nd cannot loosen themselves; only now and again one little atom flutters down, or has the icy north wind, which here and there sweeps up a looser snow field, wafted it down from the
ice palace and surrounded herself unapproachably, as
be enjoyed a
sleighs fly forward in long rows, the skaters rush in the direction of the north wind which brings them the icy cold greeting from the Baltic
ght of love. With what gladsomeness he pushes the sleigh before him; within it sits, buried beneath furs,
tears of joy which he shed he should not be surprised! Olga had never been more affable towards him than to-day, and when he dared to speak of the sleighing privileges, she smiled. No, it is no smile which refuses--he understands it well! The first kiss in prospect,-
much more favourable impression in Masuren than C?cilie; she was not so superior, so clever: she talked with zest of everything that can interest a country young lady and a country "Junker"--and above all,
en, and he was very happy that he should be envied. Such a thing had never befallen him before, it was quite a novel sensation for him. Milbe declared that every ombre player might wish for such a spadille, and Oberamtmann Werner held a conversation with her about his different varieties of wool causing him to entertain deep respect for h
, meanwhile, had also returned to the town, Wegen appeared frequently in Frau von Dornau's modest dwelling, and was a
ture merely displayed the one, but very important, difference that Olga was seated upon the sofa instead of C?cilie. The recollection of the figure in the cotillon, changez les dames, could not be got rid of in those apartments in which he had first avancé to
ore slowly. Dr. Kuhl rushed past him pushing C?cilie, as did Fra
e first-class! On Dr. Sperner's moustache, her cavalier, hung melancholy icicles, behind her came the slender girls of the first-class, mostly driven b
eways over lumpy hillocks of snow, which had been heaped up on the river, and then stop
e we?" said Olga's voice, su
lost my way," cried Wegen, havi
raised herself up in the sleigh to s
her; the north wind kissed her fur sleeves, and even if the fur cap surrounded her face enviously, so that but li
blew icily into his face. And yet his state of mind was that of Romeo, when he looked up in the Capulet's gar
d senses a sleigh conductor could hardly wander from the proper course. For a moment she actually looked searchingly at Wegen, wh
re alone, hear then, dear Olga, hear wha
les of snow and whirled them about so that Romeo and Ju
e you,
t she was not prepared for a declaration of love with the thermometer so low. Wegen waited for the result, w
, "after C?cilie--but you know it? Why waste so many words? My breath freezes
f her muff and extended
ar friend? And h
are und
was base
d not have failed me, but to be able to
tion mingled with a shiver, called forth by the low tem
rself that it is a favourable moment. I do not mean the weather, but that we are alone, quite alone. I will make you happy--we have little time, I do not mean for your happiness
onsider i
my circumstances, they are affluent, my people approve of my choice. Your mamma had already given her consent when I proposed to C?cilie, and, of cou
her muff. Wegen pressed a glowing kiss upon her lips, the
r over the mirror-like surface of life, as we do over the ice? I p
of her fur hood, into whi
and folded him to herself, and heart would have beaten glowingly against
the smooth course, and now they went impetuously towards the in
Olga. A mother always understands such things, even although the where and how may remain a riddle to her, and while the waiter brought the negus ordered by Wegen and all fe
d rapidly, like quicksilver, amongst those present. A betrothed! Fr?ulein Baute's entire school becomes excited. A lover--for the first-class in a girl's school, that is the lof
another, glided past the chair in or
on the piano--and that is always the beginning. But he appears to have made a mistake then; this Olga is the right major chord. Upon the whole, I consider such feeling about rather tactless. Herr von Wegen is no
knew how, by ringing laughter, to do honour to the schoolmistress
he stroked his moustache complacentl
pon Dr. Kuhl's heart, then every unhappy creditor, or much rather fe
and how a young lady
priety requires it, noth
bow was scarcely returned by Lori, while Doctor Sperner looked defiantl
lie addressed her, and was so chary of her words, that her friends looked anxiously at her as if she had been suddenly taken ill, because only shortly before she had gathered together the sluices of her eloquence, to pour out an overwhelming flood of language. Even Minna, who was still unmarried, and in spite of that fact had forfeited none of her good nature--fat Min
old acquaintances. Not more cheering was the familiar and impudent greeting of gifted Salomon, who, seated with a few friends over a large bo
tes I now ha
ear am onc
s whose hu
whose colo
to defend herself from th
d him. It filled him with extreme dissatisfaction, it was as if his beloved were running the gauntlet, and with such irritatin
?cilie, "I have som
o circulation amongst us. Let us sit down here at this table behind the stove, there we shall at least not see these bald heads, which
Olga has engaged hers
the table wi
with dice, and cannot count, and with the most innocent face he gets up one affair after another. First he pr
ll blame h
wrinkles upon us makes everything worse! Whether to-day I love two girls at once, or to-day the one, and to-morrow the other, is really no very great difference!
kindly they greet Olga
hlessness to our alliance, now it is bro
ng? She lo
not pos
honest, and
erhaps lov
o? bountiful natures
rld, must at least appear like a Don Quixote, even to himself; at least, they all look upon his h
upon the table with her fingers, and looked inquir
which pass no sleepless nights in consequence. For me she was refreshing, because for the mentally intoxicated, and those who are tired of roving, who wander through heaven and earth, there is n
said timidly, "I did not know
you complete one another in a harmo
fy one whole life, I hear the reply and repeat it with pride. I alone will have you, for I feel the power within me quite alone to make you happy; for every effort,
stirred by the beautiful enthu
wn feelings, but in full consciousness I took martyrdom upon me, I bore the contempt of the world, not from the conviction that your audacious opinion was right, but wit
on Kuhl's brow, he stru
s one's heart--and many scalding tears have I shed, and even now they come agai
nds Kuhl sprang up from the table, as thou
ings cannot be touched; they only keep watch in the air, they are only written on countenances, in gestures--and not men accustomed to ba
e, and yet that duel has given me much to think about. He offered up his life for his beloved one's good name. I cannot, I must not, look on and see them insult you. Blanden has often al
and with clasped hands l
ter self, faith towards truth. Yes, at this moment I appear like a traitor in my own eyes, whose hand shall be cut off, but I am weak, I will be weak out of love for you. They shall not think lightly of you, they shall not, although I despise th
lie sank into his arms, the stove conce
th the slipper. But now they shall have it in black and white, lithographed, engraved!--what do I care? And in all newspapers it shall be stated, so that you shall be purified, my child, with printer's ink! Go, hasten, whisper it to your sister, cry it through the room, they shall respect you
after all, caught in the purple silk, and the cursed song of the bridesmaids' wreath buzzes in my ears! By
r to bring them the glad tidings. Frau von Dorna
" added she, "we became engaged out in the snow and
behind the blazing stove. It is a tale of extremes! It is to be hoped
table; he wore the air of a culprit, who is led to execution. W
e Baron, "suum cuique! One m
lied Kuhl, "we have nothing
dear Fr?ulein?" The Kanzleir?thin came in her red shawl with her fat daughter Minna; both were affected, as was natural, under the circumstances. Minna had already wished happines
with what a fine thread these marionettes can be guided!
have mercy on them! Courage is needed to marry Dr. Kuhl. Witho
ced in the most cheerful mood, which, however, soon ce
Kuhl, "but it is done more comfortably there with th