th'

smile and

ome and bid

ce in the melody of these lines; but why did he not c

den had been in India, the exotic colouring of the lines pos

f Hindoo

n the lot

anted it

dess' ma

thou my g

be enchan

ines was not incomprehensible; they were from Blanden. They must hav

otus shed

t in lov

astle of

your godde

e lotus-flower bloomed, but could he know how he should be received? He must show some regard for the mistress' character, upon which her existence depends. He had

vourite weapon, a pink note--an anonymous pink note! He was discreet, she might trust him, there was nothing remarkable about a chance

n his eyes, a single pregnant word--and th

a lady begs for your advice and help," also

support since her brother-in-law's departure, had she not ev

o treat her like a little girl, and not as the principal of the school. Blanden should advise her how she was to behave to the doctor,

oilette in keeping with her correspondence, Dr. Sperner was announced again.

speak to me,

s later, I begged

y extends over lectures and consultations, not the entire

insinuations me

to plunder our mental labour, it may be endured from an owner of capital, s

upon two points which I wish to see altered; y

owed with a

back one spiral curl that fell over her face, "the themes which you give to the pupils are totally unsuitable, just so the theme for

life in an independent manner, and, above all, to treat them with tact. Besides, I avoid themes which lead to commonplaces, and which have already been written upon h

Doctor, to be placed o

xcepting on one point, nam

ch susceptibility, however, is a superfl

th be, who possessed no susc

treat as clerical errors, which you do not count, which you do not put down in the margin or add up. Thus Iduna always receives a good notice. And yet that girl brought forward the unutterable nonsense that Egmont did not marry Kl?rchen because it would have been inconvenient, an

e must encourage it. On the other hand, it is a master's duty to eradicate

is not her inferior as to voluptuous form

o with my profession and your establishment. It is thoroughly feminine

arding school they are ill-weeds, wh

ot belong to your duties as principal, althoug

s which you make

ot love such phlegmatic contented natures. I love what is fin

o them any longer; I must leave you. But yet, I must request better theme

ur fur instead of your cloak, Fr?ulein! It is bittterly cold, as the sentries say in 'Hamlet,' before they see the ghost. Can I assist you? That pink bonnet

, and at the superior tone which he assumed, but she was still more angry with herself that she had not been able to keep him wit

ctioner's shop, and waited eagerl

recognised Lori, and went towards her; she thought it advisable at once to acknowledge her authorship of the note. Blanden seated himself beside her, and listened absently to her communications. The less Lori really had to say, the longer she spun it out: she began with their meeting at the sea-side,

ldhood and youth. Blanden's eyes became more and more concealed beneath the

e could not fathom the impression which her words made upon him, because this was the principal object of the meeting. She hardly

er way through the world; she had bought the school, but now stood there quite isolated, helple

s him," said Blanden,

ht something of in society. In such an establishment one has not only to think of the daughters, but also of the m

isten to seriou

to the head of the school; as a cypher, to which some small capital has put a figure before it. If he kn

hall always fulfil that duty. If the young Doctor should be guilty of anything in th

rested with such confiding trust upon the knight, who vowed his service

e her research as to whether the knigh

n?" asked she, assuming a most significant air, a

nter mostly in the to

he denies his flowers, but has he, like

did not originate from him st

, amongst the lotus-flowers, may, indee

anden, who was so impolite as to lo

er eyes like her sister Ophelia, for which, however, she had not t

tus flowers, nor gods, nor bayaderes. The lotus flowers are of as beautiful a pink as your bonnet, Fr?u

had plenty of time for reflection, because immediately after Blanden politel

n mistaken? Did the castles of Kulmitten and Rositten belong to those in the air? or was he only teasing her? Did

s. One gigantic sheet was suddenly lowered, and behind it appeared the moustache of Dr. Sperner, who greet

culation of her understanding, and after mature consideration, she was obliged to acknowledge a defeat, which

unes, dear,

d to my l

not Idu

ve but y

eacher cast his mask aside. In her own establishment

e give hi

to speak about these love poems, so opposed to all r

d corrections. Lori rewarded Dr. Spe

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